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Prayers to Hades: How to Connect with the Underworld God

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Are you looking to deepen your connection with the mysterious and powerful Greek god, Hades? Are you seeking to unlock the secrets of the underworld and gain access to hidden knowledge that can help you on your spiritual journey? If so, then this post is for you! Here, we will explore how to connect with Hades through prayer.

These modern prayers to Hades will help you to avoid betrayal, break free from the cycle of hardship and suffering, and be granted a life reborn with joy that can never be taken away. We will also explore how to honor and celebrate the divine union between Hades and Persephone, as well as how to invoke their power and love in order to open yourself up to a deeper understanding of your own inner depths. So if you are looking for a way to connect with the Lord of Shades and ruler of the Underworld, then this post is for you!

In Greek mythology, Hades is the god of the underworld and ruler of the dead. He is often portrayed as a dark and mysterious figure, but he is also known for his great wisdom and power. Hades was feared by many, but he is also a kind god to those that revere him and his divine wife.

Prayers to Hades are a practice that can help you connect with this powerful deity. Here are some of the most popular prayers to Hades that you can use to invoke his power and protection:

Hades Prayer For Safe Passage To The Astral Plane

O Mighty Hades, God of the Underworld,

Hear my plea for safe passage to the Astral Plane.

Let me journey in peace and with power sublime;

Lead me safely from here to eternity’s clime.

In thy chariot of darkness, shrouded and dim,

Shield me from shadows and befoulment grim.

Send your deathless hounds with fierce bayings loud

To protect me from all that would bring danger proud.

Grant me safe harbor along my path so long,

Keep me unmarred by the foes that are strong.

Rouse up Cerberus to his immortal guard,

That I may walk away unscathed and unmarred!

The above prayer to Hades is a powerful way to connect with the God of the Underworld and ask for his protection when journeying to the astral plane. By invoking Hades, you are asking him to provide you with safe passage and protection from any danger or shadows that may be lurking in the darkness. You can also call upon Cerberus, his three-headed hound, to guard you on your journey. With this prayer, you can be sure that your journey will be safe and successful!

person holding gray skull illustration

Hades Prayer For Protection

O mighty Hades, king of night and gloom,

Receiver of the dead and keeper of the tomb;

Grant me sure protection from all harm that lingers near,

Cast away my fears and fill me with faith instead of fear.

Defender of secrets, night-rider in obscurity,

O prince of death and custodian of eternity;

I call on thee to overlook my path in life

And protect me from danger both day and night.

For you have knowledge too great for man’s grasp

So with your favor I can begin this task.

Be present with thy staff subduing constant strife

That serves as blessed guardians through my days of life.

When you need protection, the best thing to do is call on the power of Hades! This prayer is a way to connect with the Underworld God and ask for his protection. By invoking his name and asking for his favor, you can be sure that he will be present in your life, watching over you and keeping you safe from danger. With Hades’ help, you can face any challenge with courage and strength!

Hades Prayer For Spiritual Guidance

O Dreadful Lord of Night, of Hades’ gates,

And various secrets hid in solemn state;

From whom the procession of the hours begins,

That brings to mortals aid and influence wins:

Bestow on me your mystic’s sacred eye,

To uncover truth hid ‘neath darkest sky;

In wishless dreams alone shall I not bide,

But learn profound your secret mysteries wide.

Your gloomy path allow this soul to tread

For your dark pow’r lays low the feeble head;

With noonday sun you take away our breath,

Yet render insight when our eyes are dimmed in death.

Your fateful hand leaves us another chance,

Therefore receive with grace my desperate glance;

Let me see far beyond my utter fear,

And rest secure upon your boundless sphere.

Hades has eons of stories to tell, and many mysteries to reveal. This prayer is a way to connect with the Lord of the Underworld and ask for his spiritual guidance. By invoking Hades, you can open yourself up to a deeper understanding of the world around you, and gain insight into hidden truths that may have been previously obscured. With this prayer, you can tap into the power of Hades and unlock your inner potential. So don’t be afraid – embrace the darkness and let Hades be your guide!

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Hades Prayer To Avoid Betrayal

O Mighty Lord of Hades, dark and dread

From whom no secret can be kept or fled;

Mysterious deity with innate power

That plagues mankind at every darkest hour:

Unlock the prisons of the guilty mind-

Those treacherous thoughts that we strive to hide;

Untangle webs of cunningly devised plots

And release us from the bondage of betrayal knots.

