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40 Herbs for Lunar Deities: Invoking Moon Goddesses and Gods

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Choosing the right herbal offerings for your favorite lunar deities can enhance your connection with their energy and bring forth their blessings. Lunar deities have captivated our imaginations for centuries, symbolizing the mystical power and nurturing qualities of the moon.

In this blog post, we will explore an extensive selection of 40 herbs associated with various lunar goddesses and gods from different mythologies.

By incorporating these herbs into your spiritual practices, you can amplify your connection to the lunar realm and harness its magic for personal growth and empowerment.

The significance of lunar deities spans across cultures and mythologies, and their magical correspondences vary. However, they often share common associations such as intuition, divination, dreams, and psychic abilities.

Each lunar deity represents unique aspects of feminine energy and holds specific symbolism related to lunar cycles. By understanding their individual qualities, we can tailor our offerings to align with their energy more effectively.

Let’s delve into the enchanting world of lunar deities and discover the herbs that resonate with their magic.

Moon Goddesses and Their Herbal Offerings

The moon goddesses hold a special place in mythology, representing the divine feminine energy and the mystical power of the moon. Each goddess carries unique qualities and magical correspondences that can be honored and invoked through specific herbal offerings. Let’s explore the enchanting world of these lunar deities and the herbs associated with them.


In Greek mythology, Selene is revered as the goddess of the moon, embodying lunar magic, dreams, and divination. To connect with Selene’s energy and harness her blessings, consider offering her the following herbs:

  1. Magical Correspondences: Selene is associated with intuition, divination, dreams, and psychic abilities. By working with herbs aligned with these correspondences, you can amplify your own psychic powers and enhance your connection with the lunar realm. Embrace the following magical correspondences in your rituals and spellwork:
    • Intuition: Trust your inner knowing and develop your intuitive abilities through meditation and divination practices.
    • Divination: Utilize tarot cards, oracle cards, or scrying techniques to receive messages and insights from the divine.
    • Dreams: Keep a dream journal and work with herbs that promote vivid dreams and lucid dreaming.
    • Psychic Abilities: Enhance your psychic gifts by working with herbs known for their psychic properties.
  2. Symbolism: Selene is often associated with serenity, grace, feminine energy, and the cyclical nature of the moon. Embrace these symbols in your spiritual practices to align with Selene’s energy:
    • Serenity: Create a tranquil space for meditation and reflection, incorporating calming scents and soothing herbal teas.
    • Grace: Cultivate elegance and poise in your daily life, embodying Selene’s graceful energy.
    • Feminine Energy: Embrace your divine femininity and connect with the nurturing aspects of the moon goddess.
    • Lunar Cycles: Observe and honor the different phases of the moon, synchronizing your intentions and rituals accordingly.
  3. Herbal Offerings: To honor Selene and invite her blessings, consider offering her the following herbs:
    • Moonwort: Moonwort has long been associated with lunar magic and is believed to enhance psychic abilities and promote vivid dreams. Use it in dream pillows or burn it as incense during divination rituals.
    • Mugwort: Mugwort is a versatile herb known for its connection to the moon and its ability to stimulate intuition and enhance psychic powers. Incorporate it into your rituals, teas, or baths.
    • Jasmine: Jasmine represents the delicate beauty and enchanting fragrance of the moon. Its flowers are commonly used in love and divination spells, making it a suitable offering for Selene.
    • Moonflower: This nocturnal bloomer is associated with the moon’s mysteries and carries an ethereal beauty and intoxicating scent. Use it as an offering to Selene or incorporate it into lunar rituals.
    • Lemon Balm: Lemon balm carries the energy of the moon and is often used to soothe the mind and promote relaxation. Its calming properties make it an ideal addition to lunar rituals dedicated to Selene.
Herbs for moon gods


Luna, the Roman counterpart of Selene, represents the nurturing and illuminating qualities of the moon. She is often depicted driving a chariot across the night sky, spreading her radiant light. To honor Luna and tap into her healing and protective energy, consider offering her the following herbs:

