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Crystals For Lughnasadh: Harvest Season Manifestations

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August first is known as Lughnasadh or Lammas. This is a time of celebration for many pagan and Wiccan people. It marks the beginning of the harvest season. It is the mid-point between the longest days of summer and the shortest days of winter. In Celtic tradition it was the time when crops were harvested and stored for the coming year.

Lugnasadh, also called Lammas Day, is an annual festival celebrated on August 1 by some pagans and neopagans. It celebrates the midpoint between summer and fall. Some sources claim that the date commemorates the death of Lugh, a legendary king of Ireland who died in battle against the Fomorians. Others suggest that the festival originated during the Middle Ages to celebrate the start of the harvest season.

The holiday may be associated with Lugh, a Celtic deity of light and fertility. Many modern practitioners of Paganism use this day to celebrate the end of Summer Solstice celebrations and the beginning of Autumn Equinox celebrations.

Many Pagans celebrate Lugnasad with rituals such as making a corn dolly, baking loaves of bread, eating delicious ripe corn and other seasonal fruits and vegetables, and learning more about the seasonal cycles of sun and moon.

This is also a time to prepare for the winter months and start banishing the negative energy that can build up as the days grow colder and the nights longer.

What Is A Cross-Quarter Day?

Cross quarter days are midpoints between equinoxes and solstices. They are Gaelic holidays, and Lughnasadh is the third of the cross-quarter days. Lammas is the day between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox.

How To Celebrate Lughnasadh

Celebrate the midpoint between summer solstice and autumn equinox with a ritual honoring the Celtic God Lugh. He is the Lord of Light and is often depicted riding a white horse across the sky. His symbol is a five pointed star.

This pagan festival can include a procession, singing, dancing, feasting, and sharing stories. You can make your own Lughnasadh altar by using a simple pine tree branch as a base, then adding candles, herbs, crystals, and stones.

You could also decorate a pumpkin and carve out a face to represent Lugh. Or you could create a corn dolly from corn husks and straws. Now is the time to celebrate the future harvest, and burn sacred flames to metaphysically help them grow stronger and more abundant.

Following the natural cycles of the seasons, we should enjoy the bounty of nature now before the cold weather sets in. As the days get shorter and the nights become longer, we should take advantage of our last chance to soak up the warmth of the sun.

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The Power of Crystal Energy

During Lughnasadh, crystals with the deepest orange are most appropriate. Your choice of crystal will depend upon what you wish to manifest. Orange colored crystals have been used throughout history to bring prosperity and abundance into one’s life.

Orange is the color of fire, so it is a good representation of the Sun at this time of year. The Sun is the source of all life and growth.

To tap into that deep solar energy, a crystal like carnelian or smoky quartz would work well. These crystals are known for their ability to absorb sunlight and store its energy within themselves. This allows us to harness the power of the Sun and channel it through our bodies.

Carnelian is especially useful when working with money and business matters. Carnelian has long been used to attract wealth and prosperity. Smoky Quartz works well for psychic development and spiritual growth.

Crystal Healing During Lughnasadh

Use crystals to cleanse yourself of negativity and blockages. Crystals are powerful tools that allow us to direct our thoughts toward healing ourselves.

Use these crystals to clear away any emotional baggage that may be holding you back. If you feel stuck or blocked, use a crystal to release those feelings.

If you are feeling depressed or anxious during this holiday season, try wearing an obsidian on your wrist or carrying around a piece of jasper to help lift your spirits.

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Using Lughnasadh Crystals In The Garden For Your Future Harvest

At Lughnasadh, I like to take some of my crystals and place them near plants mindfully. It’s my hope that the energy of the crystals will flow into the soil and feed the plants.

I’ll sometimes put a piece of smoky quartz next to a plant if I want to encourage it to grow bigger. Likewise, a sunstone near sunflowers always seems to make my plants grow bigger and give more seeds.

Crystals For Lughnasadh

The crystals listed below are very popular when following the natural cycles of the sun. I like to use natural crystals when I can, but synthetic ones are totally acceptable too!

kans grass under cloudy sky
Photo by Raine Nectar on

Botswana Agate

This crystal is associated with the element of air. It helps us to think clearly and focus our attention. Botswana Agate is excellent for meditation and contemplation. It is known as a comfort stone, used to help ease issues like depression and anxiety.

Also known as the sunset stone, it retains sunlight and acts as a beacon of hope in darkness.

If you get a Botswana Agate with an eye formation, it is considered lucky and will protect you from the Evil Eye and bring luck in gambling.

Magical properties:

Agates are great for divination and dream interpretation. They also aid in communication and relationships.

Air, Communication, Dreams, Luck, Love, Money, Protection, Relationships, Travel, Wisdom. Mental health healing. Hope. Protection from evil.

