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Astarte: How to Connect with the Queen of Heaven

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The goddess Astarte has many blessings and mysteries to share, and working with her correspondences and symbols can provide a unique depth to your spiritual and magical practices. Astarte, known as the Queen of Heaven, is a deity with a rich and fascinating history.

She is a goddess of many faces and roles – she is associated with love and sexuality, but also with war, beauty, and fertility. As you delve into her story and learn how to connect with her in your own way, you will discover how her many aspects can bring new dimensions to your own journey in witchcraft or paganism.

Renamed by the Greeks but originating from the Eastern Mediterranean, Astarte’s influence was widespread. She was revered in a myriad of cultures and her name varied across languages including Phoenician, Hebrew, Egyptian and Etruscan. While she is a goddess of ancient times, her power, presence, and influence continue to be felt today.

In the modern pagan and witchcraft communities, Astarte’s role as a goddess of fertility and sexuality has resonated deeply, and she is often invoked in rites and rituals focused on love, sexuality, and empowerment.

Through this blog post, you’ll learn about Astarte’s historical background, her roles and attributes, correspondences in eclectic witchcraft, and how to honor her in your practice today.

Table Of Contents
  1. A Brief Introduction to the Goddess Astarte
  2. Historical Background of Astarte
  3. Astarte's Roles and Attributes
  4. Astarte's Correspondences in Eclectic Witchcraft
  5. Honoring Astarte in Modern Witchcraft
  6. Astarte in Contemporary Neo-Paganism

A Brief Introduction to the Goddess Astarte

Astarte is a deity that carries the profound wisdom of ancient civilizations and their spiritual beliefs. Over time, she evolved, reflecting the complexity of human experience.

From her early forms as a goddess of war, she evolved into a goddess of sexual love, reminiscent of the Greek Aphrodite, and later as a warrior goddess similar to Artemis. Her various manifestations serve as a testament to her diversity and flexibility as a deity.

Astarte’s story is peppered with cross-cultural connections, which only adds to her appeal. In her earliest forms, she was primarily worshipped in the ancient Near East, particularly by the Canaanites and Phoenicians.

Over time, her worship spread far and wide, leaving her mark on various cultures and civilizations.

Astarte’s power and appeal lie not just in her rich history, but in her enduring relevance. Even today, her multifaceted nature provides a wellspring of inspiration for those who seek to connect with the divine feminine in their own spiritual or magical practices.

By understanding and honoring Astarte, we can tap into this timeless source of wisdom, power, and inspiration.

Astarte queen of heaven

The Importance of Astarte in the Ancient Near Eastern Pantheon

In the ancient Near Eastern pantheon, Astarte held a place of high honor and reverence. As a goddess of war, sexuality, and fertility, her influence was felt across various spheres of life. Astarte was particularly worshipped in the city-states of the Levant, including Ugarit, Emar, Mari, and Ebla. She was also revered in Phoenician cities such as Sidon, Tyre, and Byblos.

In these ancient societies, Astarte’s worship was linked with vital aspects of life and society. She was seen as a protector and benefactor, her favor was sought in matters of war and peace, love and sexuality, fertility and prosperity.

Her symbols, including the lion, the horse, chariots, and the dove, were prevalent, underlining her extensive influence and power.

The Relevance of Astarte to Modern Pagans and Witches

Today, Astarte continues to be a significant figure in modern paganism and witchcraft. Many practitioners are drawn to her multi-faceted nature, finding in her a symbol of empowerment and a source of inspiration.

Astarte’s associations with love, fertility, beauty, and warfare resonate with those who seek a balanced representation of the divine feminine – a goddess who embodies both nurturing and assertive energies.

Modern witches and pagans often turn to Astarte for her wisdom and guidance in matters of the heart, as well as for her ability to instill courage and strength. In neo-pagan practices and eclectic witchcraft, Astarte is also recognized as a goddess of healing and hunting, adding another layer of depth to her character and further expanding the ways in which she can be worked with and honored.

Historical Background of Astarte

To fully appreciate Astarte, one must delve into her historical roots. Astarte’s origins trace back to the ancient Near East, predating even the famous Greek pantheon. Her roots lie within Afroasiatic cultures, where she was a deity of great importance. Early texts from Ugarit, Emar, and other ancient cities mention Astarte, underlining her widespread reverence.

As we journey through time, we see Astarte’s image and influence permeate various cultures. From the amorite cities to the ramessides in Egypt, her presence was felt and her powers sought. This potent goddess has thus journeyed across centuries and civilizations, leaving her mark in the annals of spiritual history.

