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New Moon In Pisces Magical Correspondences

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The new moon in Pisces represents the start of the lunar cycle and a time of new beginnings. For witches and magicians, the new moon in Pisces is an opportune time to initiate change, take action towards goals, and renew oneself. The Moon beginning her cycle in the whimsical sign of the Fish stirs our passions and imbues us with courage to pursue our desires.

As the Moon changes signs approximately every 2-3 days, we feel her influence over our moods and intuition shift. Our natal Moon sign indicates our emotional nature, so the transiting Moon triggers different parts of ourselves as she journeys through the zodiac wheel.

By understanding how the Pisces new moon impacts each Moon sign, we can align our magical workings accordingly to harness the lunar energies at their peak. Let’s explore how to ride the surge of mutable water when the Moon is new in Pisces.

Read more > Moon Magic: The Ultimate List Of Lunar Magic Knowledge

Aries Moon

Mood & Emotions

For those born with their natal Moon in Aries, this transit contrasts your innermost feelings and patterns. The Moon returning to dreamy Pisces cools your innate impulsiveness and quiets your Cardinal fire. You are likely to feel more reflective and intuitive rather than your usual fired up energy during this period.

This calming influence can help you overcome impatience and finally focus on goals requiring faith and imagination. However, be mindful of becoming restless with spiritual activities requiring stillness and surrender under this transit. Temper the urge for action with occasional breaks for meditation when irritation arises.

Love & Relationships

The new moon mellowing your Aries Moon makes this period auspicious for opening your heart and partnerships. If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to connect more deeply with your lover, profess admiration, or discuss moving the relationship forward, this transit favors emotional vulnerability.

Those in established relationships should channel renewed passion into planning spiritual, romantic dates. Break out of ruts by doing something dreamy and mystical with your partner under the Pisces new moon. However, avoid reacting too harshly if conflicts around boundaries arise. Your empathy will be tested – rise to the challenge.


Financially, the vagueness of this transit suits long-term investments better than short-term goals. Use the inspired energy for projects like trusts, land, permanent assets, or funding causes aligned with your values.

Resist any temptation towards magical thinking about money now. Base financial decisions on practical wisdom. With your Moon amplified, fantasies may call seductively, but pursue only options likely to manifest through steady effort over time.

Letting Go

Emotionally, this is an ideal period for Aries Moons to release rigid control, impulsive anger, competitive comparisons and headstrong independence that no longer serves you. Opening your heart and trusting the mysterious flow of Pisces can set you free.


Rose quartz, moonstone, labradorite, aquamarine


Chamomile, passionflower, lemon balm, damiana

Magical Workings

  • Emotional healing and openness spells
  • Releasing past pains
  • Increasing empathy
  • Deepening spiritual connection
  • Rituals for two
  • Imagination and fantasy
New moon in Pisces horoscope

Taurus Moon

Mood & Emotions

The new moon in Pisces activates your grounded instincts for stability, pleasurable surroundings, and indulging your senses. You are likely to feel dreamier than usual under this sky. Avoid grasping for permanence when possibilities are swirling.

Follow inspiration where it leads. Make small improvements without rigidity. In romance, speak from the heart without attachment to outcomes. Not all that glitters will last, but temporary beauty nourishes.

Love & Relationships

Show your romantic partners or crush affection by creating ambiance to delight the senses – candles, fragrance, music, massage. Prepare favorite meals together. Lavishdreamy indulgence. But avoid insisting on longevity or instant commitment. Let intimacy unfold organically.


Invest for the long term in assets like land, trusting gradual growth over decades. Resist impulse buys of fleeting pleasures. Redirect funds towards lasting value after acting on temporary whims mindfully. Enjoy beauty responsibly.

Letting Go

Emotionally release clinging to permanence in possessions, lovers, or comfort zones. Instead value ephemeral experiences and people without grasping. Let inspiration lead you, not inertia. Also surrender material jealousy and spite. Openheartedness attracts.


Rose quartz, rhodochrosite, sodalite, smokey quartz


Skullcap, catnip, passionflower, lavender

Magical Workings

  • Money manifestation
  • Home blessing
  • Hedonism and pleasure
  • Aphrodisiacs
  • Releasing jealousy

Gemini Moon

Mood & Emotions

The Pisces new moon activates your social instincts but encourages inward focus. Spend quality time with trusted confidantes sharing fantasies, art, and mysteries. Avoid superficial acquaintances and chatter.

Follow intuition. Delve below surface truth. When minds meander, redirect gently inward. Turn boredom into reflection and creative expression. Find companions with emotional depth.