Chakra correspondences:

The base chakra

Deity correspondences: 

Bona Dea, Gaia, Cerridwen, Nyx, Clota, Callisto, Chirakan-Ixmucane, Dione, Itzpapaloti, Jana.


Obsidian is associated with the element fire. Obsidian absorbs negative energies and protects against harm. It is said to have protective powers and is good for self-defense.

It is also used to purify and ground oneself. It can help calm fears and anxieties.

When we wear an obsidian pendant, it brings protection and strength. It helps us to overcome obstacles and challenges.

Magical properties: 

Obsidian is a grounding stone. It helps us to connect with the earth and nature. It is helpful for meditation and relaxation.

Grounding, protection, purification, calming, grounding, fear management, courage, strength, confidence, self-empowerment, peace, serenity, mental clarity, focus, concentration, willpower, determination, perseverance, endurance, patience, wisdom, knowledge, learning, memory, insight, intuition, creativity, inspiration, motivation, passion, love, lust, desire, libido, sexual energy, vitality.

Chakra correspondences:

Root chakra.

Deity correspondences: 

Athtar, Artemis, Diana, Eris, Freya, Hecate, Hera, Hestia, Isis, Juno, Kuan Yin, Luna, Persephone, Rhea, Selene, Venus.

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Photo by Alina Vilchenko on


Carnelian is associated with the element fire. Carnelian is used to attract money, abundance, prosperity, and success. It is also said to increase psychic abilities.

Carnelians are believed to be the stones most connected to the goddesses. They are said to be especially useful for women who wish to attract wealth or power.

They are also said to promote fertility and enhance sexuality.

Magical properties: 

Carnelian has been called the “Stone of Wealth” because it attracts money and financial blessings. Carnelian helps us to manifest our desires and makes us feel powerful and confident.

Abundant, Success, Prosperity, Power, Fertility, Sexual Energy, Abundance, Attraction, Prosperity, Money, Sex, Passion, Desire, Libido, Lust, Intuition, Psychic Ability.

Chakra correspondences: 

Solar Plexus

Deity correspondences: 

Artemis, Aphrodite, Athena, Demeter, Dionysos, Freya, Hathor, Inanna, Ishtar, Kali, Lakshmi, Maat, Nefertiti, Persephone, Proserpine, Sakhmet, Sekhmet, Venus.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is associated with the element air. Smoky Quartz is said to bring luck and happiness. It is also used to attract love and romance.

Smoky Quartz is known as a stone that promotes harmony and balance. It is said to help one find inner peace.

Smoky Quartz helps us to release old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us. It helps us to let go of past hurts and disappointments.

Magical properties: 

Smoky Quartz is said to be a stone of transformation. It helps us to make changes in our lives. It aids in releasing negativity and bringing about positive change.

Harmonizing, Balance, Harmony, Peace, Inner Peace, Self-Empowerment, Release, Letting Go, Transformation, Healing, Love, Romance, Luck, Happiness, Good Fortune, Prosperity, Health, Recovery, Strength, Courage, Confidence, Faith, Trust, Wisdom, Knowledge, Learning, Memory, Insight, Intuition, Creativity, Inspiration, Motivation, Passion, Desire, Love, Libido, Lust.

Chakra correspondences: 

Heart Chakra

Deity correspondences: 

Brahma, Buddha, Christ, Krishna, Lono, Shiva, Vishnu, Yama, Zeus.

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Photo by Dids on

Red Tiger’s Eye

Red Tiger’s Eye is associated with the element fire. Red Tiger’s Eyes are said to protect against negative influences and encourage good fortune.

Red Tiger’s Eyes are said have an ability to remove obstacles from our path. They can help us overcome fears and anxieties.

Red Tiger’s eyes aid us in finding solutions to problems. They help us to overcome challenges and move forward.

Magical properties: 

Red Tiger’s eye is said to be a protective stone. It protects us from harm and evil forces. It encourages us to take action when we need to.

Protection, Courage, Confidence.

Chakra correspondences: 

Third Eye Chakra

Deity correspondences: 

Dionysos, Eros, Hermes, Kuan Yin, Mercury, Odin, Poseidon, Thetis, Thor, Tiwaz, Vesta, Vulcan, Zeus.


These natural crystals hold solar energy and honor the mother phase of earth. Jasper is associated with the element water. Jasper is said to promote clarity and mental focus.

Jasper is said to strengthen intuition and psychic abilities. It helps us to develop self confidence.

Jasper is believed to improve memory and concentration. It enhances creativity and imagination.

Magical properties: 

Jasper is said have many healing powers. It is said to relieve stress and anxiety. It is said to increase spirituality and meditation.