Astarte in the Context of the Canaanites, Phoenicians, and the Levant

Among the Canaanites and the Phoenicians, Astarte was revered as a supreme deity. In the context of the Levant, Astarte was associated with fertility, sexuality, and war. Her role was vital to these societies, not just as a religious figure, but also as a symbol of royal power.

As part of the ancient Canaanite shift, the worship of Astarte spread throughout the region and beyond. The Phoenicians, as renowned sailors and colonists, further propagated her worship. From the bustling city-states of Tyre, Sidon, and Byblos, Astarte’s influence spread to the far corners of the Mediterranean, such as Malta and Etruria, and even as far as Sicily.

Astarte’s Connection with Other Goddesses: Isis, Diana, Hekate, Demeter, Kali, and Inanna

Astarte shares certain attributes with many other powerful goddesses from various pantheons. Isis, Diana, Hekate, Demeter, Kali, and Inanna – all these goddesses, like Astarte, represent powerful aspects of the divine feminine and carry strong connections with nature, fertility, and protection.

Similar to Isis and Demeter, Astarte is linked with fertility and the nurturing aspects of nature. Like Diana and Hekate, she embodies the huntress’s strength and independence. And akin to Kali and Inanna, Astarte also holds dominion over life’s transformative and regenerative aspects.

In this way, understanding Astarte can provide a richer understanding of these goddesses and the divine feminine as a whole.

Astarte’s Transformation and Integration into the Greek Pantheon

As cultural exchanges occurred and societies evolved, so did Astarte’s depiction. She transitioned into the Greek pantheon, mirroring the assimilation and evolution of cultures in the Mediterranean region. The Greeks recognized the multifaceted Astarte in their own goddesses – Aphrodite and Artemis.

Astarte’s attributes of love and beauty became associated with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. Her warrior aspects and connections with nature and wildlife found resonance with Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt.

This integration symbolized not only the cultural exchange but also the enduring power and relevance of Astarte – the Queen of Heaven, whose power transcended boundaries, both geographical and temporal.

Astarte’s Roles and Attributes

Astarte’s roles and attributes are as diverse as the cultures that have revered her. She embodies the full spectrum of the divine feminine, bridging both the nurturing and fierce aspects of femininity. Recognizing these myriad attributes helps us appreciate her complexity and depth, and connect with her more deeply in our own practices.

Astarte’s story is a compelling journey, showcasing her ability to adapt and evolve with the changing times and cultures. As you delve deeper into her history and symbolism, you’ll uncover a goddess who is both ancient and timeless, powerful and nurturing, symbolizing an expansive understanding of the divine feminine.

Astarte as a Deity of War, Sexuality, Royal Power, Beauty, Healing, and Hunting

In her many facets, Astarte encompasses the full spectrum of experience. As a deity of war, she embodies courage and strength. She symbolizes determination, perseverance, and victory, inspiring us to stand our ground and fight for what we believe in. This aspect of Astarte can be particularly empowering when we are faced with challenges or obstacles in our path.

Astarte is also revered as a goddess of sexuality, standing as a beacon of empowerment and liberation. In this role, she encourages us to embrace our sexuality as an integral part of our identity, to honor it without shame or guilt. Astarte’s association with royal power and beauty underscores her majestic presence, reminding us of the innate beauty and power within each of us.

The Symbols of Astarte: The Lion, Horse, Chariots, Dove, and the Morning and Evening Star

Symbols associated with Astarte provide further insight into her nature and significance. The lion, known for its power and courage, resonates with her warrior aspect. The horse and chariot symbolize her connection with movement, speed, and the power to traverse different realms.

The dove is another symbol closely associated with Astarte. In ancient cultures, doves were considered sacred birds, symbols of peace, love, and the divine spirit. The dove’s association with Astarte underscores her role as a goddess of love and sexuality.

Astarte’s connection with the morning and evening star links her to celestial energies, the cycles of the day, and the ever-changing yet constant nature of the universe. This symbol serves as a reminder of her timeless wisdom and her capacity to guide us through life’s transitions and transformations.

The Connection Between Astarte and the Planet Venus

Astarte has a profound connection with the planet Venus. Known as the “Morning Star” and the “Evening Star”, Venus is often associated with love, beauty, and fertility – qualities that align perfectly with Astarte’s attributes.

In astrology, Venus governs love, beauty, pleasure, and abundance. Connecting with Astarte through her association with Venus allows us to tap into these energies, enhancing our ability to attract love, joy, and prosperity into our lives. By aligning ourselves with Venus and invoking Astarte, we can invite the magic of love and abundance into our everyday lives.

