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30 Mantras For Burning Sage: Affirmations When Smoke Cleansing

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Smoke cleansing, also known as smudging, is a common practice in eclectic witchcraft and is used to clear negative energy and promote positive energy. The act of burning sage and other herbs is believed to cleanse the energy field and promote a sense of peace and well-being. This practice is steeped in tradition, with roots in Native American and other ancient cultures, and is still widely used today for its many benefits.

Mantras and affirmations can add a deeper level of intention and spirituality to the smoke cleansing ceremony. These words, repeated or sung, can help to clear stagnant energy and negative thoughts, and promote positive energy, mental clarity, and peace. Mantras and affirmations can come from a variety of religious traditions, including Buddhism. The concept of mantras is similar across these traditions, with functional similarities as a tool for personal growth and transformation.

Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or new to the experience of reality, smoke cleansing can be a powerful tool for cleansing your body, mind, and spirit. To maximize the benefits of this sacred act, it is important to approach the process with respect for the plant people and the ancestors who first discovered the power of sage and other sacred plants. Whether used for daily prayers or for a specific purpose, smoke cleansing can be a meaningful and transformative experience, and the mantras and affirmations you use can enhance your connection to the divine and to the world around you.

A Note About Cultural Appropriation And Ethical Harvesting

It is important to note that smudging is considered a closed practice in some Native American cultures and is only performed by certain individuals within the community. If you choose to engage in the practice of smoke cleansing, it is important to be mindful of cultural appropriation and to approach the practice with respect and reverence.

Additionally, it is important to source your sage and other herbs ethically. Do not engage in wildcrafting, as this can have detrimental effects on the environment and the plant populations. Instead, purchase your herbs from a reputable source that adheres to ethical and sustainable harvesting practices.

By being mindful of cultural appropriation and ethical harvesting, you can ensure that your smoke cleansing practice is in line with your intentions for positive energy, compassion, and respect for all living beings.

It’s also important to note that smoke cleansing is not safe for all individuals, especially babies and pets such as birds who have sensitive respiratory systems. The smoke and fumes from sage burning can cause irritation and harm to their health. It’s recommended to keep babies and pets away from the smoke and to avoid using smoke cleansing in their presence. If you have concerns about the effects of smoke cleansing, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional before trying it.

person holding white incense

30 Mantras And Affirmations To Use While Smoke Cleansing

  1. “I release all negativity and welcome positive energy.”
  2. “I am surrounded by love and light.”
  3. “I am protected and guided by a higher power.”
  4. “I am filled with peace and calm.”
  5. “I am worthy of love and happiness.”
  6. “My mind, body, and spirit are in harmony.”
  7. “I am strong and capable.”
  8. “I let go of all fears and doubts.”
  9. “I am grateful for all that I have.”
  10. “I am open to abundance and prosperity.”
  11. “I am worthy of success and prosperity.”
  12. “I am surrounded by positive energy and love.”
  13. “I am surrounded by good health and happiness.”
  14. “I release all stagnant energy and embrace growth.”
  15. “I am filled with joy and playfulness.”
  16. “I am at peace with myself and others.”
  17. “I am filled with hope and positivity.”
  18. “I am filled with knowledge and strength.”
  19. “I am filled with compassion and understanding.”
  20. “I am filled with creativity and inspiration.”
  21. “I am filled with introspection and rest.”
  22. “I am filled with love and light.”
  23. “I am responsible for my own happiness.”
  24. “I am responsible for my own growth and development.”
  25. “I am responsible for my own well-being.”
  26. “I am surrounded by positive and supportive relationships.”
  27. “I am in tune with my body, mind, and spirit.”
  28. “I am grateful for this moment and all moments to come.”
  29. “I am at peace with my experiences and my reality.”
  30. “I am filled with gratitude and blessings.”

What You Need For Smoke Cleansing

For smoke cleansing, you will need:

  • White Sage or another type of sage, or a sage smudge stick
  • A lighter or match
  • A heatproof dish or abalone shell to hold the burning sage
  • A feather or fan to help spread the smoke
  • Optional: Palo Santo or other herbs to add to the sage (be mindful of cultural appropriation)

It is important to use high-quality sage that has been ethically harvested. This will ensure that the sage is potent and will effectively cleanse your space, body, and mind. When choosing a sage smudge stick, look for one that is tightly bound and has a good amount of leaves and flowers. The more fragrant the sage, the more effective it will be for cleansing.