  1. Magical Correspondences: Luna is associated with healing, intuition, fertility, and protection. By working with herbs aligned with these correspondences, you can harness Luna’s energy and enhance these aspects of your life. Embrace the following magical correspondences in your rituals and spellwork:
    • Healing: Use herbs known for their healing properties to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
    • Intuition: Enhance your intuition and psychic abilities through the use of herbs that facilitate spiritual insight and inner knowing.
    • Fertility: Embrace herbs associated with fertility and incorporate them into fertility rituals or spells if you’re seeking to conceive or enhance creative endeavors.
    • Protection: Utilize herbs known for their protective energies to create a shield of spiritual defense and safeguard against negative influences.
  2. Symbolism: Luna’s symbolism revolves around illumination, the cycles of life, emotions, and feminine energy. By incorporating these symbols into your practices, you can align with Luna’s energy and embrace her nurturing qualities:
    • Illumination: Embrace the illuminating power of the moon, allowing it to illuminate your path and reveal hidden truths.
    • Cycles of Life: Recognize the cyclic nature of life and embrace the ebb and flow of experiences, just as the moon waxes and wanes.
    • Emotions: Honor and acknowledge your emotions, allowing Luna’s energy to provide guidance and support during times of emotional intensity.
    • Feminine Energy: Connect with the nurturing and compassionate aspects of your femininity, allowing Luna’s energy to empower and guide you.
  3. Herbal Offerings: To honor Luna and invite her healing and nurturing energy, consider offering her the following herbs:
    • Chamomile: Chamomile is a herb renowned for its soothing properties and connection to both the sun and the moon. Use it in teas or baths to invoke Luna’s nurturing energy.
    • Evening Primrose: This herb is associated with the cycles of the moon and is believed to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. Incorporate it into oils, lotions, or teas to honor Luna’s mystical energy.
    • Moonwort: Moonwort, also known as “Lunaria,” is a powerful herb linked to lunar magic and protection. Use it in talismans or as an offering to Luna to seek her guidance and blessings.
    • White Sage: White sage has long been used for purification and protection. Its connection to Luna allows it to facilitate spiritual cleansing and create a sacred space for lunar rituals.
    • Clary Sage: Clary sage carries the energy of the moon and is often associated with divination and intuitive insights. Use it in aromatherapy or as an offering to Luna to enhance your intuitive abilities.


Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and the moon, exudes independence, intuition, and a strong connection to nature. To honor Artemis and tap into her protective energy, consider offering her the following herbs:

  1. Magical Correspondences: Artemis is associated with wilderness, protection, independence, and intuition. By working with herbs aligned with these correspondences, you can enhance your connection with Artemis and embrace her empowering qualities. Embrace the following magical correspondences in your rituals and spellwork:
    • Wilderness: Connect with the untamed aspects of nature and explore the wild within you through herbs associated with wilderness and herbalism.
    • Protection: Utilize herbs known for their protective energies to create a shield of spiritual defense and ward off negative influences.
    • Independence: Embrace your individuality and assert your independence by working with herbs that enhance self-confidence and self-reliance.
    • Intuition: Strengthen your intuitive abilities by using herbs that facilitate a deeper connection with your inner wisdom and guidance.
  2. Symbolism: Artemis embodies the spirit of nature, hunting, lunar energy, and strong-willed feminine power. By incorporating these symbols into your practices, you can align with Artemis’s energy and embrace her fierce and independent nature:
    • Nature: Cultivate a deep connection with the natural world and the wilderness, immersing yourself in outdoor activities and embracing the healing power of nature.
    • Hunting: Symbolically engage in the metaphorical hunt for personal growth, knowledge, and self-discovery.
    • Lunar Energy: Observe and honor the cycles of the moon, utilizing lunar energy in your rituals and embracing the moon’s guidance.
    • Strong-Willed Feminine Power: Embrace your inner strength, resilience, and assertiveness, embodying the empowering qualities of Artemis.
  3. Herbal Offerings: To honor Artemis and tap into her protective energy, consider offering her the following herbs:
    • Bay Laurel: Bay laurel symbolizes victory, protection, and wisdom, making it an ideal offering for Artemis. Use it in wreaths, as a seasoning, or in incense to invoke her energy during rituals.
    • Cypress: Cypress is associated with Artemis due to its connections to the moon and its protective properties. Use it to create a sacred atmosphere and enhance spiritual clarity.
    • Myrtle: Myrtle is a symbol of love, beauty, and fertility, making it a suitable offering for Artemis. Utilize its leaves and flowers in charm bags or as an ingredient in love spells dedicated to the goddess.
    • Thyme: Thyme carries the energy of courage and protection, qualities that resonate with Artemis’s fierce and independent nature. Burn it as incense or use it in ritual baths to honor her.
    • Yarrow: Yarrow is a powerful herb associated with divination and psychic abilities. Use it in spells or as an offering to Artemis to enhance intuition and connect with the spirit of the hunt.


