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400 Lughnasadh Affirmations: Lammas Affirmations For Harvest Season

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Lughnasadh affirmations offer us, as pagans, a sacred and transformative journey that resonates with the essence of this special festival. Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, marks the time of the first harvest, when we reap the fruits of our labor and celebrate the abundance of the Earth.

These affirmations guide us through a diverse array of themes that weave together seamlessly, creating a rich tapestry of spiritual exploration and growth.

First and foremost, Lammas invites us to embrace joy. As the Earth provides us with a bountiful harvest, we are reminded to find delight in the present moment and celebrate the blessings that surround us.

These affirmations encourage us to cultivate joy, savor the simple pleasures, and radiate happiness to those around us. By aligning ourselves with the theme of joy, we open ourselves up to experiencing the fullness of life’s abundance.

Additionally, Lammas calls us to honor unity. We recognize that we are interconnected with all living beings and that our actions have far-reaching effects. Through affirmations of unity, we embrace empathy, compassion, and acceptance.

We celebrate the diversity of humanity, fostering harmony and understanding in our interactions. By embracing the theme of unity, we cultivate a sense of connection and contribute to the collective well-being.

Furthermore, Lammas invites us to reflect on our life’s purpose. It is a time to align ourselves with our passions, talents, and aspirations. These affirmations guide us in living with intention and embracing the journey of self-discovery.

By acknowledging our unique gifts and trusting in the path that unfolds before us, we find fulfillment, joy, and a deeper sense of meaning. Through affirmations of purpose, we navigate the challenges and growth that come with aligning ourselves with our life’s purpose.

As we engage in rituals and ceremonies during Lammas, we create sacred space to connect with the divine and express gratitude. Affirmations of gratitude allow us to honor the abundance and blessings in our lives, cultivating a grateful heart.

We give thanks to the Sun for its warmth and sustenance, and we receive the Earth’s blessings with open arms and appreciation. Through affirmations of gratitude, we deepen our connection to the cycles of nature and foster a sense of reverence and humility.


Lammas is a time of abundant blessings and gratitude for the abundance in our lives. It is a celebration of the first harvest and a recognition of the Earth’s generosity. Embrace the theme of abundance with these affirmations:

  1. I am surrounded by abundant blessings in every aspect of my life.
  2. Abundance flows into my life effortlessly and continuously.
  3. I am grateful for the abundance that the harvest season brings.
  4. The universe provides me with limitless opportunities for abundance.
  5. I attract abundance in all forms, and I am open to receiving it.
  6. I am worthy of abundance, and I allow it to manifest in my life.
  7. I release scarcity and embrace the abundant nature of the universe.
  8. My life is filled with an abundance of love, joy, and prosperity.
  9. I celebrate the abundance that exists within and around me.
  10. Every day, I am becoming more aware of the abundance that surrounds me.


The theme of harvest is central to Lammas, as it symbolizes reaping the rewards of our efforts and recognizing the fruits of our labor. It is a time to gather and appreciate the harvest that sustains us. Embrace the significance of harvest with these affirmations:

  1. I gratefully receive the bountiful harvest that the universe provides.
  2. I celebrate the abundance and prosperity that the harvest brings.
  3. The harvest season is a time of gratitude for the fruits of my labor.
  4. I am grateful for the lessons and growth that come from the harvest.
  5. I honor the cycles of life and embrace the richness of the harvest.
  6. I am connected to the Earth’s cycles, and I embrace the season of harvest.
  7. I am in tune with the energy of the harvest, and I align with its abundance.
  8. I recognize the value of my contributions and the rewards they bring.
  9. The harvest season brings me joy and fulfillment as I gather its blessings.
  10. I express deep gratitude for the harvest and its nourishment.


Lammas invites us to cultivate gratitude for the gifts of nature and the abundance in our lives. It is a time to express appreciation for all that sustains and supports us. Embrace the power of gratitude with these affirmations:

  1. I am grateful for the blessings that flow into my life during the harvest season.
  2. I express gratitude for the abundance that surrounds me in nature.
  3. Gratitude fills my heart as I witness the fruits of the harvest.
  4. I am thankful for the lessons and growth that come from the harvest.
  5. I find joy in expressing gratitude for the simple pleasures of life.
  6. Gratitude is my daily practice, and it opens the door to more blessings.
  7. I am grateful for the interconnectedness of all living beings and the Earth.
  8. My heart overflows with gratitude for the nourishment I receive.
  9. I appreciate the beauty and magic of the natural world around me.
  10. Gratitude is the foundation of my life, and it attracts more blessings to me.
Lammas affirmations and mantras


Lammas reminds us of the importance of nourishing ourselves, not just physically but also emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It is a time to recognize the nourishing aspects of our lives and prioritize self-care. Embrace the theme of nourishment with these affirmations:

  1. I prioritize self-care and nourish myself on all levels – body, mind, and spirit.
  2. I choose foods and activities that nourish and energize my body.
  3. Nourishing thoughts and beliefs fill my mind, promoting growth and well-being.
  4. I am worthy of receiving nourishment and love in all areas of my life.
  5. I create space for rest and relaxation, allowing my body to recharge and rejuvenate.
  6. I find balance in nourishing myself and nurturing others.
  7. I am deeply connected to the nurturing energy of the Earth, and it supports me.
  8. Every breath I take nourishes me with the life force energy of the universe.
  9. I embrace self-care rituals that nourish my soul and bring me joy.
  10. I am grateful for the nourishment I receive from the abundant harvest of life.


