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New Moon In Scorpio Magical Correspondences

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The new moon in Scorpio represents the beginning of a new lunar cycle under the transformative energies of the sign of the Scorpion. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and Mars, bringing an atmosphere of intensity, deep emotions, and the urge for profound change. As the moon grows from new to full, we move from inner realization to outer manifestation of Scorpio themes.

For witches and magicians, the Scorpio new moon is a time to focus on shadow work, past life regression, ancestral magic, divination, and other deep transformative practices. By understanding how this potent lunation impacts each natal Moon sign, we can align our magic skillfully.

Read more > Moon Magic: The Ultimate List Of Lunar Magic Knowledge

Aries Moon

Aries moons feel fired up and ready for action when the moon is new in passionate Scorpio. The warrior energy activates your cardinal fire, making this an excellent time to take bold steps towards initiating change and tackling goals requiring courage and determination.

However, be mindful of increased impatience and impulsiveness during this transit. Temper the Scorpionic intensity through mindfulness and taking occasional breaks when irritation arises. Avoid making big decisions solely based on temporary feelings stirred up by this lunation.

Mood & Emotions

The Scorpio new moon stokes your innate impulsiveness and fuels your inner fire. You are likely to feel a potent surge of motivation and vitality. Harness this invigorating influence to overcome inertia and finally tackle goals you’ve been procrastinating.

However, beware of becoming impatient with yourself or others who cannot match your revved up pace during this transit. Temper the pedal-to-the-metal Aries gusto with occasional breaks for mindfulness when irritation arises.

Love & Relationships

The new moon in Scorpio makes this period auspicious for bold romantic gestures if you feel ready. It favors decisive action like asking out your crush, confessing deeper feelings to a lover, or proposing moving in together.

For those already coupled, channel the excess passion stirred up now into planning active, creative dates with your partner. Break out of ruts by doing something spontaneous and fun together under this sky.

However, carefully avoid reacting too harshly to any relationship conflicts that come up under the Scorpio moon’s emotionally intense atmosphere. Your inner fire can spark constructively or destructively – remain mindful when you feel the heat rising.


Financially, the impulsiveness amplified by this lunation suits short-term goals better than long-term investments. Use the surge of motivated start-up energy for projects like opening a savings account, launching a side hustle, or funding a hobby primed to make money quickly.

However, resist the Scorpionic temptation towards impulsive splurges on indulgent whims that leave you feeling regretful later. With your Aries moon amplified, superficial desires may call strongly but fail to satisfy. Make significant purchases only after carefully considering alignment with your values.

Letting Go

Emotionally, the Scorpio new moon is an ideal period for Aries moons to engage in ritual release of lingering resentment, anger, or fear towards others that no longer serves your highest good. Holding grudges over past grievances will only dampen the promise of this new beginning.

Also set the intention to let go of any deeply rooted fears or feelings of inadequacy that undermine your confidence or discourage you from realizing your full potential. The supportive lunar return to your native sign can help set you free.


  • Bloodstone for courage, overcoming obstacles
  • Ruby for vigor, passion, and willpower
  • Obsidian for releasing negative emotions


  • Damiana for confidence and vitality
  • Ginger for energy and motivation
  • Cayenne for breaking hexes and protection
  • Peppermint for mental clarity

Magical Workings

  • Spells for victory, courage, and taking bold action
  • Beginning new ventures or projects
  • Power spells to assert your will confidently
  • Overcoming challenges and communication enhancement
New moon in Scorpio personality

Taurus Moon

The Scorpio new moon activates a Taurus moon’s instincts for stability, loyalty, and sensual pleasure. You are likely to feel an increased need for security in your foundations, relationships, finances, and living environment during this emotionally intense transit.

Guard against excessive possessiveness or stubborn clinging to comfort zones that may stifle necessary change and growth. Stay open to new possibilities while maintaining your grounded perspective. Make gradual manageable improvements to your routines rather than allowing stagnation.

Mood & Emotions

The intense atmosphere of the Scorpio new moon stirs your grounded Taurean core, increasing resolve to establish greater stability and reliability in your foundations. Use this lunation to thoughtfully nurture the basics that support your wellbeing.

However, guard against excessive stubbornness or resistance to constructive change during this transit. While staying centered in familiar pleasures and comforts is rejuvenating, avoid stagnation by loosening your grip on routines or situations that may limit expanding your horizons.