It is said to help us to achieve success in all areas of life. It brings prosperity and abundance into our lives.

Healing, Clarity, Focus, Concentration, Meditation, Spiritual Awareness, Mental Clarity, Creative Imagination, Intuition, Dreams, Dreaming, Destiny.

Chakra correspondences: 

Solar Plexus Chakra

Deity correspondences: 

Aphrodite, Artemis, Apollo, Athena, Demeter, Dionysos, Eros (Cupid), Hestia, Isis, Jupiter, Kali, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Persephone, Pluto, Saturn, Selene, Venus, Vesta, Zephyr.

close up shot of assorted crystals on clear glass bowls
Photo by Madison Inouye on


During the harvest festival, this crystal will bring you closer to nature. Moonstones are said to enhance your connection with the moon.

Moonstones are said to provide protection for those who work outdoors during the harvest season.

Moonstones are known as a stone of love and romance. It promotes harmony and balance within relationships.

Magical properties: 

Moonstone is said to be a powerful healer. It can help us to overcome emotional pain and grief. Moonstone is said help us to release anger and resentment. It calms us down and soothes our emotions. Moonstone is believed to attract money and wealth. It is said to bring happiness and joy.

Love, Harmony, Balance, Emotional Healing, Money, Prosperity, Happiness, Peaceful Relationships, Romance, Sexual Energy, Solace, Spirituality, Self Love, Soothing, Calmness, Releasing Anger, Resentment, Grief.

Chakra correspondences: 

Sacral Chakra

Deity correspondences: 

Artemis, Aphrodite, Apollo, Asclepius, Asklepios, Astarte, Athene, Diana, Hecate, Hera, Isis, Juno, Luna, Ma’at, Medusa, Minerva, Nereids, Nike, Persephone, Psyche, Rhea, Selene, Venus.


This crystal is often used to protect against negative energies. Citrine is said to encourage positive thinking and optimism.

Citrine is said to help us make wise decisions. It helps us to keep our cool under pressure.

Citrine helps us to stay focused and motivated. It helps us to get things done quickly.

Magical properties: 

Citrine is known as a great protector. It is said to help us deal with negativity. It is said to boost our immune system.

Citrine strengthens willpower and improves decision making skills. It helps us to overcome obstacles.

Citrine increases motivation and ambition. It helps us to succeed at school or college.

Health, Career, Success, Motivation, Willpower, Decision Making, Boost Immunity, Overcoming Obstacles, School/College, Health, Wealth, Luck, Fortune.

Chakra correspondences: 

Heart Chakra

Deity correspondences: 

Sol, Mithra, Freya, Thor, Odin, Zeus, Hermes, Hades, Poseidon, Ares, Apollo, Hercules, Hephaistos, Pan, Artemis, Aphrodite, Athena, Cybele, Uranos, Vulcan.

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Photo by Mikhail Nilov on

Moss Agate

This stone is associated with healing, fertility, abundance, prosperity, and growth. Moss agates are said to increase psychic abilities. They are also said to improve memory and concentration.

Moss agates are said to promote self-confidence. They are said to aid in finding answers to problems.

They are said to increase spirituality and intuition. They are said to help us connect with other people on an energetic level.

Magical properties: 

Moss agates have been used throughout history to treat depression, anxiety, and stress. They are said to improve mental clarity and focus.

Moss agate is said to strengthen the mind and body. It is said to promote creativity and imagination.

It is said to help us find solutions to problems. It is said to enhance communication skills.

Healing, Fertility, Abundance, Growth, Psychic Abilities, Mental Clarity, Concentration, Creativity, Communication Skills, Problem Solving, Spiritual Awareness.

Chakra correspondences: 

Solar Plexus Chakra

Deity correspondences: 

Bona Dea, Aurora, Gaia, Cerridwen, Nyx, Clota, Callisto, Jana, Dione.


Peridot is said to be a powerful healer. It is said to attract love and wealth. Peridot is said to bring good luck and happiness.

Peridot is thought to help us become more open minded. It is said to improve relationships.

Peridot has been used for thousands of years to heal emotional wounds. It is said to clear out old emotions that may be holding you back from your true potential.

Magical properties: 

Peridot is used to cleanse the aura. It is said to remove bad energy from the body. It is said it can help us to release past hurts.

Peridot cleanses the chakras. It is said to balance all seven chakras. It helps us to develop spiritual awareness.

Peridot helps us to manifest our dreams into reality. It helps us to achieve success in business, education, career, and life in general.

Health, Healing, Love, Prosperity, Happiness, Relationships, Cleansing, Chakras, Dreams, Manifestation, Success, Career, Life.