Isis, an ancient Egyptian goddess, is a powerful deity associated with magic, fertility, and the moon. She is often depicted with a lunar headdress, symbolizing her connection to the moon’s cycles. To honor Isis and invite her blessings, consider offering her the following herbs:

  1. Magical Correspondences: Isis is associated with magic, fertility, healing, and divine feminine energy. By working with herbs aligned with these correspondences, you can tap into Isis’s potent energy and embrace her transformative qualities. Embrace the following magical correspondences in your rituals and spellwork:
    • Magic: Explore the realm of magic and spellcasting, utilizing herbs that amplify your intentions and enhance your ritual practices.
    • Fertility: Embrace herbs associated with fertility and utilize them in rituals or spells to invoke Isis’s blessings for fertility, whether it be physical fertility or the fertility of creative projects.
    • Healing: Work with herbs known for their healing properties to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, seeking Isis’s guidance and support in your healing journey.
    • Divine Feminine Energy: Connect with the divine feminine within you and honor the nurturing, compassionate, and creative aspects of your being.
  2. Symbolism: Isis symbolizes motherhood, rebirth, intuition, and lunar cycles. By incorporating these symbols into your practices, you can align with Isis’s energy and embrace her transformative powers:
    • Motherhood: Honor the sacred role of motherhood and nurture the maternal qualities within you.
    • Rebirth: Embrace the cycles of life and death, allowing Isis’s energy to guide you through personal transformations and rebirths.
    • Intuition: Cultivate your intuitive abilities and trust the guidance of your inner wisdom, seeking Isis’s support in developing your psychic senses.
    • Lunar Cycles: Observe and align your rituals with the phases of the moon, recognizing the cyclical nature of life and the lunar energies that Isis embodies.
  3. Herbal Offerings: To honor Isis and invite her blessings, consider offering her the following herbs:
    • Frankincense: Frankincense is associated with spirituality, purification, and connection to the divine. Use it in rituals or as an offering to invoke Isis’s presence and guidance.
    • Myrrh: Myrrh carries the energy of protection, healing, and amplifying magical intentions. Utilize it in rituals or as an offering to enhance your connection with Isis.
    • Rose: Roses symbolize love, beauty, and divine feminine energy. Offer roses to Isis or use rose petals in love spells, rituals, or sacred baths dedicated to her.
    • Lavender: Lavender is renowned for its calming and soothing properties. Use it to create a serene atmosphere and invoke Isis’s healing and nurturing energy.
    • Jasmine: Jasmine carries the essence of love, sensuality, and spirituality. Incorporate it into your rituals or offer it to Isis to deepen your connection with her divine feminine energy.


