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8 Reasons Why Ravens Are Associated With Witchcraft

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If you’re a fan of all things witchy, then you’ve probably noticed that ravens seem to be everywhere. They show up in artwork, literature, and even pop culture references. So what’s the deal with these black birds? Why are black ravens so associated with witchcraft?

The raven is one of the most famous symbols of witchcraft. It’s also one of the oldest! In modern times, the raven has been adopted by many witches as their symbol. The bird was used for centuries before it became associated with witchcraft. This bird has always had a special place in the history of magic.

Here are 8 reasons why the raven is associated with witchcraft:

The Raven Is A Symbol Of Wisdom And Magic

Witches have long believed that the raven is an intelligent creature. Many people think that this bird is wise because it can mimic human speech. Some believe that the raven is able to speak to them through its voice or body language.

What is known for sure is that ravens are incredibly intelligent and masters of problem solving. These birds have been observed using tools, and they are very easy to train.

In Native American culture, animals have been used to represent certain aspects of our soul. Raven is one such bird. When we see this particular creature, it means that we should pay close attention to what’s happening around us.

Because they are black, ravens are tied to the magical power of this color. To Native Americans, the color black is only to be feared if misused in magic.

Ravens and magick, raven illustration

They Are Associated With Death

Ravens are often thought of as being connected to death. In some cultures, the raven is considered to be a messenger of death. Seeing a raven may be a sign of death to come, but not everyone believes this.

Some people say that seeing a raven is a good omen. Others say that seeing a raven means bad news is coming. Either way, there is no denying that the raven is associated with death.

It’s Also Associated With War

In ancient times, ravens were seen as messengers of war. Due to their association with The Morrigan, a war goddess, ravens are sometimes called “the harbingers of battle.”

This belief still exists today. People who see a raven during wartime will often interpret it as a warning about impending danger.

Ravens Are Mysterious Birds

From their glossy black feathers to their eerie cries, there is something about ravens that just exudes mystery. And what could be more perfect for witches than animals that embody secrecy and darkness?

When we look at these creatures, we get a sense of how powerful they really are. We know that they’re capable of speaking, but we don’t know exactly what they’re saying.

Ravens Have A Bad Reputation

While many birds are seen as gentle and benevolent creatures, ravens have always been associated with death and darkness. In many cultures, they’re believed to be omens of bad news or impending doom. For witches who embrace the dark side, this makes them the perfect animal to channel in their rituals.

Ravens are sometimes associated with bad luck.

Don’t forget that witches have a bad reputation still, too. Ravens and witches both have a dark past. They’ve both been persecuted throughout history.

Ravens Are Intelligent Birds

Not only are ravens incredibly smart (some say even smarter than humans), but they’re also masters of trickery and deception. This make them ideal symbols for those who practice magic.

Raven watercolor illustration on watercolor skull and flowers

Ravens Have A Long History With Witchcraft

Witchcraft and ravens have been linked for centuries. In fact, many early cultures believed that witches could transform into these dark birds at will. Whether you see them as symbols of your power or simply as cool animals, there’s no denying that ravens will always hold a special place in witchcraft culture!

According to the cultures of some Native Americans the sight of a raven represents a change coming about, and it is usually perceived as a positive thing. They see this bird as a trickster, just like coyote.

Ravens Are Associated With Many Deities

In many pagan and witch traditions, ravens are associated with powerful deities such as the raven goddess The Morrigan, Baba Yaga, Odin, Bran, Dhumavati, Nephthys, and Queen Maeve. For many witches, ravens are a way of connecting with these powerful forces.

The Morrigan is the most popular raven goddess. She is a shape-shifter and often takes the form of a raven or crow. She is known as the goddess of war, death, and destruction. However, she is also associated with healing, fertility, and regeneration.

Baba Yaga is another popular witch deity and raven goddess who sometimes appears as a blackbird or Raven. She is known for her wisdom but also her cruelty. Baba Yaga lives in the forest in a hut on chicken legs and rides around in an mortar (a large bowl) pushing it with a pestle (a long stick).

Odin is probably the most famous Norse god associated with Ravens. He has two pet Ravens named Huginn (“Thought”) and Muninn (“Memory” or “Mind”). Every day they fly around the world and report back to Odin what they have seen and heard.

Bran is a Welsh god who sometimes takes the form of a Raven. He is associated with prophecy, healing, and fertility. Bran’s name means “raven” in Celtic languages.

Dhumavati is a Hindu goddess often depicted as a widow or crone. She is sometimes described as having a dark complexion and usually has ravens flying around her head. Dhumavati, as a raven goddess, represents death, sorrow, grief, and suffering but she also provides comfort to those who are grieving.

Nephthys was an Egyptian goddess whose name means “lady of the castle” or “mistress of the temple”. She was often depicted as a woman with wings, and sometimes her headdress was in the form of a raven. Nephthys is associated with death and funerary rites but she also has healing powers.

Queen Maeve is an Irish warrior queen and raven goddess who appears in many folklore tales. In some stories, she is described as having black skin and hair, which may be why she is sometimes associated with ravens. Queen Maeve represents strength, power, and determination .

There are many other deities from different cultures that are associated with Ravens (or other birds). Do some research to see if there any others that you feel a connection to.

In Conclusion

Raven magick can be used for protection, purification, and healing. Ravens can also help you connect with the spirit world. If you work with raven energy wisely, they can be helpful guides and teachers. While they may be associated with bad luck, they can also bring good fortune if you use them correctly.

Ravens are often seen as dark and mysterious creatures. They’re also associated with many deities – both good and evil. In witchcraft, magick, folklore, and mythology, ravens play an important role.

Despite their bad reputation in some cultures, ravens can be helpful guides and teachers if you work with them wisely.

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