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15 Ananke Crystals: Crystals for Working with Adrastea or Necessity

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You can use Ananke crystals to cope with unavoidable fate and the concept of necessity in your life. Crystals have been used for thousands of years for their powerful energetic properties. The use of crystals for healing and spiritual purposes dates back to ancient times.

In Greek mythology, Ananke was the goddess of necessity, compulsion, and inevitability. Working with Ananke and her mate Khronos (Chronos) can bring about the necessary changes in our lives, both on a physical and spiritual level. Here are 15 Ananke crystals that can aid in working with necessity and compulsion.

Ananke and her mate Khronos

Ananke and Khronos were serpentine beings who emerged self-formed at the dawn of creation. They crushed the primal egg of creation, splitting it into earth, heaven, and sea, to form the ordered universe. Ananke and Khronos encircled the cosmos to drive the rotation of the heavens and the eternal passage of time.

The importance of working with necessity and compulsion

Working with necessity and compulsion can help us move forward in life. By embracing the necessary changes that come our way, we can find growth and transformation. It can be challenging to work with these energies, but doing so can be incredibly rewarding.

Adrastea crystals

The benefits of using crystals in spiritual practices

Crystals have unique energetic properties that can aid in spiritual practices. They can help align our energy centers and raise our vibration, allowing us to connect with the divine more easily. Crystals can also help with emotional and physical healing and can amplify our intentions and manifestations.

1. Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is a crystal that holds magical properties when working with the goddess Ananke and the concept of necessity and unavoidable fate. It can help bring clarity to your thoughts and enhance spiritual development. This powerful crystal can also aid in manifesting your desires, amplifying energy and intentions towards necessary actions and goals.

To use Clear Quartz when working with Ananke, try meditating with it or carrying it with you throughout the day. Place it on your altar during rituals or spells related to fate, destiny, or making important decisions. You can also wear Clear Quartz as jewelry to harness its benefits and keep them close at all times. With its transformative power, Clear Quartz can be a valuable addition to any practice focused on embracing necessity and the inevitability of life’s events.

2. Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is a powerful crystal for those working with the goddess Ananke. It can ground you and offer protection against negative energy. Additionally, this crystal can help release negative emotions and promote a sense of calm when facing unavoidable situations.

To use Black Tourmaline in your work with Ananke, hold it in your hand while meditating on the choices and paths available to you. Allow its grounding energy to connect you with the earth below and its protective properties to shield you from negativity. Trust that with Ananke’s guidance, you will find the path that is necessary for your growth and destiny.

3. Amethyst

Amethyst is a crystal that holds magical correspondences beneficial for working with the goddess Ananke. This powerful spiritual crystal helps in connecting with the divine, promoting emotional healing, and supporting those struggling with addictions and compulsions.

When working with Ananke, place an amethyst on your altar or carry it with you to aid in connecting with this goddess of destiny. You can also hold an amethyst meditation session to enhance intuitive abilities and gain insight into life’s unpredictability. Additionally, placing an amethyst under your pillow may help calm restless thoughts and promote restful sleep during times of uncertainty.

4. Hematite

Hematite is a powerful crystal that resonates with the goddess Ananke and the concept of necessity and unavoidable fate. Its grounding energy can assist in staying focused on one’s goals and embracing change when it is necessary. When working with Hematite, visualize yourself standing strong in the face of challenges, persevering through difficult times, and accepting the path that is laid out for you.

To fully benefit from Hematite’s energy, hold it during meditation or wear it as jewelry throughout the day. Place it near your workspace or bed to promote a sense of stability and security. As you work with Hematite, trust in your own strength and abilities to navigate the twists and turns of life’s journey.

5. Smoky Quartz

When working with the goddess Ananke, Smoky Quartz can be a powerful tool for protection and emotional balance. This crystal’s magical correspondences align well with the energy of this goddess and can help dispel negative energy while promoting grounding and stability.

To use Smoky Quartz in your practice, try meditating with it or carrying it with you throughout the day to help facilitate a strong connection with Ananke. You may also place Smoky Quartz around your living or work space as a protective barrier. By incorporating this crystal into your spiritual practice, you can deepen your understanding of the concept of fate while invoking the power of this ancient goddess.

6. Garnet

Garnet is known to enhance spiritual growth and transformation while promoting feelings of courage, passion, and strength. When used in ritual or meditation, garnet can help to connect with higher powers and unlock hidden potentials.

To fully harness its magical properties, try wearing garnet jewelry or carrying a piece with you throughout the day. You can also place garnet on your altar during rituals or meditate while holding it in your hand. Allow this powerful crystal to guide you on your journey towards embracing the necessary events and changes in your life.

Crystals for necessity or compulsion

7. Red Jasper

For those working with the goddess Ananke, Red Jasper can be a powerful crystal to incorporate into your practice. This grounding crystal can help release any negative energy and promote feelings of stability and security, aiding in emotional healing.

To use Red Jasper in your practice, you could place it on your altar or carry it with you during divination or ritual work. You may also consider meditating with Red Jasper to enhance its magical properties and connect with the energy of Ananke. Allow the crystal to ground you as you contemplate the role of necessity in your life, embracing any challenges that come your way as integral parts of your personal growth journey.

8. Obsidian

When working with the goddess Ananke and the concept of necessity and unavoidable fate, obsidian can be a powerful tool. This protective crystal has magical correspondences that promote grounding and stability, making it ideal for dispelling negative energy. It can also help release negative emotions, allowing for emotional healing to take place.