Tap into the catalytic Scorpio energy to pace yourself through gradual changes at a manageable rate. Making small enhancements to health, finances, and relationships steadily over time leads to major progress.

Love & Relationships

Luxurious Venus-ruled Taurus craves increased affection through quality time, thoughtful gifts, physical touch, and words of sincere admiration under the Scorpio new moon. Show romantic partners or crushes how much you cherish them by nurturing your bond through sweet gestures.

However, avoid significant escalations in commitments or intimacy during this emotionally charged transit unless you are absolutely certain you can sustain the decision once the Scorpio lunation passes. Grand promises made hastily in the heat of passion may be difficult to uphold long term.

Instead, savor magical moments with loved ones that feel deliciously romantic in the present. Some connections shimmer temporarily like stardust or moonbeams illuminating a beautiful but brief experience. Enjoy the gift of presence fully.


The Scorpio new moon supports focusing on thoughtfully building up your long-term financial security. Use its catalytic energy to take inventory of assets, overhaul budgets, invest in property or high yield accounts, and eliminate debts. Lay solid foundations now.

However, avoid frivolous splurges on fleeting indulgent pleasures that may tempt you under this emotionally intense sky. Redirect discretionary spending towards lasting value aligned with your security. Carefully evaluate significant purchases before swiping your card.

Letting Go

Emotionally, the Scorpio lunation can help you release stubborn attachments to outdated comfort zones, resentments, or material possessions that have confined you to a narrow rut rather than freely pursuing deeper fulfillment.

Examine what fears or insecurities may underlie your resistance to beneficial change. Set the intention to let go of limiting beliefs, grudges, and the heaviness of past hurts still chaining you down so you can open up to the vibrant present.


  • Malachite for emotional wisdom and financial luck
  • Rhodonite for self-love and confidence
  • Rose quartz for unconditional love and harmony
  • Emerald for prosperity and generosity


  • Lavender for relaxation and letting go
  • Vervain for releasing stress and tension
  • Marshmallow root for emotional comfort
  • Lemon balm for anxiety relief and mood enhancement

Magical Workings

  • Money drawing and abundance spells
  • Home blessing magic for harmony
  • Rituals focused on self-love, pleasure, and luxury
  • Herbalism for material security

Gemini Moon

The Scorpio new moon activates chatty Gemini’s curiosity and need for lively interaction. You are likely to feel more outgoing, conversational, and hungry for stimulating information exchange. Gatherings with exciting new people can invigorate you now.

However, beware scattering your mental energy too widely or diving into superficial interests at the expense of meaningful connection. Follow profound lines of inquiry deeply rather than fluttering from one curiosity to the next.

Mood & Emotions

The Scorpio lunation awakens your airy Gemini instincts for social connections and lively communication. You long to take brisk strolls through new neighborhoods of thought.

Satisfy your quick wit through gatherings with kindred spirits where you can exchange perspectives. Conversation both enlivens and enlightens now.

However, avoid spreading yourself too thin over many shallow interactions that fail to truly nourish. While convivial debate pleases, also seek substantive alignment around ethics and principles. Let surface bonds blossom into authentic understanding.

Guard against mental fickleness under this transit. When boredom inevitably arises as the Scorpio moon wanes, redirect it towards mentally engaging projects rather than flitting away from tasks unfinished. Keep adapting but stay committed.

Love & Relationships

The Scorpio new moon amplifies your airy need for lively intellectual rapport with romantic partners. You yearn to connect through thoughtful discussion about art, culture, philosophy, and imagination. Sharing possible futures together excites you.

However avoid unreliable partners prone to bait-and-switch games, cryptic mixed messages, or emotional unavailability. Your Mercury-ruled heart seeks clarity, direct communication, and genuine meeting of minds and spirits. Settle for nothing less.


Financial dealings favor thorough research before finalizing decisions under the Scorpio moon rather than impulsive choices. Read terms fully, compare options extensively, and listen to trusted advisors before shifting or investing significant assets now.

Consider dividing discretionary funds between multiple smaller short-term goals that can each be completed within a lunar cycle rather than tying up capital long term. Adaptability keeps options open as circumstances evolve.