Astarte’s Correspondences in Eclectic Witchcraft

Understanding Astarte’s correspondences in eclectic witchcraft can add depth to your rituals, invocations, and meditations. They act as bridges, connecting the physical and spiritual realms and allowing us to tap into Astarte’s energy more effectively.

Whether you’re looking to connect with her strength, love, or healing energies, these correspondences can serve as powerful tools for your magical workings.

Remember that correspondences are not absolute. They should be seen as guides rather than rules, inviting you to form your unique connection with Astarte. Let your intuition guide you as you explore these correspondences and incorporate them into your practices in a way that feels resonant and meaningful to you.

Planetary Correspondences and Their Implications for Astarte Worship

As mentioned earlier, Astarte is strongly associated with Venus. In astrology, Venus represents love, beauty, pleasure, and abundance. Aligning your practices with Venus can help you tap into these energies and strengthen your connection with Astarte.

In addition to Venus, Astarte is also associated with the Moon due to her fertility and healing attributes. Working with lunar energies can enhance rituals focused on healing, emotional balance, and intuitive wisdom. Here are some planetary correspondences to consider:

  • Planet: Venus
    • Day of the week: Friday
    • Color: Green
    • Metal: Copper
  • Planet: Moon
    • Day of the week: Monday
    • Color: Silver, white
    • Metal: Silver

Herbal Correspondences Related to Astarte

Herbs hold powerful energies that can be harnessed in your rituals and spells. They have been used for centuries in various traditions for their healing and magical properties. Here are some herbs associated with Astarte:

  • Rose: Known as the flower of Venus, the rose symbolizes love, beauty, and passion. It can be used in rituals for attracting love, enhancing beauty, or strengthening self-love.
  • Myrtle: Sacred to Venus, myrtle is a symbol of love and fertility. It can be used in rituals for increasing fertility, enhancing love, or promoting harmony and peace.
  • Apple: The apple is associated with love and fertility. The seeds form a pentagram, a symbol of the Goddess, connecting the apple to the divine feminine.

Symbols and Their Significance in Astarte Worship

Symbols are powerful tools in magical practice. They serve as physical representations of spiritual energies, helping us to connect with the divine on a deeper level. Here are some symbols associated with Astarte:

  • Bull Horns: A symbol of power and strength, the bull horns represent Astarte’s warrior aspect.
  • Sphinx: The sphinx is a symbol of mystery, wisdom, and protection. It aligns with Astarte’s role as a guide through transitions and transformation.
  • Dove: The dove represents peace, love, and the divine spirit, resonating with Astarte’s attributes of love and beauty.

Preferred Candle Colors and Crystals when Working with Astarte

Different colors hold different energies, and using colored candles in your rituals can help you attract the energies you desire. Crystals, too, harness the Earth’s energy, each one resonating with specific vibrations that can enhance your connection with Astarte.

For Astarte, green, pink, and white candles can be used. Green is the color of Venus and symbolizes love, beauty, and abundance. Pink is also associated with love, but more specifically, it represents unconditional love and compassion. White is connected to the Moon and represents purity, healing, and spiritual enlightenment.

When it comes to crystals, consider using rose quartz, emerald, or moonstone. Rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love and harmony. Emerald, associated with Venus, is a stone of love, beauty, and abundance. Moonstone enhances intuition, promotes healing, and connects with feminine energy.

Here are some candle and crystal correspondences to consider:

  • Green Candle – love, beauty, abundance
  • Pink Candle – unconditional love, compassion
  • White Candle – purity, healing, spiritual enlightenment
  • Rose Quartz – love, harmony, peace
  • Emerald – love, beauty, abundance
  • Moonstone – intuition, healing, feminine energy
Astarte magical correspendences witchcraft

The Influence of Moon Phases and Planetary Hours/Days on Astarte Worship

The Moon’s cycle influences the potency of certain types of magic. For instance, the waxing moon is a time of growth, making it perfect for spells related to love, beauty, or abundance. The full moon amplifies magical energies and is ideal for any powerful rituals or invocations. The waning moon, on the other hand, is a time of release and is suited for spells related to letting go or healing.

As for planetary hours and days, each planet governs certain days and hours, enhancing specific types of magic. For Astarte, you might choose to conduct your rituals and spells during the planetary hours of Venus or the Moon on their respective days (Friday for Venus, Monday for the Moon) to amplify their energies.