To use obsidian when working with Ananke and the idea of destiny, consider meditating with it or carrying it as a talisman. Use its grounding properties to center yourself and align with the forces of fate. You can also incorporate obsidian into spells or rituals related to protection or releasing negativity. Remember to cleanse the crystal regularly to maintain its effectiveness in your magical practice.

9. Tiger’s Eye

When working with the goddess Ananke, Tiger’s Eye is a powerful crystal to have on hand. Its grounding properties can help one remain steady in the face of challenging situations and promote feelings of courage. This crystal is also helpful in releasing fear and instilling a sense of self-confidence necessary to face destiny head-on.

To fully utilize Tiger’s Eye when working with Ananke, place it on your altar or carry it with you throughout the day. Meditate with it to help ground yourself in moments of uncertainty or fear, and visualize its golden light infusing you with courage and strength. Through this practice, you may feel better equipped to navigate the twists and turns of life’s path under the guidance of Ananke.

10. Citrine

Citrine’s golden color is associated with success and abundance while its energy can help promote positive thinking and manifestation. In addition to using citrine during rituals or meditations, you can carry it with you throughout the day or place it in a prominent location in your home to reap its benefits.

To enhance its magical properties, consider charging your citrine under moonlight or placing it on a bed of natural herbs like rose petals or lavender. You may also want to hold your citrine and focus on your intentions while reciting a mantra or prayer to invite the blessings of Ananke into your life. With regular use, citrine can be a powerful tool for harnessing the energies of fate and creating prosperity in all areas of life.

11. Pyrite

Pyrite is a magical crystal that is believed to be able to aid in promoting abundance and manifestation, as well as assist in developing feelings of self-confidence and courage. To harness its power when working with Ananke, you can try meditating with pyrite or carrying it on your person during rituals or spellwork.

To use pyrite for manifestation, hold it in your hands while envisioning your desired outcome. Additionally, you can place it on your altar while performing rituals or lighting candles dedicated to Ananke. Whether used in meditation or ritual work, pyrite is a valuable tool for those seeking to align themselves with the goddess Ananke and embrace the inevitability of fate.

12. Lapis Lazuli

When working with the goddess Ananke and the concept of necessity and unavoidable fate, Lapis Lazuli can be a powerful tool. This spiritual crystal aids in connecting with the higher self and inner wisdom. It can also promote feelings of peace, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to find acceptance in life’s events.

To use Lapis Lazuli in your magical practice, hold the crystal during meditation or wear it as jewelry to facilitate its energy flow throughout the body. Placing a piece of Lapis Lazuli on your altar can also help to create a sacred space for connecting with the divine and gaining insight into the mysteries of fate and destiny.

13. Apatite

This crystal is believed to help clear any confusion or uncertainty and increase clarity in decision-making. It can also aid in emotional healing, helping one to find inner peace and calm amidst difficult situations.

To use Apatite in your practice with Ananke, hold the crystal during meditation or place it near your workspace. You can also carry it with you throughout the day for its calming energy. As you work with this crystal, visualize its light helping you see through the fog of uncertainty and leading you towards understanding of what is necessary and inevitable in your life’s journey.

14. Selenite

When working with the goddess Ananke and delving into the concept of necessity and unavoidable fate, Selenite is a powerful crystal to help with cleansing and purification. Selenite can support in releasing negative energy from the body and surroundings, creating a more peaceful environment. It also aids individuals in achieving mental clarity and focus, allowing them to better understand their path and purpose.

To incorporate Selenite into your practice with Ananke, meditate with it in your hand or place it near your altar while doing ritual work. You can also create a grid of Selenite around your space as a way to invite its cleansing energy. Working with this crystal can enhance your connection with Ananke and facilitate a deeper understanding of the role of necessity in our lives.

15. Rose Quartz

This crystal corresponds with love and compassion, aiding in emotional healing and promoting inner peace. Use Rose Quartz to strengthen your self-love and acceptance, allowing you to face challenges with grace.

To integrate Rose Quartz into your practice, hold it during meditation or wear it as jewelry close to your heart. You can also place it on your altar or carry it with you throughout the day as a reminder of self-love and compassion. Allow its gentle energy to guide you along your path of destiny.

Necessitas crystals

How to use Ananke crystals

To use Ananke crystals, start by finding the one that resonates with you the most. Hold it in your hand and set an intention for working with the energy of necessity and compulsion. You can carry the crystal with you or place it in your environment to amplify its energy.


Who is Ananke?

Ananke is the primordial goddess of necessity, compulsion, and inevitability in Greek mythology. She emerged self-formed at the dawn of creation and is often depicted as a serpentine being.

What is the importance of working with Ananke?

Working with Ananke can help us understand the importance of embracing necessary changes in our lives. By doing so, we can find growth and transformation, both on a physical and spiritual level.

What are some Ananke crystals?

Some Ananke crystals include Clear Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Amethyst, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Garnet, Red Jasper, Obsidian, Tiger’s Eye, Citrine, and Pyrite.

How do I use Ananke crystals?

To use Ananke crystals, hold them in your hand and set an intention for working with the energy of necessity and compulsion. You can carry the crystal with you or place it in your environment to amplify its energy.

Can Ananke crystals aid in physical healing?

Yes, some Ananke crystals have been known to aid in physical healing. However, it is important to seek medical advice for any serious medical conditions.


Working with Ananke crystals can help us embrace necessary changes in our lives and promote growth and transformation. Each crystal has its unique energetic properties that can aid in spiritual practices, emotional healing, and physical wellbeing.

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