Lammas marks a time of transformation as we witness the growth and change within ourselves and in the natural world. It reminds us of the cycles of life and encourages personal growth and self-transformation. Embrace the theme of transformation with these affirmations:

  1. I embrace the transformative power of the harvest season and allow it to guide me.
  2. I am open to personal growth and transformation as I align with the energy of Lammas.
  3. I release what no longer serves me and embrace the transformational journey.
  4. The harvest season is a time of profound transformation and inner renewal.
  5. I embrace change and transformation, trusting in the divine flow of life.
  6. I am grateful for the opportunities for growth and transformation that come with the harvest.
  7. I honor the cycles of transformation in nature and within myself.
  8. I welcome positive changes into my life and embrace my own transformation.
  9. I am continuously evolving and transforming into the best version of myself.
  10. The energy of Lammas supports my transformation and empowers me to embrace change.


Lammas invites us to find balance in our lives, harmonizing work and rest, giving and receiving, and connecting with both the physical and spiritual aspects of our existence. It reminds us of the importance of maintaining equilibrium. Embrace the theme of balance with these affirmations:

  1. I find balance and harmony in all areas of my life during the harvest season.
  2. I honor the need for both work and rest, creating a healthy balance in my life.
  3. I give and receive in equal measure, maintaining a harmonious flow of energy.
  4. I prioritize self-care and nourishment, bringing balance to my physical and emotional well-being.
  5. I find joy in balancing my responsibilities and pursuing my passions.
  6. I connect with both the earthly and spiritual realms, finding balance in my spiritual practices.
  7. I embrace the cycles of nature and honor the balance they teach me.
  8. I trust in the wisdom of my body and allow it to guide me towards balance.
  9. I create space for silence and stillness, finding balance in the midst of life’s busyness.
  10. I am in perfect balance, aligning my actions with my intentions and creating harmony in my life.


Lammas highlights the interconnectedness of all living beings and encourages us to strengthen our connection with nature, ourselves, and others. It is a time to recognize our place within the web of life and foster deeper connections. Embrace the theme of connection with these affirmations:

  1. I am deeply connected to the Earth and all its inhabitants.
  2. I cultivate meaningful connections with the people and beings around me.
  3. Nature’s beauty and wisdom inspire a deep sense of connection within me.
  4. I honor and respect the interconnectedness of all life forms.
  5. I am open to receiving guidance and support from the interconnected web of life.
  6. I nurture the connections that bring love, joy, and meaning into my life.
  7. I recognize that we are all interconnected, and my actions ripple through the world.
  8. I foster a deep connection with my inner self, honoring my true essence.
  9. I embrace the interconnectedness of the seasons, cycles, and energies around me.
  10. I celebrate the sacredness of connection and the gifts it brings to my life.


Lammas is a time to acknowledge and attract prosperity into our lives. It reminds us of the abundance of the harvest and encourages us to cultivate an abundance mindset. Embrace the theme of prosperity with these affirmations:

  1. I am open to receiving and attracting abundance and prosperity into my life.
  2. I release limiting beliefs and embrace the abundance that is my birthright.
  3. I attract wealth and abundance in all areas of my life, effortlessly and joyfully.
  4. I am grateful for the financial prosperity and opportunities that the harvest season brings.
  5. I celebrate the abundance of resources available to me and use them wisely.
  6. I am a magnet for prosperity, and it flows to me from all directions.
  7. I deserve to prosper, and I am worthy of all the blessings that come my way.
  8. I align my thoughts and actions with prosperity, attracting unlimited abundance.
  9. I cultivate a mindset of abundance and recognize the wealth that surrounds me.
  10. I am grateful for the prosperity that the harvest season brings, and I share my abundance with others.


Lammas invites us to appreciate the beauty and magic of the natural world. It reminds us to slow down, be present, and savor the wonders that surround us. Embrace the theme of appreciation with these affirmations:

  1. I appreciate the simple pleasures and beauty that the harvest season brings.
  2. I find joy in appreciating the magic and miracles of nature’s creations.
  3. I express gratitude for the abundance of colors, scents, and sounds in the world around me.
  4. I take time to pause and appreciate the blessings that enrich my life.
  5. I am fully present, allowing myself to deeply appreciate each moment.
  6. I express genuine appreciation for the efforts and contributions of others.
  7. I cultivate an attitude of appreciation, finding joy in the little things.
  8. I am grateful for the lessons and growth that the harvest season offers.
  9. I appreciate the interconnectedness of all things and the harmony it brings.
  10. I am filled with gratitude for the beauty and wonder that surround me.


Lammas reminds us to prioritize self-care and nurture ourselves during the harvest season. It is a time to recharge, replenish, and honor our own well-being. Embrace the theme of self-care with these affirmations:

  1. I prioritize my well-being and engage in acts of self-care with love and compassion.
  2. I deserve to nourish and care for myself, mind, body, and spirit.
  3. I create space for rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation during the harvest season.
  4. My self-care routine brings balance, harmony, and joy to my life.
  5. I listen to my body’s needs and honor them with kindness and understanding.
  6. I release guilt and embrace self-care as an essential part of my journey.
  7. I invest in activities and practices that promote my physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
  8. I am worthy of love, care, and attention, and I provide them to myself unconditionally.
  9. I am committed to self-care as a way to honor and nurture myself during the harvest season.
  10. I celebrate myself and my journey by practicing self-care rituals that bring me joy and healing.