Here are some moon phase and planetary hour/day correspondences to consider:

  • Waxing Moon – growth, attraction, enhancement
  • Full Moon – power, amplification, realization
  • Waning Moon – release, banishing, healing
  • Venus Hour/Day (Friday) – love, beauty, abundance
  • Moon Hour/Day (Monday) – intuition, healing, emotions

Weaving these correspondences into your practice can deepen your connection with Astarte, enriching your spiritual journey. However, always remember that the most important aspect is your intention and personal resonance with the elements you choose to incorporate.

Enjoy the exploration and allow your relationship with the divine Astarte to unfold naturally and joyously.

Honoring Astarte in Modern Witchcraft

Walking hand in hand with the goddess Astarte is an enriching journey full of magical transformations and spiritual awakenings. Her multi-faceted nature invites practitioners to explore the many aspects of their spirituality, enhancing their connection with the Divine Feminine.

Through modern witchcraft, Astarte provides an ever-flowing source of inspiration and empowerment that encourages us to embrace our individuality and creative powers.

Her timeless wisdom and love are ever-present, available for us to tap into and embody. Whether through ritual, prayer, meditation, or divination, Astarte invites us to honor her in ways that resonate deeply with our unique spiritual path.

The following sections will delve into the many ways you can incorporate Astarte into your magical practice and daily life, drawing upon her energy to cultivate love, strength, beauty, and abundance.

Incorporating Astarte into Ritual and Prayer

One of the beautiful aspects of working with Astarte is the flexible and inclusive nature of the practices associated with her. You can incorporate her into your rituals and prayers in a myriad of ways.

You may choose to create a sacred space dedicated to her, where you can place symbols, candles, crystals, and other items that resonate with her energy. Here, you can perform your rituals, meditate, or simply sit in silence, inviting her presence.

A simple prayer to Astarte can be as straightforward as acknowledging her and expressing your intention to connect with her. Remember, the most important element of any prayer or ritual is sincerity.

So, let your words flow from your heart, expressing your hopes, dreams, and gratitude. Over time, you may even find that a unique prayer to Astarte organically forms, reflecting your personal journey and relationship with her.

Offering and Libations to Astarte: Traditional and Modern Practices

Traditionally, offerings to Astarte included food, drink, and occasionally, more specific items like grains, honey, and wine. These offerings were a means to honor the goddess, express gratitude, and seek her blessings. Today, this practice continues, with many modern witches choosing to leave similar offerings on their altars for Astarte.

In modern practices, it’s also common to offer actions or commitments as offerings. For example, you might commit to embracing your personal beauty or expressing your love more openly as an offering to Astarte. These actions, stemming from sincerity and a desire for growth, can be incredibly powerful and deeply pleasing to the goddess.

Meditative Practices to Commune with Astarte

Meditation provides an intimate space to commune with Astarte, allowing for direct communication and connection. You can use visualizations, guided meditations, or mantra-like chants in your meditative practice. One popular chant is “Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna,” which is often used in Wiccan rituals to raise energy.

During meditation, imagine yourself surrounded by a nurturing, radiant light. This light embodies the essence of Astarte. As you breathe in, imagine this divine energy filling you, and as you breathe out, visualize any fears or blocks releasing. With regular practice, you will find your connection to Astarte deepening and your personal energy vibrating more closely with hers.

Divination Methods Preferred by Astarte and the Tarot Cards that Can Represent Her

Astarte’s wisdom can be sought through various divination methods. Tarot, in particular, offers profound insights. The cards representing Astarte include The Empress (symbolizing fertility, abundance, and beauty) and The High Priestess (representing intuition, secrets, and the unconscious).

These cards embody many of Astarte’s qualities and allow us to tap into her wisdom during readings. You might even consider invoking Astarte’s energy before a tarot reading, asking for her guidance and wisdom as you interpret the cards.

In addition to tarot, other divination methods such as runes, pendulum readings, or even meditative journeying can be powerful ways to receive messages from Astarte. Whatever method you choose, approach it with an open heart and mind, ready to receive the wisdom Astarte wishes to share with you.

Honoring Astarte during Astrological Transits

Astrological transits provide potent moments to connect and work with Astarte. Given her association with Venus, transits involving this planet are particularly significant.

During these times, the energies of love, beauty, and abundance are heightened, allowing for a deeper connection with Astarte. Consider creating rituals, meditating, or performing divination during these transits to fully tap into these powerful energies.

It’s also worth noting that any astrological transit can provide a gateway to connect with Astarte. As a multifaceted goddess, she embodies a wide range of energies and aspects of life.

Whether the moon is in its waxing phase, signifying growth and attraction, or Saturn is in retrograde, inviting introspection and reassessment, there’s always a way to connect these celestial events with Astarte’s diverse domains.

