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Drawing Down the Sun

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Drawing down the sun is a mystical practice that allows individuals to tap into the sun’s energy and channel it within themselves. Unlike its counterpart, “Drawing Down the Moon,” where practitioners channel the energy of the moon and the Goddess, this ritual often involves channeling the sun’s energy and the God. The goal of the ritual is to recharge one’s spiritual energy, especially in preparation for the darker, colder months.

Drawing down the sun is best performed at noon on Midsummer’s Day, when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. However, it can be done any time the sun is shining brightly overhead. Ideally, the ritual should take place outdoors in an open, sunny area, such as a field or a garden. Practitioners gather a few simple supplies, including candles that represent the god and goddess, as well as a pillar candle symbolizing the sun. The heart of the ritual involves sitting in front of the sun candle and visualizing the sun’s radiant energy being absorbed into one’s being.

The practice of drawing down the sun has a variety of uses in magical and spiritual work. It can be employed to strengthen spells and incantations, and it is even associated with beauty spells that enhance one’s appearance. The concept of drawing energy can be applied to sources other than the sun, making it a versatile and adaptable ritual. In summary, drawing down the sun is an accessible and powerful practice that allows individuals to connect with the sun’s energy and utilize it for personal growth and magical endeavors.

Drawing Down The Sun

I’m sure you’ve heard of drawing down the Moon.

The same can be done with the Sun with a simple mirror.

Try to get a round mirror, or one that is shaped like the Sun with rays of light.

Any size will do, though obviously smaller is easier to carry.

Cleanse your mirror in preparation for this spell as well.

Cleansing your mirror will remove any energy already tied to it and leave room to take in the Sun’s radiant energy.

Do this ritual immediately after waking, or during the sunrise if you’re an early bird.

It’s important that you get the sunlight from the first 3 hours of the day.

Don’t look into the mirror until the ritual is finished, and this shouldn’t be done near anything ‘dead’ and flammable like paper or dried leaves.

On a day where there is no chance of rain, and there are no clouds visible in the sky, take your mirror outside and at least ten feet away from your house.

Tilt it so that it catches the sunlight for ten seconds.

This mirror can now be used to make any spell and incantation more powerful.

It’s also useful for beauty spells, or simply for making yourself look more lovely than before.

Should you stand looking in the mirror for more than ten hours total, it will need to be charged again, and the power will fade after ten days.

Drawing down the Sun is an easy way to pull in powerful energy to be used in spells and magick for the future.

This basic concept can be used to draw in energy from other sources, as well, with a bit of tweaking.

The Sun’s radiant energy can be an important tool for witches that want to do blessings or beauty spells, but the energy is useful for almost anything.

If you’re dealing with depression during the winter, this drawing down spell can help you to bring more positive energy into your life.

Uses and Benefits of Drawing Down the Sun

Drawing Down the Sun is a transformative practice within the realm of Wiccan magickal workings. While the practice of Drawing Down the Moon involves channeling the essence of the Goddess into oneself, Drawing Down the Sun focuses on capturing the radiant energy of the sun at its zenith. This ritual allows practitioners to internalize the sun’s energy and charge their spiritual battery, preparing them for the darker months ahead. Accessible to both seasoned witches and newcomers alike, this ritual can also be adapted for use in group settings.

Enhancing Spells and Incantations

One of the most significant benefits of Drawing Down the Sun is the enhancement of spells and incantations. The sun’s potent energy is known to amplify the effects of magickal workings, strengthening the intentions set during rituals. Practitioners may utilize the sun’s energy to increase the effectiveness of a wide range of spells, from love and protection rituals to manifestation and abundance incantations. The infusion of the sun’s energy into these workings can lead to more powerful and impactful results.

Application in Beauty Spells and Self-Enhancement

The sun’s energy is often associated with attributes such as vitality, radiance, and beauty. Drawing Down the Sun can play a pivotal role in beauty spells and self-enhancement rituals. By harnessing the sun’s vibrant energy, practitioners can promote a radiant appearance, elevate their self-confidence, and attract positive attention from others. Additionally, this practice encourages practitioners to embrace their inner beauty and self-worth, allowing their unique light to shine outwardly.

Combatting Depression and Promoting Positive Energy

The sun’s warm and invigorating energy is known for its uplifting and rejuvenating qualities. For individuals who grapple with feelings of depression or seasonal affective disorder, Calling Down the Sun can serve as a valuable practice for attracting positive energy into their lives. By recharging their spiritual battery with the sun’s energy, practitioners can alleviate feelings of sadness, fatigue, and hopelessness. The ritual serves as a source of comfort and healing, providing an inner light to navigate darker times.