Lammas invites us to release anything that no longer serves our highest good, just as the harvest involves letting go of what has completed its cycle. It is a time to surrender, trust, and make space for new beginnings. Embrace the theme of release with these affirmations:

  1. I release all that weighs me down and open myself to new possibilities.
  2. I let go of old patterns and beliefs that hinder my growth and well-being.
  3. I surrender control and trust in the divine plan unfolding in my life.
  4. The harvest season empowers me to release what no longer serves my highest good.
  5. I release attachments to outcomes and embrace the flow of life.
  6. I am free from the past, and I embrace the present moment with open arms.
  7. I release fear and invite courage and resilience into my life.
  8. I release judgment and embrace acceptance and compassion for myself and others.
  9. I create space in my life for new experiences, opportunities, and growth.
  10. I trust that by releasing what no longer serves me, I create space for miracles and blessings to enter my life.


Lammas symbolizes fertility, not just in terms of the land and its crops but also in terms of our creative energies and ideas. It is a time to embrace our fertile nature and harness our creative potential. Embrace the theme of fertility with these affirmations:

  1. My creative energy flows freely, and I am open to inspiration and new ideas.
  2. I nurture and cultivate my creative gifts, allowing them to blossom and flourish.
  3. I embrace my inherent fertility, bringing forth new projects and possibilities.
  4. I am a vessel of creation, birthing ideas and dreams into the world.
  5. I am in tune with the cycles of fertility and channel my energy into productive endeavors.
  6. I trust my intuition and allow it to guide me in expressing my creative essence.
  7. I am deeply connected to my creative source, and my potential is limitless.
  8. I honor the fertility within me and embrace the joy of creative expression.
  9. I manifest my dreams and desires by harnessing the fertile energy of the harvest season.
  10. I celebrate the fertility of my mind, body, and spirit, knowing that I have the power to create and bring forth abundance.


Lammas is a time of celebration and joy, as we gather to honor the bountiful harvest and the blessings in our lives. It is a time to express gratitude and celebrate the abundance that surrounds us. Embrace the theme of celebration with these affirmations:

  1. I celebrate the blessings and achievements that the harvest season has brought into my life.
  2. My heart is filled with joy and gratitude as I celebrate the abundance of the harvest.
  3. I find reasons to celebrate and cherish each day during this season of harvest.
  4. I honor the cycles of nature by joining in the celebration of the Earth’s bounty.
  5. I celebrate my own growth and accomplishments, acknowledging my journey.
  6. I express gratitude through celebration, infusing each moment with joy and appreciation.
  7. I am deserving of celebration and take time to acknowledge and honor my own milestones.
  8. I embrace the spirit of festivity and allow myself to fully enjoy the harvest season.
  9. I gather with loved ones to celebrate the abundance and share in the spirit of gratitude.
  10. I dance, sing, and revel in the joyous energy of the harvest celebration.

Abundance Mindset

Lammas invites us to cultivate an abundance mindset, shifting our focus from scarcity to the limitless possibilities of the universe. It is a time to recognize the inherent abundance that surrounds us and embrace it fully. Embrace the theme of an abundance mindset with these affirmations:

  1. I believe in the infinite abundance of the universe and align my mindset with its flow.
  2. I release scarcity thinking and open myself to receive the boundless abundance available to me.
  3. Abundance is my birthright, and I welcome it into all areas of my life.
  4. I am a magnet for abundance, attracting limitless opportunities and blessings.
  5. I choose to see the abundance that already exists in my life and celebrate it.
  6. I am grateful for the prosperity that flows to me effortlessly and continuously.
  7. My thoughts and beliefs are aligned with abundance, attracting wealth and success.
  8. I release any blocks or limitations that hinder my experience of abundance.
  9. I embrace the abundance mindset and radiate gratitude for the blessings that come my way.
  10. I trust that the universe is conspiring to support my abundance and prosperity.


Lammas marks a time of renewal and rejuvenation, as we witness the cycles of life and embrace the opportunity for fresh beginnings. It is a time to shed what no longer serves us and step into the energy of renewal. Embrace the theme of renewal with these affirmations:

  1. I embrace the energy of renewal, letting go of the old and welcoming the new.
  2. I release what has completed its cycle and make space for fresh beginnings.
  3. Each day brings new opportunities for growth and renewal, and I embrace them wholeheartedly.
  4. I am open to the transformative power of renewal, and I embrace change with grace.
  5. I release the past and step into the present moment, allowing renewal to unfold.
  6. I am in tune with the natural cycles of life, embracing the season of renewal.
  7. I am renewed on all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
  8. I embrace the wisdom gained from past experiences and use it to propel me forward.
  9. The energy of Lammas supports my personal growth and invites renewal into my life.
  10. I am ready and willing to embrace renewal, knowing that it brings new opportunities and possibilities.

