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New Moon In Capricorn Magical Correspondences

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The new moon in Capricorn represents the beginning of a new lunar cycle under the steady, ambitious influence of the Sea Goat. For witches and magicians, this is an ideal time to commit to tangible goals, harness Saturnian discipline and structure, and manifest personal mastery. The Moon’s reset in pragmatic Capricorn helps us build sturdy foundations to support our dreams.

As the Moon changes signs approximately every 2-3 days, her energies shift and impact our moods. Our natal Moon sign indicates our emotional temperament. When the transiting Moon enters Capricorn, she triggers our capacity for patience, determination, and responsible effort.

Tuning into our specific Moon sign insights below reveals the unique opportunities and shadow tendencies awakened during this lunar transit. By understanding the new moon’s influence, we can align our magic accordingly and ride Capricorn’s industrious wave.

Read more > Moon Magic: The Ultimate List Of Lunar Magic Knowledge

Aries Moon

Mood & Emotions

Aries moons feel energized to take ambitious initiative under the Capricorn new moon. You are eager to leap into goal-oriented action. However, temper the urge for instant gratification and quick fixes. Instead, make steady progress through thoughtful planning. Avoid frustration by pacing yourself. What unfolds slowly often lasts.

Love & Relationships

Committed partnerships feel strengthened under this sky. Support your lover’s growth through practical encouragement. Avoid reacting without considering their feelings; instead respond with care. If single, boldly ask out attractive people, but give relationships time to develop meaningfully before escalating commitments.


Curb impulse spending and develop disciplined savings plans. Invest spare funds into assets primed for slow, steady growth over decades rather than speculative risks. Start retirement funds now to reap rewards later. Sweat the small daily choices that compound over lifelong efforts.

Letting Go

Release attachment to instantaneous results, impatience, rushed shortcuts, and quick boredom. Embrace life’s meaningful achievements unfolding through determined persistence over time. Trust the process. Progress builds line by line.


Tiger eye – mental clarity in planning

Snowflake obsidian – releasing impatience

Smoky quartz – grounding scattered energy

Fluorite – aide concentration and discipline


Yerba mate – sustained mental stamina

Devil’s club – determination and courage

Sage – clarity of purpose and intuition

Solomon’s seal – patience and persistence

Magical Workings

  • Career goals and leadership skills
  • Money management
  • Long term planning spells
  • Banishing restlessness
  • Earth energy rituals
New moon in Capricorn crystals

Taurus Moon

Mood & Emotions

Taurus moons feel secure and ambitious working step-by-step under the Capricorn new moon. You are productive yet crave comfortable paces without undue pressure. Find rhythms sustainably stretching your limits while allowing rest. Slow and steady diligence brings major progress through time.

Love & Relationships

Show your romantic dedication through lavish quality time and thoughtful acts. But avoid hastily escalating commitments in relationships if feeling unsure. Let bonds deepen slowly over seasons. Nurture affection diligently even during phases requiring space. What takes cultivated time to grow strongly tends to last.


Harness the Capricorn moon’s patient drive by investing in assets set to appreciate slowly over decades – retirement funds, property, high-yield savings. Resist speculation. Carefully research all options. Establish solid foundations now for lasting security later. Brick by brick builds fortresses.

Letting Go

Release attachment to possessions and comforts that have become confining rather than fulfilling. Clear space in closets, schedules and homes to invite in fresh energy. What served you once may not fit now. Make room for new growth.


Emerald – prosperity and wisdom

Malachite – financial planning

Chrysocolla – empowerment and tranquility

Snowflake obsidian – release stagnation


Skullcap – reduces anxiety, releases stress

Lemon balm – uplifts mood and spirit

Mint – stimulates mind and body gently

Burdock – grounding and holistic cleansing

Magical Workings

  • Money magic
  • Property spells
  • Family and home protection
  • Cleansing spaces energetically
  • Rituals for stability

Gemini Moon

Mood & Emotions

Gemini moons feel eager to actively learn and implement ideas under the Capricorn new moon. Harness this lunation to commit to meaningful intellectual projects requiring sustained momentum over time. Avoid mental distraction. Turn curiosity into mastery through dedication. Embrace the satisfaction of comprehension gained slowly by deeply focused inquiry.