Avoid lending assets or money to unvetted friends or partners during this transit no matter how persuasively they appeal to your generous instincts. Protect your own interests first while being of service where you can.

Letting Go

The Scorpio lunar energy can help Gemini moons ritualistically release stale routines, rigid schedules, cluttered spaces, or busywork that constrains your flexible mercury-craving mind.

Also set the intention to let go of perpetually scattered or racing thoughts that prevent deep focus. Redirect mental energy towards the insights most meaningful to your spirit.


  • Citrine for clarity of thought, intellect, and information retention
  • Amazonite for direct communication and truth
  • Lepidolite for mental stability and optimism
  • Fluorite for concentration, mindfulness, and meditation


  • Peppermint for increased cognition and focus
  • Ginseng to improve reasoning abilities and reflexes
  • Gotu kola for memory enhancement and brain circulation
  • Gingko for sharper thinking and concentration

Magical Workings

  • Spells to empower the mind and communication skills
  • Scholarly magic for interpretation, writing, and learning
  • Wisdom enhancement rituals
  • Sigil magic for manifestation of intellectual goals

Cancer Moon

The Scorpio new moon activates sensitive Cancer’s instincts for nurture, intuition, and emotional security. You are likely to withdraw into your crab shell seeking familiarity, comfort, and safety during this intensely charged transit.

While the impulse to cocoon and reconnect with support systems can renew your psyche, beware excessive isolation. Make an effort to respond warmly when loved ones reach out rather than disconnecting completely. Stay anchored in care.

Mood & Emotions

The atmosphere of the Scorpio new moon stirs your sensitive Cancerian underbelly, magnifying your need for familiarity and emotional comfort. With your ruling luminary emboldened in her own domain, you likely seek refuge in private spaces away from the intensity of the Scorpio buzz.

While the desire to retreat inward and nurture your inner world can replenish your spirit, guard against reclusiveness during this transit. If comforting loved ones extend invites, make an effort to respond with reassuring warmth rather than retreating entirely into solitude. Stay connected.

Conversely, beware clinging too tightly to conditioning from early home life or the past without examining its current relevance. Use the catalytic Scorpio energy to thoughtfully distinguish which traditions feed your soul and which you may have outgrown.

Love & Relationships

Cancer craves increased emotionally intimate quality time with loved ones under the Scorpio new moon. Plan sentimental dates showcasing favorite home cooked comforting foods and familiar places full of nostalgia. Cozy movie nights or long soaks together can also hit the spot.

However, avoid completely isolating yourself from bonding opportunities during this transit. If your inner hermit calls strongly, moderate solitary spells with regular affectionate check-ins so your sweetheart doesn’t feel neglected. They may need more engagement than you realize. Find a nurturing balance.


Financially, the stirring Scorpio influx motivates you to focus on pragmatically building greater security. Use the new moon to strategize eliminating debts, adding to emergency savings, and investing in property or assets likely to appreciate over time. Covering basic needs gives peace of mind.

However, avoid large emotionally-driven splurges on luxury goods or indulgent experiences right now, even if tempted by romantic notions of buying dream homes or filling inner voids. Enjoy little luxuries, but stick to needs over fleeting wants.

Letting Go

Ritually release painful memories, irrational fears, and emotional patterns rooted in early home life or past experiences that limit your growth into present potential. The Scorpio new moon can help you bravely confront, then cut energetic cords attached to limiting conditioning.

Also set the intention to let go of clinginess towards people, places, or ways of being you have outgrown but attach to out of habit more than purposeful resonance. Open up to new light gradually.


  • Opal for emotional healing and releasing past trauma
  • Moonstone for intuition, cycles, and feminine power
  • Rhodochrosite for self-love and soothing stress
  • Fluorite for absorptive psychic protection


  • Mimosa for sensitivity and building healthy boundaries
  • Damiana for emotional vulnerability and sensuality
  • Lavender for calming tension and worry
  • Passionflower for quieting racing thoughts

Magical Workings

  • Childhood healing and inner child work
  • Kitchen witchery with food and ancestral magic
  • Intuitive development and prophetic dreaming
  • Empath empowerment and energetic self-care

Leo Moon

The atmosphere of the Scorpio new moon activates expressive Leo’s craving for fun, romance, and creativity. You are likely to feel an increased drive to pursue pleasure, passion, spotlights, and fertile collaboration.