Harvesting Lessons

Lammas reminds us that the harvest season is not only about reaping rewards but also about gaining valuable lessons and insights from our experiences. It is a time to reflect on our journey and integrate the wisdom gained. Embrace the theme of harvesting lessons with these affirmations:

  1. I am open to receiving the valuable lessons that come from the harvest of my experiences.
  2. I reflect on my journey with gratitude and embrace the wisdom gained along the way.
  3. I honor the challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.
  4. The harvest season allows me to glean insights and integrate them into my life.
  5. I celebrate the lessons learned and recognize their impact on my personal evolution.
  6. I am open to receiving guidance and wisdom from the cycles of nature and the harvest.
  7. I cultivate a mindset of curiosity and exploration, eager to discover the lessons embedded in my experiences.
  8. I appreciate the growth that arises from the challenges I have faced during the harvest season.
  9. I am grateful for the clarity and understanding that come from reflecting on my journey.
  10. I embrace the wisdom gained from the harvest, knowing that it enriches and empowers my path forward.


Lammas invites us to experience joy and celebrate the abundance and blessings in our lives. It is a time to embrace a sense of delight and find joy in the present moment. Embrace the theme of joy with these affirmations:

  1. I choose to cultivate joy and find reasons to celebrate every day during the harvest season.
  2. Joy bubbles up within me as I appreciate the abundance and blessings in my life.
  3. I find joy in the simple pleasures of the harvest season, allowing them to uplift my spirit.
  4. I radiate joy and share my happiness with others, spreading the energy of celebration.
  5. I am deserving of joy and allow myself to fully embrace and experience it.
  6. The harvest season fills my heart with joy and gratitude for all that I have.
  7. I find joy in the process of growth and transformation that the harvest represents.
  8. I am open to receiving and embracing the joyful moments that come my way.
  9. Joy is my natural state of being, and I choose to align with it during the harvest season.
  10. I celebrate life with a joyful heart, savoring the blessings and abundance that surround me.


Lammas reminds us of the interconnectedness of all living beings and encourages us to recognize the unity that exists in the world. It is a time to honor our connection with others and foster a sense of unity and harmony. Embrace the theme of unity with these affirmations:

  1. I recognize the interconnectedness of all beings and honor the unity that binds us.
  2. I cultivate empathy and compassion, knowing that we are all connected on a deep level.
  3. I celebrate the diversity and unity of humanity, embracing our shared journey.
  4. I am a vital thread in the tapestry of life, connected to all living things.
  5. I honor the interconnected web of life and contribute to the collective well-being.
  6. I choose to see the unity that exists beyond differences, fostering harmony and understanding.
  7. I embrace the oneness of all creation and approach others with love and acceptance.
  8. I celebrate the collective achievements and progress of humanity, knowing we are united in our aspirations.
  9. I send love and positive energy to all beings, recognizing the unity that flows through us.
  10. I am grateful for the unity that Lammas reminds me of, fostering a sense of connection and harmony in my life.


Lammas encourages us to align with our life’s purpose and embrace the journey of self-discovery. It is a time to reflect on our passions, talents, and aspirations, and to live with intention and purpose. Embrace the theme of purpose with these affirmations:

  1. I am aligned with my life’s purpose, and I embrace the path that unfolds before me.
  2. I trust that I am here for a reason, and I am open to discovering and fulfilling my purpose.
  3. I live each day with intention, aligning my actions with my purpose and values.
  4. I embrace my unique gifts and talents, knowing they are essential to fulfilling my purpose.
  5. I find fulfillment and joy as I express and live in alignment with my life’s purpose.
  6. I am guided by my inner wisdom and intuition in discovering and pursuing my purpose.
  7. I am worthy of living a purposeful life, and I embrace the journey of self-discovery.
  8. I am deeply connected to my purpose, and I allow it to inspire and guide me.
  9. I embrace the challenges and growth that come with aligning with my life’s purpose.
  10. I celebrate my purpose and the positive impact I have on the world, knowing that I am fulfilling my unique role.


Lammas reminds us of the importance of grounding ourselves in the present moment and connecting with the Earth’s energy. It is a time to find stability, rootedness, and a sense of belonging. Embrace the theme of grounding with these affirmations:

  1. I am grounded and rooted, connected to the stable energy of the Earth beneath me.
  2. I find peace and stability in grounding myself in the present moment.
  3. I am deeply connected to the Earth’s energy, allowing it to nurture and support me.
  4. I release any scattered energy and anchor myself firmly in the present.
  5. I honor my body as a vessel of grounding, allowing it to connect me with the Earth’s wisdom.
  6. I find solace and strength in grounding myself, even amidst the storms of life.
  7. I draw upon the Earth’s energy to restore balance and find stability in challenging times.
  8. I am grateful for the grounding energy that Lammas brings, allowing me to find stability and clarity.
  9. I connect with nature to ground myself, finding serenity and peace in its presence.
  10. I embrace the grounding energy of the harvest season, allowing it to center me and bring me into the present moment.