Chakra correspondences: 

Heart chakra

Deity correspondences: 

Lakshmi, Pax, Nisaba, Pele, Persephone.

a peridot hanging
Photo by Connor Martin on


Sunstones are said to amplify our natural power. They are said to give us confidence and courage. Sunstones are said to help us overcome obstacles. Sunstones are said help us to get what we want. They are said to bring peace and harmony.

Sunstones help us to see things clearly. They are said to assist us in making decisions.

Sunstones are known as a great protection against evil. They are said to protect us from harm.

Magical properties: 

Sunstone is said to boost our immune system. It is said to protect us from negative energies.

Sunstone is said it boosts our willpower. It is said to help us stay focused.

Sunstone is believed to stimulate our creative thinking. It is said to encourage us to follow our heart.

Sunstone helps us to feel confident about ourselves. It is said to make us more positive.

Health, Protection, Confidence, Courage, Willpower, Focus, Decisions, Positive Thinking, Self Esteem, Creativity, Inspiration, Intuition, Faith.

Chakra correspondences: 

Crown chakra

Deity correspondences: 

Cerridwen, Hekate, Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite, Diana, Demeter, Persephone, Juno, Selene, Luna, Hestia, Sol, Mithra, Venus.


Wulfenite is said to help us to focus on our goals. It is said to strengthen our will power. It is said to increase our psychic abilities.

Wulfenite crystals are said to help us to communicate with others. It is said they help us to build strong friendships.

Wulfenite is said to help us work through issues that have been bothering us. It is said to aid us in overcoming fears.

Magical properties: 

Wulfenite increases concentration. It is said to sharpen mental clarity.

This crystal is said to help us overcome depression. It is said to relieve stress.

Wulfenite is said to help us solve problems. It is said to improve communication skills.

Health, Concentration, Stress, Depression, Communication, Mental Clarity, Overcoming Fears, Problem Solving.

Chakra correspondences: 

Third Eye Chakra

Deity correspondences: 

Artemis, Apollo, Hermes, Cernunnos, Puphluns.

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Orange Aventurine

Aventurines are said to be good for meditation. They are said to help us concentrate. Orange aventurine is said to help us find solutions to problems.

It is said to help us understand our emotions better. It is said to enhance our intuition.

Orange aventurine is known to increase our creativity. It is said to allow us to think outside the box.

Orange aventurine is said to help us deal with anger. It is said to calm us down when we are stressed out.

Magical properties: 

Orange aventurines are said help us to relax. It is said to reduce stress.

Orange aventurine is said to help us express ourselves. It is said it allows us to open up.

Orange aventurine is said to help us become more optimistic. It is said to raise our self esteem.

Health, Meditation, Concentration, Emotions, Intuition, Creativity, Insight, Anger Management.

Chakra correspondences: 

Throat Chakra

Deity correspondences: 

Eos, Aurora, Amaterasu, Artemis, Zeus, Odin, Freya, Isis, Hathor, Inanna, Ishtar, Quan Yin, Mary Magdalene.

Bumble Bee Jasper

Bumble Bee Jasper is a sunshine yellow crystal with orange and black stripes. It’s a cheerful stone that invigorates the senses and adds clarity to your life. 

As a crystal associated with Hermes, it enhances our ability to communicate effectively and without toxic habits interfering.

It can also bring balance to relationships by helping you to see things from another person’s perspective.

Jasper is said to help us connect with our inner child. It is said to help us release pent-up feelings.

Magical properties: 

Jasper helps us to feel happier. It is said to boost our confidence.

Jasper is known to help us to get rid of negative energy. It is said to clear blockages in our aura.

Jasper is thought to help us to heal emotional wounds. It is said to assist us in releasing past hurts.

Health, Happiness, Confidence, Healing, Release, Past Hurt.

Chakra correspondences: 

Heart Chakra

Deity correspondences: 

Hephaistos, Hephaestus, Vulcan, Ares, Hymen.

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Photo by Castorly Stock on


Amber is a beautiful golden brown color. Amber is said to protect against negativity. It is said to attract positive energies into your life.

Amber is said to help us let go of bad memories. It is said to give us strength.

Amber is thought to help us overcome addictions. It is said to strengthen our willpower.

Amber is believed to help us to heal old wounds. It is said it helps us to forgive others.

Magical properties: 

Amber is said help us to manifest our dreams. It is said to aid us in finding love.

Amber is known to help us stay grounded. It is said to keep us centered.

Amber is used to promote healing. It is said to soothe our nerves.

Health, Love, Grounding, Inner Strength, Self Esteem, Forgiveness.

Chakra correspondences: 

Solar Plexus Chakra

Deity correspondences: 

Apollo, Dionysus, Eros, Poseidon, Hades, Comus.

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