Chang’e, the Chinese moon goddess, holds a central role in the Mid-Autumn Festival and is associated with immortality and lunar energy. Often depicted with a rabbit, she represents compassion, transformation, and wishes. To honor Chang’e and embrace her energy, consider offering her the following herbs:

  1. Magical Correspondences: Chang’e is associated with immortality, beauty, lunar energy, and love. By working with herbs aligned with these correspondences, you can align with Chang’e’s energy and embrace her transformative qualities. Embrace the following magical correspondences in your rituals and spellwork:
    • Immortality: Explore the concept of personal growth, transformation, and the everlasting spirit through herbs associated with longevity and spiritual development.
    • Beauty: Embrace self-care rituals and work with herbs that promote physical and inner beauty, allowing Chang’e’s energy to enhance your radiance.
    • Lunar Energy: Connect with the moon’s energy and embrace the mystical qualities associated with lunar cycles, aligning your intentions and rituals with Chang’e’s energy.
    • Love: Work with herbs associated with love and romance to enhance your connections and invite the energy of love into your life.
  2. Symbolism: Chang’e’s symbolism revolves around moonlight, compassion, transformation, and wishes. By incorporating these symbols into your practices, you can align with Chang’e’s energy and embrace her transformative qualities:
    • Moonlight: Embrace the gentle glow of moonlight and utilize it to enhance your rituals and meditation practices, allowing Chang’e’s energy to guide you.
    • Compassion: Cultivate compassion and empathy toward yourself and others, embodying Chang’e’s compassionate nature.
    • Transformation: Embrace personal growth and transformation, seeking Chang’e’s support in navigating life’s changes and embarking on new beginnings.
    • Wishes: Honor the power of intention and wishes, utilizing herbs associated with manifestation and the fulfillment of desires.
  3. Herbal Offerings: To honor Chang’e and invite her blessings, consider offering her the following herbs:
    • Lotus: Lotus symbolizes purity, enlightenment, and spiritual growth. Offer lotus flowers or incorporate lotus petals into your rituals to connect with Chang’e’s transformative energy.
    • Ginseng: Ginseng is associated with vitality, longevity, and spiritual awakening. Utilize ginseng in teas or as an offering to invoke Chang’e’s blessings and enhance your connection with her energy.
    • White Peony: White peony represents beauty, grace, and feminine energy. Offer white peony flowers or use its petals in rituals and spellwork dedicated to Chang’e.
    • White Willow Bark: White willow bark is renowned for its properties of healing and protection. Utilize it in rituals or offer it to Chang’e as a symbol of healing and transformation.
    • Snow Mushroom: Snow mushroom, also known as Tremella, is associated with beauty and youthfulness. Offer it to Chang’e or incorporate it into beauty rituals to seek her blessings.

Moon Gods and their Herbal Offerings

The moon gods hold their own significance in various mythologies and are associated with unique qualities and energies. Let’s explore the herbal offerings for each of these divine lunar beings.


In ancient Egyptian mythology, Thoth is revered as the god of wisdom, writing, and the moon. Often depicted with the head of an ibis or a baboon, Thoth is associated with lunar cycles and is a patron of knowledge and intelligence. To connect with Thoth’s energy and seek his blessings, consider offering him the following herbs:

  1. Magical Correspondences: Thoth embodies the qualities of wisdom, knowledge, writing, and divination. Working with herbs aligned with these correspondences can enhance your connection with Thoth’s energy and aid in your magical practices:
    • Wisdom: Explore herbs that promote mental clarity, insight, and spiritual growth to attune to Thoth’s wisdom.
    • Knowledge: Utilize herbs that stimulate the mind and enhance memory to deepen your understanding and learning abilities.
    • Writing: Incorporate herbs associated with creativity and self-expression to ignite inspiration and connect with Thoth’s influence on writing.
    • Divination: Seek herbs that enhance psychic abilities, intuition, and connection with the spiritual realm to align with Thoth’s influence in divinatory practices.
  2. Symbolism: Thoth’s symbolism encompasses lunar cycles, time, intelligence, and lunar magic. By incorporating these symbols into your rituals and practices, you can evoke Thoth’s energy and guidance:
    • Lunar Cycles: Work with herbs that correspond to different lunar phases, honoring the ebb and flow of cosmic energy and Thoth’s connection to lunar cycles.
    • Time: Reflect on the passage of time and the significance of each moment by utilizing herbs associated with grounding, mindfulness, and the present.
    • Intelligence: Embrace herbs that enhance mental acuity, logic, and intellectual pursuits to align with Thoth’s association with intelligence and knowledge.
    • Lunar Magic: Explore herbs with mystical properties and lunar energy to amplify your magical workings and tap into Thoth’s lunar magic.
  3. Herbal Offerings: To honor Thoth and invite his blessings, consider offering him the following herbs:
    • Sage: Sage is renowned for its cleansing and purifying properties. Offer sage leaves or incorporate them into your rituals to create a sacred space for connecting with Thoth.
    • Sandalwood: Sandalwood is associated with spirituality, meditation, and mental clarity. Utilize sandalwood incense or oil as an offering to enhance your connection with Thoth’s wisdom.
    • Honeysuckle: Honeysuckle represents joy, intuition, and psychic abilities. Offer honeysuckle flowers or utilize them in rituals dedicated to Thoth’s guidance and insight.
    • Lavender: Lavender carries calming and soothing properties, promoting relaxation and clarity of thought. Offer lavender sprigs or incorporate them into your rituals to invoke Thoth’s intelligence.
    • Lemon Verbena: Lemon verbena is associated with mental clarity, focus, and concentration. Offer lemon verbena leaves or infuse them into teas to enhance your connection with Thoth’s wisdom.


Mani is a Norse god associated with the moon and is considered the brother of the sun goddess Sol. He governs time, the passage of months, and the lunar calendar. As the embodiment of lunar phases and celestial artistry, Mani offers inspiration and creativity. To honor Mani and embrace his energy, consider offering him the following herbs:

  1. Magical Correspondences: Mani’s magical correspondences encompass timekeeping, cycles, inspiration, and creativity. By working with herbs aligned with these correspondences, you can tap into Mani’s influence and enhance your own artistic endeavors:
    • Timekeeping: Explore herbs associated with grounding, punctuality, and keeping track of time to align with Mani’s connection to the passage of hours and days.
    • Cycles: Utilize herbs that reflect cyclical patterns, such as the seasons or the moon’s phases, to align with Mani’s understanding of natural rhythms.
    • Inspiration: Embrace herbs known for their uplifting and invigorating qualities to ignite inspiration and access the wellspring of creativity within.
    • Creativity: Incorporate herbs that enhance artistic expression, imagination, and innovation to channel Mani’s creative energy.
  2. Symbolism: Mani’s symbolism revolves around lunar phases, artistry, enlightenment, and lunar energy. By embracing these symbols, you can attune to Mani’s essence and seek his guidance:
    • Lunar Phases: Explore herbs associated with each lunar phase to honor the ever-changing nature of the moon and Mani’s connection to its cycles.
    • Artistry: Reflect on the beauty of artistic expression and incorporate herbs that inspire and enhance your creativity, enabling you to embrace Mani’s artistic influence.
    • Enlightenment: Seek herbs that promote spiritual growth, insight, and enlightenment to deepen your connection with Mani’s illuminated presence.
    • Lunar Energy: Utilize herbs known for their mystical properties and lunar associations to amplify your connection with Mani’s lunar energy and presence.
  3. Herbal Offerings: To pay homage to Mani and invite his blessings, consider offering him the following herbs:
    • Calendula: Calendula is associated with creativity, inspiration, and artistic expression. Offer calendula flowers or utilize them in rituals to honor Mani’s creative energy.
    • Clary Sage: Clary sage is known for its ability to enhance intuition, creative vision, and inner clarity. Offer clary sage leaves or incorporate them into your rituals dedicated to Mani’s guidance.
    • Evening Primrose: Evening primrose symbolizes beauty, reflection, and introspection. Offer evening primrose flowers or use their oil in rituals that embrace Mani’s connection to the moon’s radiance.
    • Jasmine: Jasmine embodies sensuality, passion, and artistic inspiration. Offer jasmine flowers or infuse them into oils and potions to invoke Mani’s creative influence.
    • Moonflower: Moonflower, with its enchanting blooms that open at night, represents the magic and mystery of the moon. Offer moonflower blossoms or incorporate them into your rituals to evoke Mani’s lunar energy.
Herbs for lunar deities