Lammas reminds us of the resilience inherent in nature and encourages us to cultivate resilience within ourselves. It is a time to embrace our inner strength, bounce back from challenges, and adapt to life’s changes. Embrace the theme of resilience with these affirmations:

  1. I am resilient and capable of overcoming any challenges that come my way.
  2. I embrace the lessons and growth that arise from moments of resilience.
  3. I rise above adversity with grace and courage, knowing that I am resilient.
  4. I trust in my ability to adapt and bounce back stronger from any setbacks.
  5. I cultivate resilience by nurturing my inner strength and self-belief.
  6. I celebrate the resilience within me, knowing that it is a powerful force for transformation.
  7. I face challenges with resilience, knowing that they are opportunities for growth and learning.
  8. I embrace the cycles of life, knowing that resilience is essential for navigating them.
  9. I am inspired by the resilience of nature, and I draw upon its wisdom within me.
  10. I celebrate my resilience and honor the strength that supports me on my journey.


Lammas encourages us to find harmony within ourselves, with others, and with the natural world. It is a time to seek balance and embrace the interconnectedness of all things. Embrace the theme of harmony with these affirmations:

  1. I am in harmony with myself, finding balance and peace within.
  2. I cultivate harmonious relationships that uplift and support me on my journey.
  3. I honor the interconnectedness of all living beings and strive to live in harmony with nature.
  4. I create space for stillness and silence, allowing harmony to flow into my life.
  5. I embrace the beauty of diversity and find harmony amidst differences.
  6. I am a conduit of harmony, spreading peace and love wherever I go.
  7. I harmonize my thoughts, words, and actions, aligning them with my highest good.
  8. I celebrate the harmonious flow of energy in my life, trusting in its divine orchestration.
  9. I find joy in the harmonious connections and collaborations that come my way.
  10. I embrace the spirit of harmony and contribute to the collective harmony of the world.


Lammas invites us to reflect on the wisdom gained from our experiences and the lessons of the harvest. It is a time to honor our inner wisdom and seek guidance from the cycles of nature. Embrace the theme of wisdom with these affirmations:

  1. I honor the wisdom gained from the harvest of my experiences and integrate it into my life.
  2. I trust in my inner wisdom and allow it to guide me on my path.
  3. I am open to receiving wisdom from the cycles of nature and the messages they hold.
  4. I celebrate the wisdom gained from both challenges and successes, knowing they shape me.
  5. I seek wisdom in stillness and silence, allowing it to flow into my thoughts and actions.
  6. I am a vessel of wisdom, sharing my insights and lessons with others.
  7. I embrace the continuous journey of learning and growing, knowing that wisdom is infinite.
  8. I recognize the wisdom of the natural world and honor its guidance in my life.
  9. I celebrate the wisdom of my ancestors and draw upon their teachings and experiences.
  10. I am grateful for the wisdom that Lammas brings, enriching my journey with deeper understanding and insight.


Lammas reminds us to slow down and savor the fruits of our labor, as well as the simple joys of life. It is a time to be fully present and appreciate the richness of each moment. Embrace the theme of savoring with these affirmations:

  1. I savor the abundance and blessings that the harvest season brings into my life.
  2. I take the time to fully experience and appreciate the flavors, scents, and textures of the harvest.
  3. I slow down and savor the beauty and magic of the present moment.
  4. I find joy in savoring the small, meaningful moments that make up the tapestry of life.
  5. I celebrate the richness of my experiences, savoring the memories they create.
  6. I am fully present in each moment, savoring the journey of life with gratitude.
  7. I release distractions and immerse myself in the present, savoring its gifts.
  8. I cultivate a mindset of mindfulness and savor the present with all my senses.
  9. I find deep satisfaction in savoring the achievements and milestones of the harvest season.
  10. I embrace the art of savoring, allowing it to deepen my connection to the abundance and beauty of life.

Gracious Receiving

Lammas invites us to cultivate a state of open-heartedness and gracious receiving, acknowledging and accepting the abundance and blessings that come our way. It is a time to let go of resistance and welcome the gifts of life. Embrace the theme of gracious receiving with these affirmations:

  1. I am open to receiving the abundant blessings that flow into my life with grace and gratitude.
  2. I release any resistance and embrace the joy of gracious receiving.
  3. I deserve to receive love, abundance, and blessings, and I welcome them into my life.
  4. I receive the gifts of the harvest season with open arms and an open heart.
  5. I trust in the universe’s benevolence and graciously receive the opportunities that come my way.
  6. I let go of any limiting beliefs and allow myself to be a gracious receiver of abundance.
  7. I am grateful for the generosity of life, and I receive its blessings with humility and appreciation.
  8. I embody the energy of gracious receiving, allowing the abundance to flow into my life effortlessly.
  9. I celebrate the act of receiving and honor the reciprocity of giving and receiving in the cycles of life.
  10. I embrace the art of gracious receiving, knowing that it allows me to fully experience and share the blessings of the harvest season.


Lammas symbolizes the cycles of growth and reminds us of the continuous journey of personal and spiritual development. It is a time to embrace growth, expansion, and the potential for transformation. Embrace the theme of growth with these affirmations:

  1. I embrace the opportunities for growth and expansion that the harvest season presents.
  2. I am open to personal and spiritual growth, allowing myself to evolve and transform.
  3. I celebrate the progress I have made and the growth I continue to experience on my journey.
  4. I welcome challenges as opportunities for growth, knowing that they bring valuable lessons.
  5. I nourish the seeds of growth within me, cultivating my potential with love and care.
  6. I release any resistance to change and embrace the transformative power of growth.
  7. I celebrate the beauty of growth and the blossoming of my dreams and aspirations.
  8. I am grateful for the growth that has come from the harvest of my efforts and intentions.
  9. I honor the cycles of growth in nature and align with the energy of expansion.
  10. I embrace growth as a natural and essential part of life, stepping boldly into the next phase of my journey.