Love & Relationships

You crave lively, thoughtful conversation with romantic partners now. Discuss ethics, art, culture and imagination together. But avoid gathering superficial connections. Instead nurture bonds with friends and lovers who understand your multifaceted mind and spirit. Seek substance through sharing principles and visions. Lead with wisdom.


Financial decisions favor thorough research under this sky. Consult mentors. Read agreements fully. Begin sensible savings and investment seeds primed to grow steadily. Split funds between diverse opportunities. Avoid get rich quick schemes magically seeming too good to be true – often they are. What promises lasting returns unfolds gradually.

Letting Go

Release habit of abandoning endeavors when boredom arises. Redirect mental restless into finding new dimensions in subjects warranting greater dedicated exploration over time. Ideas deserve more than halfway finished. Follow developing insights to their deepest extent. Persevere.


Sodalite – logic and intellectual insight

Lapis lazuli – wisdom and expanded consciousness

Citrine – mental clarity and concentration

Fluorite – comprehension and discipline


Gotu kola – improve cognition and memory

Gingko – mental focus and circulation

Peppermint – stimulate mind and enhance cognition

Rosemary – improves recollection and reasoning

Magical Workings

  • Spells for successful completion of books and courses
  • Rituals to deepen spiritual wisdom
  • Strengthen communication abilities
  • Divination practice
  • Hone logic and debate skills

Cancer Moon

Mood & Emotions

Cancer moons feel pulled between home life and career ambitions under the Capricorn new moon. Nurture your sensitive side by planning sentimental moments with loved ones. But also push beyond comfort zones professionally. Balance will allow both to thrive. Don’t sacrifice one for the other completely. Aim to enrich both spheres.

Love & Relationships

Show your devotion by cooking cozy meals and planning sentimental evenings together. But avoid using relationships as an escape from personal growth work. Partners can’t fill inner voids permanently. Feel feelings to heal then purposefully move forward. Give love blended with accountability.


Eliminate household debts while adding to savings and retirement funds. Research major purchases thoroughly. Focus spending on needs not luxuries. Then use security gained to fuel bigger visions. Build onwards from modest strong foundations rather than overextending.

Letting Go

Release limiting conditioning from childhood or the past blocking your growth. Honor your roots while pruning what no longer nourishes your current journey. Merge the best of tradition and evolution. Foster supportive ancestral ties and chosen family bonds.


Moonstone – cycles and intuition

Larimar – soothing emotional storms

Opal – healing trauma and soothing emotions

Garnet – security and passion


Lemon balm – uplifts mood and calms anxieties

Oatstraw – nourishes emotional stability

Marshmallow root – emotional boundaries

Skullcap – releases emotional tension

Magical Workings

  • Early childhood healing
  • Ancestral rituals
  • Home protection spells
  • Family love magic
  • Cleansing spaces energetically

Leo Moon

Mood & Emotions

Leo moons feel creatively ambitious and eager for recognition under the Capricorn new moon. Balance disciplined efforts towards achievements with playfulness. Don’t abandon enjoyment entirely for status. Savor the journey’s pleasures amidst tackling responsibilities. Sow seeds blooming into meaningful contributions without burning out. Shine steadfast.

Love & Relationships

Dazzle your lover with dramatic dates while also offering steadfast support for their dreams. Listen thoughtfully then motivate with encouragement. But resist treating relationships like theater stages to act out insecurities requiring external validation. Shine from within first. Light up each other’s paths without eclipsing.


Your creative hustle is poised for prosperity under Capricorn’s disciplined influence. Attract funding for inspired projects through skillfully crafted presentations. Build budget foundations to support inventive risk-taking. But avoid ego-driven decisions. Not every chance at fame or riches merits grabbing. Carefully weigh choices.