Love & Relationships

Share mystical experiences with romantic partners – psychic readings, past life regressions, tarot, dreamwork. Probe your spiritual connection. But avoid using arcane interests to avoid intimacy or manipulate. Stay grounded in mutual care.


Step back before major financial decisions now. Research options slowly. Consult trusted advisors. Look beyond surface facts into murky motivations and unpredictable market tides. Aim to understand, not control. Then invest steadily in aligning values and logic.

Letting Go

Release stale mental ruts, rigid views, and superficial distraction. Instead engage inner wisdom and creativity. Shed anxiety through faith and mental flexibility. Also let go of belittling judgments. All have gifts to be celebrated.


Lapis lazuli, sodalite, azurite, angelite


California poppy, lemon balm, mugwort, gingko

Magical Workings

  • Prophetic dreaming
  • Meditation and reflection
  • Tarot and oracle skills
  • Creativity and imagination
  • Spiritual connection
  • Divine guidance

Cancer Moon

Mood & Emotions

The Pisces new moon activates your instinct for nurture, family, and emotional security. Connect deeply with loved ones privately. Cook favorite comforting meals, share memories, play soft music. Tuck the outside world away for now.

But avoid total isolation. If others reach out lonely or in pain, respond with empathy. Your intuition around healing circles and ancestral patterns will be strong under this moon. Listen and offer care.

Love & Relationships

Support partners through comforting touch, embracing joy and grief without judgment or denial. Encourage expressing vulnerabilities and buried emotions to improve intimacy. But avoid smothering with false happiness meant to smooth over wounds requiring time and tender attention.


Focus finances on stabilizing foundations now – buy, improve or pay off family property and housing. Support dependents and nurture joint budgeting. But avoid overspending on temporary luxuries or overindulging loved ones. Protect the nest egg.

Letting Go

Release resentment over past nurture inadequacies or family issues. Forgive yourself and others, understanding the past’s limitations. Choose consciously how to improve family patterns and emotional security going forward. Healing arises by moving positively into now, not clinging to then.


Unakite, rhodonite, larimar, amazonite


Skullcap, marshmallow, oatstraw, catnip

Magical Workings

  • Family healing rituals
  • Ancestral magic
  • Kitchen witchery
  • Emotional intimacy
  • Facing fears
  • Enhancing empathy

Leo Moon

Mood & Emotions

The Pisces new moon awakens your creative spirit and craving for romance. Express yourself through dreaming, art, poetry, dance. Adorn your self, environment and lover with luxurious extravagance. But avoid exaggerated drama, vanity or demand for constant attention. Not everything is about you now.

Channel your inner muse into collaborative works and spiritual connection. Find the beauty in others. Uplift the emotional energy of groups through wise encouragement, not shallow flattery. Lead with Sensitivity.

Love & Relationships

Surprise your lover by planning a mystical, romantic evening featuring candles, incense, rose petals, their favorite music, poems, and spa treatments. But avoid hurtful mind games or narcissistic manipulations. Relate authentically. Practice generous affection. Allow mutual vulnerability.


Avoid major investment risks now, but if you have a proven creative business, strategically indulge in upgrades that pay for themselves through enhanced joy, functionality and aesthetics. Apply both dreaminess and pragmatism. Merit wants beauty.

Letting Go

Release dramatic selfishness, inferiority complexes that require external validation, and banishing all shadow. Embrace and express your wholesome radiance through humility. Also shed hatred of flaws in yourself or others. Imperfection is inherent; help others feel beloved despite it.


Rose quartz, rhodochrosite, mangano calcite, celestite


Lavender, damiana, chamomile, saffron

Magical Workings

  • Glamour magic
  • Artistic inspiration
  • Rituals of indulgence
  • Enhancing self-love
  • Confidence and romance

Virgo Moon

Mood & Emotions

The Pisces new moon activates your urges for wellness routines and orderly environments. Reorganize, simplify and cleanse. But avoid overdoing perfectionism now. Allow things to be good enough, the bed unmade, the bare floors.

Instead of critique, practice nonjudgment. Improving health works best through compassion now, not criticism. Progress happens through gently better habits formed over time more than intense short bursts of effort. Pace yourself.

Love & Relationships

Support partners with helpfulness but avoid unsolicited advice or nitpicking their efforts. If asked, share your organizational skills and nutrition knowledge, but not as instructor. Instead work alongside equally to improve the home and lifestyle you share. Do the dishes together.


Rebalance financial disorder by tidying up paperwork, bills and accounts. But avoid rigidity around budgets and assets. Adapt frugality goals moderately as life unfolds. Leave wiggle room for some impromptu indulgences. All work and no play dulls creativity over time.