Sun Magical Correspondences

Using the sun’s magical correspondences can bring positive and transformative energy into one’s life. The Sun, as a celestial body, radiates warm and stimulating energy that encourages growth, abundance, and protection. Its influence is not limited to the material world; it extends to the spiritual and psychological realms as well. Sun magic can be practiced through rituals, spells, and the use of objects that resonate with the Sun’s energy.

Sun Magic for Growth and Protection

Sun magic is versatile and can be used to manifest positive changes in various aspects of life. For instance, practitioners may use sun magic to promote the growth of their career, enhance relationships, or attract wealth and prosperity. The Sun’s bright energy is also believed to have protective qualities. As the Sun illuminates the world, it can be used in magic to dispel darkness, uncover hidden truths, and protect against deception. Additionally, Sun magic can strengthen one’s sense of self and boost confidence, making it useful for personal development and self-empowerment.

Crystals, Herbs, and Symbols

The Sun’s magical correspondences include associations with specific crystals, herbs, and symbols. For example, gold is a metal that corresponds to the Sun’s energy, symbolizing its radiance and warmth. Similarly, certain crystals and stones, such as yellow topaz, citrine, and amber, are believed to resonate with the Sun’s energy and can be used to enhance magical workings. Plants like sunflower, calendula, marigold, and rosemary are also associated with the Sun and are commonly used in incenses or potions. Symbols such as the unbroken circle with a dot in the center represent the Sun and can be used in rituals and spells.

Astrological Associations

Astrologically, the Sun is associated with the zodiac sign of Leo, which is known for its leadership qualities and strong personality. The Sun’s influence is also associated with the heart, circulatory system, and vitality. In astrology, the Sun represents the self or ego, making it an important symbol of personal identity.

Magical CorrespondencesAssociation
Crystals/StonesYellow topaz, Citrine, Amber
Plants/HerbsSunflower, Calendula, Marigold, Rosemary
IncenseCinnamon, Clove, Frankincense
SymbolsUnbroken circle with a dot in the center
Zodiac SignLeo
Body AssociationsHeart, Circulatory System

Ultimately, working with the Sun’s magical correspondences allows individuals to tap into their own inner light and harness the transformative power of this celestial body. Sun magic is a practice that can enrich one’s life and bring a sense of warmth, abundance, and clarity to the journey.


What is “drawing down the sun” in witchcraft?

“Drawing down the sun” is a ritual in which a practitioner of witchcraft invokes and channels the energy and power of the sun into themselves. It is similar to the more commonly known ritual of “drawing down the moon,” in which the energy of the moon is invoked. Drawing down the sun is often associated with solar deities and can be performed to harness the sun’s vitality, strength, and light.

How is the “calling down the sun” ritual performed?

The specifics of the ritual can vary based on the tradition or individual practice, but it generally involves invoking the sun at a specific time of day (such as dawn, noon, or dusk) and channeling its energy into oneself. Practitioners may use visualization, meditation, and spoken invocations to connect with the sun’s energy. The ritual may be performed alone or in a group and is often done at key solar events such as the solstices or equinoxes.

What is the significance of the sun in witchcraft?

The sun is considered a powerful symbol of life, growth, warmth, and illumination in witchcraft. It is often associated with masculine energy, and solar deities are revered in many cultures and traditions. Working with sun energy in witchcraft can be used for purposes such as vitality, illumination, abundance, healing, and empowerment.

Can both men and women perform the “drawing down the sun” ritual?

Yes, both men and women can perform the “drawing down the sun” ritual. While some traditions may have specific gender associations for certain roles, many modern practitioners of witchcraft believe that all individuals have the ability to connect with and channel solar energy, regardless of gender.

Is “solar witchcraft” different from “drawing down the sun”?

“Solar witchcraft” is a broader term that encompasses all practices and rituals related to the sun and solar energy in witchcraft. “Drawing down the sun” is a specific ritual within the practice of solar witchcraft. Solar witchcraft can include a variety of rituals, spells, and practices that work with the sun’s energy for different magical and spiritual purposes.

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Drawing down the sun for witchcraft and occult uses. Use a magickal mirror, you can empower it with the sun's energy to use in witch spells that work. #witchcraft #occult #pagan #wicca

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