Letting Go

Release need for constant praise and performance that hollows happiness. Instead reconnect to internal wells of spirit. Create for the meaning rather than acclaim. What flows through you spontaneously carries magic. Master your craft, then give it freely.


Citrine – creativity and success

Carnelian – courage and vibrancy

Sunstone – vitality and fame

Tigers eye – insight on appropriate risks


Damiana – independence and confidence

Ginseng – energy and passion

Ginger – determination and motivation

Saffron – mood enhancement

Magical Workings

  • Confidence and fame spells
  • Creativity enhancement rituals
  • Career success magic
  • Energizing leadership abilities
  • Prosperity and recognition

Virgo Moon

Mood & Emotions

Virgo moons feel centered when busily improving everything under the Capricorn new moon. Set pragmatic systems in place like budgets or filing plans. But allow spontaneity too. Not everything requires optimization. Look for beauty in life’s imperfections. Progress comes through compassion – for yourself and others – not just criticism.

Love & Relationships

Partners can support your goals through helpfulness. Accept their differences. Remind yourself the comfort found in neatness or logic alone is limited. The human connections we carefully tend yield life’s deepest rewards. Nurture your relationships as diligently as your projects.


Thoroughly analyze financial records and eliminate waste. But avoid micro-managing or unnecessary thrift bordering on stinginess. Reasonable invests in pleasure provide rich returns in morale. Research sound long term assets. But leave room for joyful indulgences. Balance is key.

Letting Go

Release fixation on minor flaws and need for rigid perfection in yourself and others that paralyzes you. Progress comes through patient, realistic improvements in understanding. Keep refining your approach based on evidence gathered along the way.


Amethyst – releases negativity and stress

Sodalite – inner truth and intuition

Fluorite – mental clarity and equilibrium

Smokey Quartz – absorbs stagnant energy


Lemon balm – uplifts mood and concentration

Peppermint – stimulates cognition without anxiety

Milky oats – soothing frayed nerves

Turmeric – promotes holistic focus

Magical Workings

  • Spells manifesting workplace success
  • rituals for learning new skills
  • Organization and editing projects
  • Personal and business accounting
  • Optimal daily routine magic
New moon in Capricorn horoscope

Libra Moon

Mood & Emotions

Libra moons crave pleasure and beauty amidst Capricorn’s industrious vibe. Embrace opportunities for creativity, convivial gatherings, and adventures with attractive company. But avoid false superficiality. Judge new connections by the content of their character. Seek substance through joy. Kindness matters more than appearances.

Love & Relationships

Share principles and future dreams with partners to deepen bonds now. But avoid pressuring commitments unless certain. Not every romantic spark can be sustained long-term. Enjoy magical moments for what they are. Let healthy partnerships unfold slowly like roses blooming in spring.


Vet any financial partners extensively first. Consult mentors before big investing shifts. Collaborate only with those sharing your values. Align finances with ethics. But leave room in budgets for cheerful indulgences like music, art, or experiences uplifting your soul. Cold profits alone can’t nourish life’s meaning.

Letting Go

Release resentment or corrosive self-judgment undermining your self-worth and harmonious relationships. Toxic comparisons and people pleasing serve you no more. Redirect efforts instead towards developing self-trust, then extend good faith generously to others.


Rose quartz – unconditional love and harmony

Green aventurine – prosperity and opportunity

Amazonite – soothing and spiritual insight

Fluorite – clarity in partnerships


Chamomile – gently calms worries

Lavender – relaxation and peace

Hawthorn – emotional balance within relationships

Milky oats – soothing presence

Magical Workings

  • Rituals strengthening commitment
  • Spells magnetizing suitable partners
  • Peace and justice magic
  • Creative projects and gatherings
  • Harmonizing group environments

Scorpio Moon

Moods & Emotions

Scorpio moons feel empowered harnessing their penetrating instincts for practical transformation under Capricorn skies. Heal through releasing what no longer serves you. Cleanse spaces energetically. Purge clutter and toxic attachments gracefully. What decays fertilizes new growth. Death enables rebirth. Eliminate shadows through en-lightened living.