Letting Go

Release perfectionism draining your energy and stealing satisfaction. Progress comes through repetition, not demanding impossibly flawless results instantly. Also surrender resentment around past criticism. Begin anew with others through compassion.


Jade, smithsonite, tree agate, moss agate


Chamomile, lemon balm, nettle, ginger

Magical Workings

  • Health and fitness rituals
  • Cleansing spaces
  • Organization and editing
  • Nutrition and meal plans
  • Animal care
  • Mindful habits
New moon in Pisces transit

Libra Moon

Mood & Emotions

The Pisces new moon deepens your Libran instincts for justice, beauty and harmony. Surround yourself with art, music and nature. But avoid excessive people pleasing or superficiality now.

Look beyond the surface sparkle. Dig into truths. Relationships must nurture your soul right now, not just entertain. Discern wisely. Then stand firmly for integrity. Others will follow your well-considered lead.

Love & Relationships

If single, make romantic intentions clear before getting entangled ambiguously. If attached, clarify next steps for the relationship. Foggy in-between spaces confuse under this transit. Kindle clarity and share your vision. But allow time for partners to sync gradual timing.


Review financial agreements thoroughly before signing. Ensure fair deals benefiting all parties. But avoid uncompromising rigid stances over minor disputes. Seek creative solutions and win/win outcomes. Flexible integrity succeeds now.

Letting Go

Release resentments over past unjust treatment. While demanding better, also extend forgiveness for blindness. Harboring grudges poisons your own peace. Also shed need for constant harmony. Some conflictspark growth. Stand up with compassion.


Amber, chrysocolla, malachite, kunzite


Lemon balm, rose, chamomile, skullcap

Magical Workings

  • Justice and karma spells
  • Artistic inspiration
  • Social gatherings
  • Establishing boundaries
  • Contracts and negotiations
  • Diplomacy

Scorpio Moon

Moods & Emotions

The Pisces new moon deepens your Scorpionic instincts for truth beneath illusion. Investigate behind facades. Avoid manipulation or spreading gossip gleaned secretly. Use your power judiciously, not vindictively.

Channel your probing skills into rituals of self-discovery through tarot, dreams, and conversations exploring the psyche. Merge with your beloved through honoring mutual darkness within light. Find wholeness through uncovering your hidden gifts.

Love & Relationships

Invite your lover to traverse true emotional depths together – share past pains, apologetic amends for missteps, testimony of trials overcome because your bond endured. But avoid dredging up light shadows better left to fade. Reveal only to heal.


Research investments thoroughly, consulting mentors to evaluate risks skeptically. But avoid paranoid suspicion. Question challenges productively, not reactively. Where insight warrants, act decisively to protect assets and cut losses. Your intuition aligned with reason uncovers clever solutions now.

Letting Go

Release bitter grudges and the burden of proof. Forgive those who trespassed, including yourself. Understanding why helps you guard wisely against repeat, without destroying peace now through perpetual blame. What’s done is done. Create better outcomes through lessons learned.


Snowflake obsidian, apache tear, smoky quartz, shungite


Skullcap, lemon balm, mugwort, gingko

Magical Workings

  • Releasing rituals
  • Divination and prophecy
  • Psychic shielding
  • Protection magic
  • Shadow work
  • Past life regression

Sagittarius Moon

Mood & Emotions

The Pisces new moon awakens your urge to quest for meaning. Probe philosophies more deeply through study, mentorship and solitary sabbatical. Avoid shallow distraction or following gurus blindly.

Question beliefs, test theories through experience, mine parables for hidden wisdom. Truth emerges slowly, not suddenly. Synthesize insights broadly. The best principles uplift all, not just you. Seek universal truths resonating through time and culture.

Love & Relationships

Share activities expanding your partner’s horizons – exchanges of ideas different from their norm, introducing new cultural experiences and cuisines, reading together and discussing visions of just society.

But avoid proselytizing rigidly or demanding conversion to your beliefs. Allow your open-minded example to attract by its merits. Meet lovers where they are, not where you insist they should be according to your values.


Ensure financial dealings now align with your ethics. Adjust investments and budgeting to support causes important to you. Research charitable options thoroughly, but follow your heart. Even small regular donations to your cherished ideals make a meaningful difference.

Letting Go

Release arrogant assumptions your current beliefs or ideological camp are superior and complete. Remain open to evolution through newly revealed evidence and experience. Also shed tendencies to preach, judge or dismiss others’ spiritual paths. Meet all with humility.