For only thou can thwart distrust from risk,

And in our lives forever seal our loyalties inseparable link.

Hear my prayer, O immortal lord and grant us divine grace

Release us from all doubts and misgiving, protect us in this life’s race.

Betrayal can be a devastating experience, but with this prayer to Hades, you can connect with the Underworld God and ask for his protection from any treacherous thoughts or plots. By invoking the power of Hades, you can create an unbreakable bond of loyalty and trust in your life. This prayer is a powerful way to tap into the divine energy of the Lord of Hades and ensure that your relationships are safe from any form of betrayal. So, don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith and ask for the protection of Hades – you’ll be amazed at how much stronger your relationships become!

Hades Funerary Prayer

THOU darkly-tinted Lord, who holds the keys

Of death and dreams in your mysterious realms,

Grim holder of Hades, whose dusky train

Guides life to its appointed end: hear my prayer.

Grant my loved one a peaceful rest in your realm,

Let their soul find solace and respite from cares.

Bless them with tranquility and mercy this night,

Living on only in our fondest memories.

May each trace of pain be forgotten in death

As you welcome the spirit into timeless repose.

Eternal silence enfold your faithful servant,

And may their soul find peace in your dark embrace.

Funerals are a time of sorrow, but they can also be a time of celebration. This prayer to Hades is an opportunity to honor the life of your loved one and connect with the mysterious underworld god. By offering this prayer, you are asking Hades to grant your loved one peace and mercy in death, and to welcome their spirit into timeless repose. It’s a way to show respect for the cycle of life and death, and to honor the power of Hades in a positive, witchy way.

Hades Prayer For New Beginnings

O Lord of Shades, dread ruler of the dead,

From whom no mortal may escape his fate;

Absolver of guilt and giver of rebirth,

Your endless strength ensures an ancient hearth.

Forever free from fear and misery’s blight,

You bring blessed peace to all in your sight.

Grant me then a new beginning to start,

Lift my soul from woe and rouse my heart.

Break this cycle of hardship I’m stuck in,

Let the timeless chaos begin.

Take away the trials that weigh upon me,

And show me a life reborn with joy that can never be taken away.

Life and death is a constant cycle of new beginnings and endings. This prayer to Hades, the Lord of Shades and ruler of the Underworld, is a way to connect with him and ask for his help in starting anew. By calling upon his strength and power, you can break free from the cycle of hardship and suffering that weighs upon you, and be granted a life reborn with joy that can never be taken away. So if you’re looking for a fresh start, this prayer to Hades is the perfect way to get your journey started!

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Prayer To Hades And Persephone

ALL Hail to Hades, lord of dark realms

And to his bride, the ethereal Persephone;

Them whom the sun’s celestial beams

Illume with love and death’s long harmony.

They who grace life’s fading flowers with dew

Of silent joy, redeeming Nature’s hue:

In your divine embrace restored fertility

In Nature does in silence eternally permeate.

In winter’s grasp when dreaming life doth cease,

In thy hands is borne springtime’s wondrous release;

The eternal couple the cycle of time enact,

Til green pastures overflow where shadows lack.

Entwine your souls in endless rapture fair,

Lest Earth be laid waste by unkindly care;

For evermore may ye reign o’er the underworld deep,

And lovingly rule o’er our souls whilst we sleep.

Hades and Persephone, divine lovers and co-rulers of the underworld, are the perfect deities to call upon for help in connecting with the mysteries of the underworld. This prayer is a way to honor and celebrate their divine union, while also asking for their assistance in unlocking the secrets of this mysterious realm.

By invoking their power and love, we can open ourselves up to a deeper understanding of our own inner depths and gain access to hidden knowledge that can help us on our spiritual journey. So, let us raise our voices in prayer to Hades and Persephone, and open ourselves up to the mysteries of the underworld!


In conclusion, prayer to Hades is a powerful way to connect with the mysterious underworld god and honor the cycle of life and death. By offering this prayer, we can ask for his help in starting anew and unlocking the secrets of this realm.

Whether it be through Homeric Hymns or funeral rites, by invoking the power of Hades and Persephone we can open ourselves up to a deeper understanding of our own inner depths and gain access to hidden knowledge that can help us on our spiritual journey. So, let us raise our voices in prayer to Hades and Persephone, and give thanks for their constant care!

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