Lammas encourages us to trust in the process of life and the abundance that surrounds us. It is a time to surrender control and have faith in the divine unfolding of our path. Embrace the theme of trust with these affirmations:

  1. I trust in the wisdom of the universe and surrender to its divine guidance.
  2. I release the need for control and trust that everything is working out for my highest good.
  3. I have faith in the abundance that flows to me and trust in its continuous presence.
  4. I trust in the cycles of life and know that each experience is leading me to greater growth.
  5. I have unwavering trust in my own abilities and the support of the universe.
  6. I trust in the process of life and embrace the lessons that come with it.
  7. I let go of fear and doubt, and I trust in the path that unfolds before me.
  8. I trust in the timing of the universe, knowing that everything happens in perfect divine order.
  9. I have deep trust in myself and in the divine plan that is guiding my journey.
  10. I celebrate the trust I have cultivated, knowing that it opens the door to limitless possibilities.


Lammas reminds us to practice patience as we wait for our dreams to come to fruition. It is a time to trust in the natural timing of life and embrace the process of growth and manifestation. Embrace the theme of patience with these affirmations:

  1. I practice patience as I nurture the seeds of my dreams during the harvest season.
  2. I trust in divine timing and have patience as my intentions unfold in perfect timing.
  3. I surrender the need for immediate results and embrace the journey of patient growth.
  4. I have patience as I work diligently towards my goals, knowing that they will manifest at the right time.
  5. I celebrate the power of patience, knowing that it cultivates resilience and inner strength.
  6. I trust that the universe is aligning everything for my highest good and practice patience in the process.
  7. I am patient with myself and allow the necessary time for healing, growth, and transformation.
  8. I find peace in the present moment and release the need to rush ahead.
  9. I have patience in the face of challenges, knowing that they hold valuable lessons for my evolution.
  10. I celebrate the virtue of patience and honor its transformative power in my life.

Connection to Ancestors

Lammas provides an opportunity to honor and connect with our ancestors, the lineage from which we come. It is a time to acknowledge their wisdom, guidance, and the gifts they have passed down to us. Embrace the theme of connection to ancestors with these affirmations:

  1. I honor and connect with my ancestors, acknowledging their presence and guidance in my life.
  2. I carry the wisdom and strength of my ancestors within me, and I honor their legacy.
  3. I am grateful for the ancestral lineage that has shaped my path and the gifts it has bestowed upon me.
  4. I connect with the wisdom and knowledge of my ancestors, drawing upon their guidance in my journey.
  5. I celebrate the unbroken chain of love and connection that flows through generations in my family.
  6. I honor the sacrifices and achievements of my ancestors, knowing that I stand on their shoulders.
  7. I invite the presence and support of my ancestors, recognizing their continued influence in my life.
  8. I carry the stories and traditions of my ancestors, preserving their legacy with love and respect.
  9. I connect with the energy of my ancestral roots, feeling their strength and love supporting me.
  10. I celebrate the deep connection I have with my ancestors, knowing that their spirit lives on within me.

Harvesting Abundance

Lammas is a time to acknowledge and celebrate the abundance that surrounds us. It is a time to express gratitude for the blessings in our lives and to recognize the abundance that comes from our efforts and the support of the Earth. Embrace the theme of harvesting abundance with these affirmations:

  1. I gratefully receive the abundant harvest that the Earth provides, knowing that it sustains and nourishes me.
  2. I celebrate the bountiful abundance that flows into my life, knowing that I am deserving of its blessings.
  3. I express gratitude for the abundance that comes from my own efforts and the support of the universe.
  4. I am deeply connected to the cycles of abundance, and I celebrate the richness they bring to my life.
  5. I recognize and appreciate the abundance that exists in every area of my life, both big and small.
  6. I am a magnet for abundance, and I effortlessly attract prosperity and opportunities into my life.
  7. I honor the seeds of abundance that I have sown, and I celebrate the harvest that they have produced.
  8. I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me, and I share my blessings with others.
  9. I celebrate the abundance of love, joy, health, and wealth that fills my life.
  10. I embrace the energy of abundance, and I welcome its continuous flow into my life.

Ritual and Ceremony

Lammas is a sacred time that calls for ritual and ceremony to honor the harvest, express gratitude, and set intentions for the future. It is a time to connect with the divine and create sacred space. Embrace the theme of ritual and ceremony with these affirmations:

  1. I honor the sacredness of Lammas and create meaningful rituals to connect with its energy.
  2. I embrace the power of ceremony to anchor my intentions and deepen my spiritual connection.
  3. I celebrate the beauty of ritual, knowing that it allows me to tap into the sacred within me and around me.
  4. I create sacred space for reflection, gratitude, and intention-setting during the harvest season.
  5. I connect with the divine through ritual and ceremony, knowing that it enhances my spiritual journey.
  6. I honor the cycles of nature and align myself with the sacred rhythm of the universe through ritual.
  7. I embrace the transformative power of sacred rituals and ceremonies in my life.
  8. I infuse my rituals and ceremonies with love, intention, and reverence, creating a sacred container for magic to unfold.
  9. I celebrate the connection between the physical and spiritual realms through the practice of ritual.
  10. I am grateful for the wisdom and guidance received through ritual and ceremony, and I honor its significance in my spiritual path.