Love & Relationships

Merge fully through intimacy with those resonating at your soul’s frequency. But avoid using spiritual connections manipulatively. Demanding others change to suit your ideals blocks their sovereign journeys. Travel together, not grasping. Allow each soul freedom to unfold at their own pace.


Shrewdly invest leveraging your heightened intuition during this lunar reset. But beware greed compromising your ethics. Avoid speculation and overextension chasing unstable riches. True wealth compounds through steady discipline and calculated diligence over decades. Stay grounded in common sense.

Letting Go

Release resentments and resistance to necessary transformations. The pains arising during metamorphosis precede profound healing. Have courage and faith. What is removed makes space for rebirth. Renew from your core outwards through releasing all that keeps you smaller than your destiny demands.


Obsidian – reveals inner shadows

Smoky quartz – absorbs stagnant energy

Black tourmaline – protection during release

Fluorite – clarity in transition


Mugwort – increases psychic sight

Wormwood – spirit contact and cleansing

Saint John’s wort – banishes negative energy

Sage – clears spiritual space

Magical Workings

  • Past life rituals and shadow work
  • Psychic empowerment
  • Energy cleansing spaces and auras
  • Releasing trauma or limiting beliefs
  • Transformational new moon ceremonies

Sagittarius Moon

Mood & Emotions

Sagittarius moons feel ambitious to manifest their expansive visions pragmatically under the Capricorn new moon. Harness discipline to develop skills warranting the income and influence to share your message. But retain hope and generosity. Dogmatic prejudice limits understanding. Stay open to feedback polishing your philosophies into wisdom truly uplifting all.

Love & Relationships

Remind friends and lovers you cherish their unique journeys. Avoid imposing your views self-righteously. Allow each soul their own path at their pace. Inspire through embodying your principles, not judging. Spread light gently with humility. The universe unveils itself through myriad diverse eyes.


Hard work compounds earnings in fields aligned with your beliefs like teaching, writing, or speaking. But greed for fortunes can compromise integrity. Seek purpose over profits. Tithe income to charity and invest in people over materials. True wealth comes through empowering others.

Letting Go

Release rigidity clinging to limited perspectives and need to control everything. Make space for mystery and collective wisdom exceeding your own. Our vision sharpens through weaving together understanding woven from humble open-hearted listening. The more you include, the more you will see.


Amethyst – expands spiritual insight

Citrine – prosperity and manifestation

Sugilite – awakens intuition and wisdom

Lepidolite – releases rigid attachments


Damiana – confidence and passion

Ginseng – energy and motivation

Gotu kola – stimulates cognition and memory

Hawthorn – opens heart to receive wisdom

Magical Workings

  • Teaching and publishing projects
  • Marketing, sales, and mentorship
  • Travel and relocation spells
  • Optimism and luck rituals
  • Expanding global consciousness

Capricorn Moon

Moods & Emotions

Capricorn moons feel energized maximizing output under the new moon in your sign. Harness ambition to carefully craft plans transforming visions into concrete reality. But balance drive to achieve with enjoyment of simpler pleasures along the way. Don’t sacrifice happiness now entirely for someday success. Nurture your whole being – physical, mental, and spiritual.

Love & Relationships

Pragmatically support your partner’s goals. Share advice from experience. But avoid relating as just instructor rather than equal. Express more affection. Everyone needs encouragement along with accountability to grow. Allow each other’s differences. Help gently, not critically.


Diligently invest spare funds into assets set to appreciate over decades like retirement accounts or property. But don’t sacrifice self-care chasing status. Spend reasonably to also nurture your spirit. Find purpose beyond profits and acclaim through meaningfully contributing to others’ lives.

Letting Go

Release stagnation, procrastination, irresponsibility, or trivial time-wasting scattering your focus. But don’t become cold and controlling micromanaging everything. Seek balance. Stay open and warm while steadily progressing towards your goals through calm determination, not harsh overdrive.