Tsukuyomi is a revered Japanese moon god associated with nighttime magic, beauty, mysticism, and emotions. Considered a powerful and enigmatic deity in Japanese mythology, Tsukuyomi’s influence spans serenity, honor, and lunar cycles. To connect with Tsukuyomi’s energy and seek his blessings, consider offering him the following herbs:

  1. Magical Correspondences: Tsukuyomi’s magical correspondences encompass nighttime magic, beauty, mysticism, and emotions. Working with herbs aligned with these correspondences can deepen your connection with Tsukuyomi’s energy and aid in your magical practices:
    • Nighttime Magic: Explore herbs associated with nocturnal energy, dreamwork, and astral projection to align with Tsukuyomi’s connection to the mysteries of the night.
    • Beauty: Utilize herbs known for their beauty-enhancing properties, promoting inner and outer radiance, to honor Tsukuyomi’s association with beauty.
    • Mysticism: Seek herbs that facilitate spiritual experiences, enhance intuition, and deepen your connection to the unseen realms to align with Tsukuyomi’s mystical influence.
    • Emotions: Embrace herbs that support emotional healing, balance, and understanding to attune to Tsukuyomi’s wisdom in navigating the depths of feelings.
  2. Symbolism: Tsukuyomi’s symbolism revolves around moonlit nights, serenity, honor, and lunar cycles. By incorporating these symbols into your rituals and practices, you can evoke Tsukuyomi’s energy and guidance:
    • Moonlit Nights: Embrace the symbolism of moonlit nights, reflecting on their ethereal beauty and the tranquility they inspire. Use herbs associated with moonlight to connect with Tsukuyomi’s serene presence.
    • Serenity: Seek herbs that promote inner peace, calmness, and serenity to align with Tsukuyomi’s tranquil energy and honor his association with serenity.
    • Honor: Reflect on the concept of honor and integrity, working with herbs that align with the principles of honor and inspire acts of integrity.
    • Lunar Cycles: Explore herbs associated with the moon’s phases, honoring the cyclical nature of life and the moon’s influence on these cycles to align with Tsukuyomi’s lunar presence.
  3. Herbal Offerings: To honor Tsukuyomi and invite his blessings, consider offering him the following herbs:
    • Mugwort: Mugwort is strongly associated with lunar energy, dreamwork, and enhancing psychic abilities. Offer mugwort leaves or incorporate them into your rituals to honor Tsukuyomi’s mystical connection.
    • Lotus: Lotus symbolizes purity, enlightenment, and spiritual growth. Offer lotus petals or infuse them into teas and baths to evoke Tsukuyomi’s serene presence.
    • Cherry Blossom: Cherry blossoms represent the transient beauty of life and the ephemeral nature of the moon. Offer cherry blossom petals or incorporate them into your rituals to evoke Tsukuyomi’s association with beauty and impermanence.
    • Camellia: Camellia embodies grace, beauty, and refinement. Offer camellia flowers or use their oil in rituals dedicated to Tsukuyomi’s serene energy and connection to lunar cycles.
    • Japanese Knotweed: Japanese knotweed signifies resilience, growth, and adaptability. Offer Japanese knotweed leaves or incorporate them into your rituals to honor Tsukuyomi’s transformative and enduring nature.

By engaging with the unique herbal offerings for each moon deity, you can deepen your connection to their energies and incorporate their symbolism and magical correspondences into your spiritual practice. Remember to approach these rituals with reverence, intention, and gratitude as you invite the blessings and guidance of these celestial beings.

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