Keep in mind that your relationship with Astarte is not bound by time, astrological events, or prescribed rituals. It is a personal, unique journey that grows and evolves with you.

Through this sacred connection, you can experience a profound sense of empowerment, wisdom, and spiritual growth. Let the magic of Astarte guide and illuminate your path, bringing you ever closer to your divine essence.

Astarte in Contemporary Neo-Paganism

Astarte, the ancient goddess of fertility, war, love, and sexuality, continues to capture the hearts of many in contemporary Neo-Paganism. Her enduring presence signifies a reclaiming of feminine power, a celebration of the divine feminine that resonates with many modern witches and pagans.

Her multifaceted nature provides a diverse range of energies to tap into, making her a versatile figure in personal and communal practices.

Today, Astarte’s call is being heard and honored across the globe. Her worship is not confined to a specific location or tradition but has found its place in the vast, diverse world of Neo-Paganism.

This resurgence reflects a growing desire to reconnect with ancient wisdom, to embody the divine feminine, and to celebrate the sensual and powerful aspects of womanhood that Astarte represents.

The Resurgence of Astarte Worship in Neo-Paganism

In recent years, we’ve seen a resurgence in the worship of Astarte, particularly in neo-pagan communities. This revival is an empowering testament to the enduring relevance of this ancient goddess.

Astarte’s worship has flourished in modern times as practitioners connect with her rich symbolism and diverse domains – from sexuality and fertility to warfare and sovereignty.

This resurgence of Astarte worship has manifested in a variety of ways, ranging from solitary practice to communal rituals. For instance, some neo-pagans incorporate Astarte’s symbols into their altars or incorporate her names into their spells and incantations.

Others dedicate special rituals to Astarte during specific moon phases or planetary transits. This revival illustrates the flexible, inclusive nature of neo-paganism and the enduring allure of Astarte’s energy.

The Place of Astarte in Eclectic Witchcraft Practices

Eclectic witchcraft, characterized by its flexibility and adaptability, provides a broad space for honoring Astarte. As eclectic witches draw from various traditions, cultures, and sources of wisdom, Astarte fits beautifully into this framework with her diverse attributes and associations.

Eclectic witches might call upon Astarte in spells for love, abundance, or personal power, given her domains of influence. They might also incorporate symbols of Astarte, such as the dove or the sphinx, into their magical workings or use herbs and crystals associated with her in their spells and rituals.

This adaptability allows each practitioner to form a personal connection with Astarte, interpreting her symbolism and energies in a way that resonates with their unique path.

Honoring Astarte in Modern Pagan Rituals

Honoring Astarte in modern pagan rituals can be as complex or as simple as one desires. A ritual might involve setting up an altar dedicated to Astarte, adorning it with her symbols, and offering libations of food and drink. Other rituals might involve meditative practices to commune with Astarte, calling upon her wisdom and guidance.

Astarte’s strong connection to the natural world also opens up opportunities for outdoor rituals. A ritual might involve honoring Astarte under the moonlight, invoking her energy during a walk in the woods, or simply offering gratitude to her while observing the beauty of the natural world.

These practices help to cultivate a personal relationship with Astarte, creating a sacred space where her energy can be invoked and honored.

The Influence of Astarte in the Creation of Erotic Poetry

In the realm of the arts, Astarte’s influence is clearly seen in the realm of erotic poetry. As a goddess of love and sexuality, she inspires a celebration of sensuality, passion, and love.

Poets who invoke Astarte’s energy often explore themes of desire, intimacy, and erotic power, weaving a tapestry of words that weaving a tapestry of words that honors the divine feminine and the power of love and passion.

Erotic poetry inspired by Astarte is not only a celebration of physical desire and sensuality but also an exploration of the emotional and spiritual dimensions of love and sexuality. These verses often intertwine passion with reverence, lust with affection, highlighting the multifaceted nature of human intimacy and connection.

Astarte’s influence encourages poets to embrace their desires, to explore the depths of their emotions, and to express their experiences of love and passion without fear or shame. In doing so, they not only create beautiful works of art, but also contribute to a broader cultural shift towards acceptance and celebration of sexuality, diversity, and the power of the divine feminine.

In modern pagan circles, creating and sharing erotic poetry can be a form of devotion to Astarte, a way of channeling her energy and honoring her domains. By expressing their love and desire through words, poets become vessels for Astarte’s energy, helping to spread her influence and inspire others.

Whether it’s a whispered verse shared in an intimate moment, or a powerful poem recited in a public gathering, each word carries the magic and allure of Astarte, enchanting listeners and inviting them to connect with this timeless goddess of love and passion.

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