Lammas is a time to express gratitude for the abundance in our lives and to acknowledge the blessings that surround us. It is an opportunity to cultivate a grateful heart and appreciate the gifts of the harvest. Embrace the theme of gratitude with these affirmations:

  1. I am grateful for the abundance that flows into my life, and I express gratitude for all that I have.
  2. I appreciate the blessings of the harvest season and celebrate the abundance that it brings.
  3. I am grateful for the nourishment and sustenance provided by the Earth’s bounty.
  4. I express gratitude for the efforts and contributions of those who have supported and helped me along my journey.
  5. I am thankful for the lessons learned and the growth experienced during this harvest season.
  6. I cultivate a grateful heart and find joy in expressing gratitude for the simple pleasures in life.
  7. I celebrate the abundance of love, joy, and prosperity that fills my life, and I am deeply grateful.
  8. I appreciate the interconnectedness of all things and express gratitude for the harmony and balance it brings.
  9. I am grateful for the cycles of nature and the wisdom they impart, and I express my gratitude for their guidance.
  10. I embrace the practice of gratitude, knowing that it opens the door to even greater blessings and abundance.

Letting Go

Lammas symbolizes the act of letting go, just as we release what has served its purpose during the harvest season. It is a time to release attachments, old patterns, and anything that no longer aligns with our growth and well-being. Embrace the theme of letting go with these affirmations:

  1. I release what no longer serves my highest good and create space for new beginnings.
  2. I let go of attachments and embrace the freedom and growth that come from releasing what no longer serves me.
  3. I release old patterns and beliefs that limit my potential, opening myself to new possibilities.
  4. I surrender the need for control and trust in the divine flow of life.
  5. I let go of regrets and forgive myself for past mistakes, allowing healing and transformation to take place.
  6. I release expectations and embrace the present moment with an open heart and mind.
  7. I detach from outcomes and trust that everything is unfolding in divine order.
  8. I release fear and embrace the unknown, knowing that it holds infinite potential for growth and expansion.
  9. I let go of judgments and embrace acceptance and compassion for myself and others.
  10. I celebrate the act of letting go, knowing that it creates space for miracles and new blessings to enter my life.
Lughnasadh affirmations for harvest


Lammas invites us to reflect on the law of karma and the interconnectedness of our actions and their consequences. It is a time to take responsibility for our choices and to sow seeds of positivity and kindness. Embrace the theme of karma with these affirmations:

  1. I am mindful of my thoughts, words, and actions, knowing that they shape my karma.
  2. I sow seeds of love, compassion, and positivity, knowing that they will return to me in abundance.
  3. I take responsibility for my choices and align them with the highest good for myself and others.
  4. I release negative karma and embrace the opportunity for growth and transformation.
  5. I cultivate awareness and make conscious choices, knowing that they create the foundation of my karma.
  6. I celebrate the interconnectedness of all beings and strive to contribute to positive karmic cycles.
  7. I am grateful for the lessons that karma teaches me, guiding me towards greater understanding and harmony.
  8. I practice forgiveness and release karmic debt, allowing healing and freedom to flow into my life.
  9. I embrace the law of karma with humility, knowing that every action carries consequences.
  10. I celebrate the power I hold to shape my karma and choose to create a ripple effect of love and positivity in the world.

Family Gathering

Lammas is an opportunity to come together with loved ones and celebrate the blessings of family and community. It is a time to nurture connections and create cherished memories. Embrace the theme of family gathering with these affirmations:

  1. I am grateful for the love and support of my family, and I cherish the moments we share during the harvest season.
  2. I celebrate the bonds of family and the joy that comes from gathering together.
  3. I create a welcoming and loving space for my family, where we can celebrate and nurture our connections.
  4. I express gratitude for the traditions and memories that are created when we gather as a family during Lammas.
  5. I appreciate the laughter, love, and support that flows between us during our family gatherings.
  6. I honor the wisdom and guidance passed down through generations in my family, knowing that we are connected by a shared heritage.
  7. I create meaningful rituals and traditions that strengthen the bonds of my family during the harvest season.
  8. I am present and fully engaged in the moments of connection and togetherness with my family.
  9. I celebrate the unique qualities and contributions of each family member, fostering a sense of unity and belonging.
  10. I am grateful for the love and connection shared with my family, and I celebrate the abundance of our relationships.

Nurturing the Soul

Lammas invites us to nurture our souls and tend to our inner growth and well-being. It is a time to prioritize self-care, reflection, and spiritual nourishment. Embrace the theme of nurturing the soul with these affirmations:

  1. I prioritize self-care and create space for nurturing my soul during the harvest season.
  2. I listen to the needs of my soul and provide it with the love, care, and nourishment it deserves.
  3. I cultivate a daily practice of self-reflection and inner exploration, allowing my soul to thrive.
  4. I celebrate the beauty and wisdom that reside within my soul, and I honor its unique journey.
  5. I make time for activities that bring me joy, peace, and spiritual growth, nurturing my soul’s desires.
  6. I connect with nature to rejuvenate my soul and deepen my connection with the cycles of life.
  7. I embrace solitude as a sacred space for self-discovery and soul nourishment.
  8. I seek out spiritual teachings and practices that resonate with my soul, expanding my understanding and connection.
  9. I celebrate the journey of my soul, acknowledging its growth and evolution during the harvest season.
  10. I am committed to nurturing my soul, knowing that it is the foundation of my well-being and happiness.

