photo of woman in a sunflower field

Litha Affirmations: 50 Powerful Ways to Cultivate Happiness This Summer

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I don’t know about you, but during Midsummer, I tend to feel a little low energy and rely on powerful affirmations. I’m sure most of us here know what I mean when I say “low energy,” right? We’re just not feeling quite our best! As we move through this month, I thought it would be nice to have a few affirmations to set myself up for happiness during this time.

For a witch, the themes of Litha are fertility, growth, warmth, and happiness. For this reason, I’ve assembled affirmations for these purposes. Affirmations for any fertility ritual, for your personal growth journey, for a healthy lifestyle, and for grateful abundance with positive thinking.

A Brief History Of Litha

The Summer Solstice sabbat is an important day for any pagan or witch. It is the time when the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky. This is when the Sun is at its most powerful. People who believe in magic use this time to make wishes come true.

Pagans believe that the power of summer fire is used to cast off evil spirits. Fire is also used to bless the village with prosperity and abundant resources. After the ceremony, the ashes are collected and stored as a charm to be used during the rest of the year.

Litha is celebrated today by modern pagans and witches differently, although usually with similar themes. Bonfires are lit up by incorporating candles and crystals representing the Sun. Some people meditate and thank the presence of sun gods and goddesses. Others may visit their local groves or forests to honor nature’s bounty.

Other aspects and correspondences of the summer solstice are sunflowers, sun, growth, health, energy, light, fire, success, white, red, yellow, orange, gold, and green.

Decorative Image | Litha Affirmations: 50 Powerful Ways to Cultivate Happiness This Summer | I don't know about you, but during Midsummer, I tend to feel a little low energy and rely on powerful affirmations. I'm sure most of us here know what I mean when I say "low energy," right? We're just not feeling quite our best! As we move through this month, I thought it would be nice to have a few affirmations to set myself up for happiness during this time.
Photo by Davide Biscuso on Unsplash

Affirmations For Fertility

Summer solstice is the perfect time to think about fertility magic. You may or may not want to start having children, but fertility is a concept that can be applied to creativity and wealth as well. Being fertile is being creative and productive. When you are fertile, you are able to produce something new and bring forth ideas into reality.

  1. I am a creator.
  2. I am fertile and abundant.
  3. All my needs are met and I receive good luck.
  4. I am a creator of life.
  5. I am growing seeds. I am creating new things. 
  6. I am able to manifest abundance and prosperity.
  7. I grow rapidly.
  8. I make new things happen in my life.
  9. I enjoy growing new things and learning new skills.
  10. I am grateful for my ability to give birth to new ideas.
Decorative Image | Litha Affirmations: 50 Powerful Ways to Cultivate Happiness This Summer | I don't know about you, but during Midsummer, I tend to feel a little low energy and rely on powerful affirmations. I'm sure most of us here know what I mean when I say "low energy," right? We're just not feeling quite our best! As we move through this month, I thought it would be nice to have a few affirmations to set myself up for happiness during this time.

Positive Affirmations For Personal Growth

Improving your life isn’t always easy. Affirmations can help us to stay focused on what matters to us and what our goals are. If you want to improve your life, try using some of these affirmations for personal growth.

  1. I put kindness first.
  2. I am doing the inner work to improve myself.
  3. I am making changes in my life.
  4. I care about others more than I thought possible.
  5. I am learning how to live a balanced life.
  6. I am living according to my values.
  7. I am growing spiritually.
  8. I am working hard to improve myself everyday.
  9. I am a living example of unconditional love.
  10. I am learning how to let go and move on. 
Catching the warm sun with my bare hands.
Photo by Daoudi Aissa on Unsplash

Affirmations For A Healthy Lifestyle

Your healthy lifestyle is the key to your well-being. You can do anything if you put your mind to it. Your body needs proper nutrition, exercise, sleep, and relaxation. If you want to improve your overall wellness, start with your physical body. 

Summer solstice is the perfect time to plan and execute new healthy choices. This is because the sun is strongest and most energizing. It is the perfect time to get started on a healthier lifestyle.

You deserve to live a happy life free from illness and disease. Start living your life to the fullest and enjoy all the benefits of good health.

  1. I eat nutritious foods daily.
  2. I drink lots of water.
  3. I enjoy being active.
  4. As I move, I feel awesome.
  5. I stay away from alcohol.
  6. I make sure I get plenty of sleep.
  7. I walk outside when I can.
  8. I live a healthy lifestyle, and I am fit.
  9. I enjoy eating healthy food.
  10. I nourish myself.
Photo by George Kashcheev on Unsplash

Affirmations For Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is one of the keys to living a happy life. When you think positively, you attract more good things into your life. You can change your thoughts from negative to positive. The Law of Attraction states that positive thinking is like a magnet attracting all kinds of good things into your life, including money, love, and success.

Here are some positive affirmations to help you create a happier, healthier, and wealthier life:

  1. I concentrate on the blessings that surround me.
  2. I feel invincible when I act with confidence.
  3. I am happy when I think about the future.
  4. I am happy about everything in my life.
  5. I trust myself completely and I know that I am a positive force.
  6. I am confident and sure about myself.
  7. I choose to live in the now and enjoy the moment.
  8. I choose to let go of negative thoughts.
  9. I love myself and I am kind to myself.
  10. I am generous to others and forgiving to myself.
white and purple flowers on green grass
Photo by Tīna Sāra on Unsplash

Affirmations For Your Solar Plexus Chakra

What is the solar plexus chakra? It is the energy center for self-esteem, confidence, willpower, and self-worth. You can think of it as your inner voice telling you how great you are. If you want more positivity in your life, then start working on strengthening your solar plexus chakra. Here are some affirmations for your solar plexus:

  1. I acknowledge that I am a wonderful person. I am deserving of loving attention and appreciation.
  2. I know that I am a special being and that others should value me.
  3. I make sure that I honor the positive aspects of my personality and that I understand my weaknesses.
  4. I take good care of myself physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically.
  5. I am confident and secure in my abilities.
  6. I love myself for who I really am, inside and out. I know that I am valuable. I know that I deserve the very best. I am special. I am unique. I am wonderful.
  7. I am confident and happy with my decisions.
  8. I know my purpose.
  9. I love myself for who I really am.
  10. I honor my inner voice.
yellow sunflowers during daytime

Why Use These Affirmations For Positive Energy

The summer solstice is a potent time for energy work, especially for opening up to the divine energies around us. These affirmations can open up, charge, and balance your solar plexus chakra as well.

If you keep your intentions strong, you will receive what you desire. You have the ability to manifest anything you wish and to focus on your personal development.

Opening your heart to divine light means opening yourself up to the power of the universe. You open up your mind to the power of the cosmos. You open up every cell in your body to the energy of the sun.

You open up your spirit to the energy of the moon. You open up your soul to the energy of the stars. You open up your entire being to the energy of the earth. You invite in the power of the universe into your life.

During the long days of summer, you want to be fully present in each moment. If you’re constantly worrying about something or stressing out over something, you won’t be able to enjoy the beauty of nature. By using these affirmations for positive energy, you’ll be able to relax, unwind, and appreciate all the good things in your life.
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