Amethyst, lepidolite, blue lace agate, iolite


Peppermint, cinnamon, ginger, gingko

Magical Workings

  • Teaching and writing
  • Public speaking
  • Peace and justice
  • Ethical business practices
  • Volunteer work
  • Cultural wisdom

Capricorn Moon

Mood & Emotions

The Pisces new moon awakens your Capricorn instincts to nourish professional dreams through practical efforts. Outline realistic steps towards your goals. Shoring up foundations now enables later success.

But avoid overzealous grasping for status and wealth devoid of deeper meaning. Material gains only satisfy when expresses your values. Help others rise too through principled business or mentoring those with less advantage. Uplift the community.

Love & Relationships

If single, reflect on the meaningful qualities you seek in a partner before pursuing romance distractedly. If attached, support your lover’s growth through listening to understand their life aims. Help them build practical tactics and accountability towards dreams you share. But allow independence too.


Tidy up financial records, automated savings, retirement plans, budgets. Establish pragmatic foundations now. But balance diligence with playful spontaneity. Splurge on sentimental gifts, favorite foods, simple pleasures enhancing gratitude more than riches. Wise investments enable modest luxuries too.

Letting Go

Release resentments over past poverty, stinginess or limitations on resources that conditioned an overly cautious approach to finances and pleasure. Open yourself to prosperity through trusting discipline aligned with values. You have all you need to build the life you want.


Garnet, ruby, jet, smoky quartz


Turmeric, ginger, gotu kola, ginseng

Magical Workings

  • Business and career goals
  • Financial stability
  • Leadership skills
  • Discipline and reputation
  • Real estate and properties
  • Legacy planning

Aquarius Moon

Mood & Emotions

The Pisces new moon activates your rebellious instincts for social change while encouraging inward soul searching. Nurture intimates who comprehend your eccentricities. Avoid outward conformity that compromises inner truth.

Even if you stand alone now, follow your ideals fought for wisely. Indue time your thoughtful example will inspire reform. For now focus on private acts improving your local community through volunteering, donations, supporting outcasts.

Love & Relationships

Remind partners and friends although you champion grand causes, you cherish the simple joy of their company most. Avoid utopian perfectionism judging their flaws. Respect differences. Reform requires gradual enlightenment, not demanding others become your ideal overnight.


Research charitable causes thoroughly before giving now. Avoid scams or enabling harmful organizations despite appealing facades. But financially support incremental progress and pragmatic projects improving society. Even small regular donations to enacted ideals make a meaningful difference.

Letting Go

Release rigid assumptions your current ideological positions are infallibly perfected. Remain open to new evidence and creative solutions. Also shed tendencies to disdain incremental change or condemn those awakening at their own pace. Meet all with grace.


Amethyst, lapis lazuli, blue lace agate, celestite


Chamomile, lemon balm, passionflower, spearmint

Magical Workings

  • Activism for justice
  • Political organization
  • Social welfare volunteering
  • Technology for good
  • Environmental protection
  • Animal advocacy

Pisces Moon

Mood & Emotions

Dreamy Pisces Moons will feel your fantasies magnified under the new moon in your native sign. Make time for artistic and spiritual immersion. But avoid complete escapism.

Use fantasy to envision solutions symbolically. Turn inner turmoil into creative works that inspire others. Healing happens by addressing wounds through courageous expression, then moving forward positively. What seems weak makes you wise.

Love & Relationships

Romance crescendos under these auspicious skies. Design mystical dates using candles, music, sensual foods, fantasy costuming. But remain practical too. Remind partners you live in a real world of shared duties. Both blissful merger and autonomy have their place.


Review finances for waste and inspire those struggling with gentle compassion. But avoid covering others’ irresponsibility. Redirect surplus to your dreams incrementally. Seek work benefiting humanity. Money made morally multiplies. Invest in assets aligned with your values.

Letting Go

Release victimhood or martyr mentality now. You have power to imaginatively improve your situation. Take small practical steps rather than waiting passively. See yourself succeeding. Emerging strengths deserve acknowledgment, not denial. Honor your wholeness.


Rose quartz, rhodochrosite, aquamarine, opal


Skullcap, chamomile, catnip, lavender

Magical Workings

  • Divination and prophecy
  • Dream interpretation
  • Artistic creativity
  • Rituals of indulgence
  • Connecting to guides
  • Healing past trauma

In Summary

The Pisces new moon initiates a powerful month for taking leaps of faith, manifesting dreams, and awakening spiritually. By understanding our specific Moon sign’s unique opportunities and shadow tendencies under this lunation, we can ride the cosmic currents skillfully towards growth and healing. Onward into fresh possibility!

Read more > Moon Magic: The Ultimate List Of Lunar Magic Knowledge

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