Accepting the Growing Darkness

Lammas marks the beginning of the gradual shift towards the darker half of the year. It is a time to embrace the changing seasons and find acceptance and wisdom in the growing darkness. Embrace the theme of accepting the growing darkness with these affirmations:

  1. I honor the natural cycles of light and darkness and find harmony in their ebb and flow.
  2. I embrace the growing darkness as a time for introspection, reflection, and inner transformation.
  3. I release resistance to the changing seasons and find beauty in the stillness and mystery of the growing darkness.
  4. I trust in the wisdom of nature and recognize that darkness holds its own gifts and lessons.
  5. I find comfort and peace in accepting the growing darkness as a necessary part of the balance of life.
  6. I celebrate the lessons and insights that come from navigating through the shadows of the growing darkness.
  7. I align with the energy of the changing seasons and embrace the gifts that come from surrendering to the darkness.
  8. I release fear and embrace the unknown, knowing that within the darkness lies the potential for growth and renewal.
  9. I find solace in the quietude and rest that the growing darkness offers, nurturing my body, mind, and spirit.
  10. I celebrate the wisdom gained from accepting and embracing the growing darkness, knowing that it enriches my journey.

Thanksgiving to the Sun

Lammas is a time to express gratitude to the Sun, which provides warmth, light, and sustenance for the harvest. It is an opportunity to acknowledge the Sun’s vital role in the cycle of life and to give thanks for its blessings. Embrace the theme of thanksgiving to the Sun with these affirmations:

  1. I am grateful for the Sun’s radiant energy that nourishes and sustains life on Earth.
  2. I give thanks to the Sun for its warmth, which nurtures the growth of the harvest.
  3. I celebrate the life-giving energy of the Sun and express gratitude for its continuous presence in the sky.
  4. I honor the Sun as a symbol of strength and vitality, and I give thanks for its transformative power.
  5. I appreciate the Sun’s light, which illuminates the path of my journey and brings clarity to my life.
  6. I express deep gratitude to the Sun for its role in the cycles of nature and its contribution to the abundance of the harvest.
  7. I celebrate the Sun as a source of inspiration and creativity, and I give thanks for its life-affirming energy.
  8. I am thankful for the Sun’s warmth, which fills me with joy and vitality, awakening my spirit.
  9. I honor the Sun’s role in the changing seasons and the blessings it brings to the Earth.
  10. I express heartfelt gratitude to the Sun for its presence and the blessings it bestows upon me each day.

Receiving Blessings from the Earth

Lammas reminds us to receive and appreciate the blessings bestowed upon us by the Earth. It is a time to acknowledge our deep connection to the Earth and to receive its abundant gifts with gratitude. Embrace the theme of receiving blessings from the Earth with these affirmations:

  1. I open my heart to receive the abundant blessings that the Earth graciously offers.
  2. I am deeply connected to the Earth, and I receive its blessings with gratitude and reverence.
  3. I embrace the nourishment provided by the Earth’s harvest, receiving its sustenance with appreciation.
  4. I am receptive to the healing energy of the Earth, allowing it to restore and revitalize my body, mind, and spirit.
  5. I receive the beauty and abundance of nature with open arms, allowing it to inspire and uplift me.
  6. I honor the Earth’s generosity and express deep gratitude for the blessings it bestows upon me.
  7. I am open to receiving the wisdom and guidance that the Earth provides through its cycles and rhythms.
  8. I am grateful for the Earth’s support and grounding energy, which anchors me in the present moment.
  9. I receive the Earth’s blessings with humility, recognizing the interconnectedness of all life.
  10. I celebrate the sacred exchange of receiving blessings from the Earth and give thanks for the abundance it brings into my life.

Winning the Battle Against Our Inner Darkness

Lammas reminds us that we have the power to overcome our inner darkness and find inner strength and light. It is a time to acknowledge our shadows and embrace the journey of self-discovery and transformation. Embrace the theme of winning the battle against our inner darkness with these affirmations:

  1. I am resilient and courageous in the face of my inner darkness, and I have the power to overcome it.
  2. I embrace my shadows as opportunities for growth and self-reflection, knowing that they hold valuable lessons.
  3. I release self-judgment and embrace self-compassion as I navigate the depths of my inner darkness.
  4. I am filled with inner light, and I trust in my ability to shine brightly, dispelling any darkness within me.
  5. I celebrate my inner strength and the battles I have won against my inner darkness, knowing that they have made me stronger.
  6. I welcome the process of inner transformation and the shedding of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve me.
  7. I call upon the light within me to guide me through the darkest corners of my soul, illuminating the path of healing and growth.
  8. I acknowledge that my inner darkness is a part of my journey, and I embrace it with courage and acceptance.
  9. I celebrate my victories over my inner demons, knowing that I am capable of overcoming any challenge.
  10. I am empowered to rise above my inner darkness and embrace the light that resides within me, shining it out into the world.

    Dark Divine Feminine: Lilith Spells Book