Garnet – courage and passion

Jet – protection and releasing stagnation

Hematite – vitality and grounding

Fluorite – mental clarity and equilibrium


Damiana – stamina and motivation

Ginseng – sustained energy

Yarrow – confidence in face of challenges

Hawthorn – steadies determination with patience

Magical Workings

  • Leadership development
  • Career advancement rituals
  • Business planning and achievement
  • Home blessing and protection
  • Honoring elders and ancestry

Aquarius Moon

Mood & Emotions

Aquarius moons feel inspired to ground futuristic visions practically under the Capricorn new moon. Blend heart and intellect by supporting communities improving society. But don’t abandon emotional needs of loved ones in pursuit of ideological progress. Change requires understanding the status quo first. Reform patiently.

Love & Relationships

Remind partners and friends you cherish the unique meaning they add to your life. Avoid relating merely through abstract ideas. Express sentiments and affection. While collaborating on shared causes, stay intimately connected beyond just concepts. Cherish both human and humanitarian bonds.


Explore unconventional income utilizing your inventive networks and talents. Invest reasonably in aligned communities. But shrewdly preserve capital through traditional approaches too. Blend progressive and conservative tactics Managing money creatively can fund idealistic projects. Remain grounded.

Letting Go

Release rigid insistence that your brilliant solutions are the only worthy options. Make space for collective insight exceeding your own views. Blend wisdom gathered from broad life experiences into your approach with humility. The more minds, the mightier vision manifests.


Lapis lazuli – imagination and wisdom

Amethyst – serenity and spiritual insight

Tigers eye – discernment in risk taking

Lepidolite – releasing rigid attachments


Vervain – increases psychic perception

Calendula – upflifts heart and spirit

Lemon balm – clarity of thought and mood

Mullein – instills courage and emotional comfort

Magical Workings

  • Social justice spells
  • Technology and science witchcraft
  • Fostering supportive communities
  • Finding unconventional solutions
  • Connecting to future selves

Pisces Moon

Mood & Emotions

Pisces moons feel dreamily inspired envisioning imaginative possibilities under the Capricorn new moon. Record prophetic creativity flowing through you. But manifest visions into reality through commitment to incremental progress. Small steps compound. Don’t just daydream – dial-in. Integrate mystical awareness into your grounded presence.

Love & Relationships

Romance and spiritual connection elevateyour intuitional awareness. But balance bliss with pragmatic caretaking of daily relationship maintenance. Remind partners you live in the real world too. Merge souls, but allow each other autonomy.


Avoid enabling risky financial decisions in others not grounded in common sense. Focus on incrementally saving to fund dreams yourself. Invest in assets primed for slow steady growth. With patience and discipline, modest incomes can support marvelous visions through time.

Letting Go

Release self-medication or destructive dependencies disempowering you. Face challenges through mindfulness, then return wiser. Also surrender victim mindsets and tunnel vision keeping you smaller than your destined role. Step fully into long dreamed purpose.


Moonstone – align with cycles

Fluorite – mental clarity

Lepidolite – reveal illusions

Amethyst – enhance intuition


Catnip – soothe emotions calmly

Skullcap – reduce anxiety and tension

Mugwort – enhance psychic sight

Lavender – relax and invite insight

Magical Workings

  • Prophetic vision rituals
  • Creativity and artistry spells
  • Spiritual connection magic
  • Interpreting signs, symbols, dreams
  • Moon cycles alignment

In Summary

The Capricorn new moon helps all signs harness Saturn’s disciplined influence to skillfully craft plans for achieving ambitious dreams. When we blend pragmatic magic with inspired vision during this potent reset, the skies seem limitless.

By understanding our unique Moon sign’s gifts and shadow tendencies awakened during this lunar transit, we can plant seeds set to take root in the fertile soils of our souls and blossom into thriving futures.

Read more > Moon Magic: The Ultimate List Of Lunar Magic Knowledge

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