Having a heatproof dish or abalone shell to hold the burning sage is important for safety purposes. The dish will catch any ashes that may fall from the sage, and the abalone shell will also symbolize the ocean, connecting you to the elements of water, which is associated with cleansing and purification.

A feather or fan can be used to help spread the smoke around your space, body, or objects. This allows you to reach all areas and fully cleanse your space. A fan or feather can also be used to help extinguish the sage after you have finished your smoke cleansing ritual.

shallow focus photography of lighted incense

The Smoke Cleansing Process

The smoke cleansing process is simple and straightforward. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Light the sage: Light the sage using a lighter or match and allow it to catch fire. Quickly blow out the flame so that the sage begins to smolder and produce smoke.
  2. Hold the sage in a heatproof dish or abalone shell: Place the smoldering sage in a heatproof dish or abalone shell. This will help to catch any ashes that may fall and will also symbolize the ocean, connecting you to the elements of water, which is associated with cleansing and purification.
  3. Fan or wave the smoke: Use a feather or fan to wave the smoke around your space, body, or objects. Make sure to reach all areas, especially any corners or crevices, as this is where negative energy may be trapped.
  4. Repeat your mantra or affirmation: As you wave the smoke, repeat your chosen mantra or affirmation. This will help to reinforce your intention and will also create a strong connection between your thoughts and the smoke cleansing process.
  5. Finish the cleansing: Once you have fully cleansed your space, body, or objects, allow the sage to burn out completely or extinguish it by smothering it in the heatproof dish or abalone shell.

It’s important to approach smoke cleansing with a respectful and intentional mindset. Remember, this is a sacred act and you are inviting positive energy into your space, body, and mind while releasing negative energy. By treating the sage and smoke with respect, you are showing gratitude for the plant people and for the ancestors who have passed down this ancient ceremony.

Tips For Successful Smoke Cleansing

Here are some tips to ensure a successful smoke cleansing experience:

  1. Open windows and curtains: Open windows and curtains to allow fresh air to circulate and to help clear out any negativity.
  2. Focus on your intention: Set a clear intention for your smoke cleansing. Whether you want to clear negativity, increase creativity, bring joy and playfulness, or simply bless your space, focus on your intention throughout the process.
  3. Repeat regularly: Repeat the smoke cleansing process regularly, especially if you feel like your space or body is holding onto negativity or stagnant energy.
  4. Clean up after: Clean up any ashes or smudge sticks after your smoke cleansing is complete. This helps to show respect for the plant people and also helps to clear out any lingering negativity.
  5. Avoid wildcrafting sage: Do not engage in wildcrafting sage or other sacred plants. Instead, purchase your sage from a reputable source that practices ethical harvesting.
  6. Include other elements: You can enhance your smoke cleansing experience by including other elements such as crystals, candles, or incense. Just be sure to always respect the plants and elements you are using.
  7. Create a relaxing atmosphere: Create a relaxing and calming atmosphere by playing soft music or lighting candles. This will help you to connect with the smoke cleansing process and to release any negativity with ease.

When To Use Smoke To Cleanse People, Places, And Objects

  1. Before moving into a new home or office: Before moving into a new space, it is recommended to cleanse the space with sage smoke to clear out any negative energy that may have been left behind by previous occupants.
  2. After a negative or stressful event: If you’ve experienced a negative or stressful event, you may benefit from a smoke cleansing to help release any negative energy and to bring a sense of peace and calm.
  3. After an argument or conflict: If you’ve had an argument or conflict with someone, a smoke cleansing can help to clear out any negative energy and to bring a sense of peace and resolution.
  4. Before and after rituals or ceremonies: Many people choose to smoke cleanse before and after rituals or ceremonies to help clear out any negativity and to set a positive and sacred space.
  5. To increase creativity and joy: If you’re feeling stuck or in need of a creative boost, a smoke cleansing can help to clear out any negativity and to bring a sense of playfulness and joy.
  6. To clear stagnant energy: If you’re feeling like your space or body is holding onto negativity or stagnant energy, a smoke cleansing can help to clear out that energy and to bring a sense of freshness and renewal.
  7. To bless your space and objects: If you want to bring a sense of positivity and blessings to your space or objects, a smoke cleansing can help to clear out any negativity and to bless the space or object with positive energy.

Remember, smoke cleansing can be done as often as needed and can be tailored to your specific needs and intentions. Whether you’re looking to clear out negativity or to bless your space and objects, smoke cleansing is a powerful tool that can help to bring a sense of peace, positivity, and clarity to your life.

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