Allow creative inspiration to flow freely, but avoid ego conflicts with competing spotlight seekers. There’s space for everyone to shine without dimming each other’s light. Focus on sustaining your unique talents rather than comparing yourself to others.

Mood & Emotions

Dramatic Leo moons feel fired up for self-expression and play when the new moon activates Scorpio’s brooding intensity. The lunar cycle’s beginning in your fellow fire sign stirs excitement, fame seeking, and craving attention from admiring crowds.

This makes it an excellent time to unleash your vibrant inner radiance through joyful performance art, throwing parties, playing with cosmetics, or displaying your talents proudly. Soak up the glow of being seen and celebrated.

However, guard against petty ego conflicts as the Scorpio undercurrents may also trigger jealousy over real or perceived rivals stealing your spotlight. Avoid mean competitiveness. Instead, collaborate on projects allowing everyone to shine.

Love & Relationships

Generously display your romantic affections under the influence of the Scorpio new moon. Surprise lovers with impromptu gifts, plan elaborate dates they will adore, and frequently remind them how special they are.

But avoid dramatic mind games or passive-aggression. Communicate your artistic feelings directly. Don’t make partners guess your needs.

For single lions, summon courage to approach attractive strangers and flirt. Scorpio shakes up stagnant ruts, hinting at spicy forbidden fruit ready for the plucking by audacious suitors. But avoid treating romantic interests like objects to win and flatter your ego. Relate to partners as beloved equals.


Financially, the Scorpio new moon shoots luck into sanguine Leo. For seasoned investors, time to take some well-calculated risks on ventures aligned with your heart. Entrepreneurial lions have the hustle now to expand client bases and attract funding for passion projects.

But avoid hubristic overextension of resources. While the atmospheric intensity is amplified, maintain grounded budgets that build upon rather than drain existing foundations. Sustainability ensures lasting success.

Letting Go

Emotionally, release judgmental comparison with others that breeds self-criticism and perceived unworthiness. Your creative gifts are unique. Believe in them fully and share unapologetically. What truly dims your light is settling rather than shining as you were born to do.

Also surrender false humility and people pleasing that compromises your integrity. Your luminosity comes through boldly nurturing your talents, not suppressing greatness. Fearlessly stoke your inner fire. Its warmth uplifts the world.


  • Sunstone for fame, confidence, and leadership
  • Carnelian for courage, sexuality, and prosperity
  • Tiger Iron for grounding scattered energy
  • Citrine for success, creativity, and motivation


  • Damiana for passionate sensuality and confidence
  • Ginger for vitality and determination
  • Cinnamon for fame, lust, and energy
  • Cardamom to temper fiery anger or jealousy
  • Basil for fame and prosperity

Magical Workings

  • Glamour magic and beautifying spells
  • Creativity rituals to inspire artistic talents
  • Confidence boosting and courage crystals grids
  • Tantric magic for passion and pleasure
  • Charging charms for fame and notoriety

Virgo Moon

The atmosphere of the Scorpio new moon awakens precise Virgo’s instincts to streamline, document, and schedule. You are likely to feel most emotionally centered when your environment is neat, plans are made, and health routines followed.

Harness this lunation to implement helpful systems like overhauling budgets, organizing papers, meal prepping, or starting fitness regimens.

Mood & Emotions

The atmosphere of the Scorpio new moon awakens precise Virgo’s instincts to streamline, document, and schedule. You are likely to feel most emotionally centered when your environment is neat, plans are made, and health routines followed.

Harness this lunation to implement helpful systems like overhauling budgets, organizing papers, meal prepping, or starting fitness regimens. But avoid overdoing perfectionism and micromanaging at the expense of meaningful connections or flexibility.

Let the spontaneously emerging present guide and redirect you when needed. Flow mindfully rather than forcing rigid outcomes. Control serves best when lightly held to leave space for the surprise of the moment.

Love & Relationships

Partners can provide solace now through practical acts of service – help brainstorming solutions, improving health regimens, decluttering, or organizing finances. Showing care through usefulness gives comfort.

But pick your battles wisely to avoid nitpicky fault finding. Accept imperfections as inevitable and keep conflicts centered on understanding rather than obsessing over minor flaws. Sweat the small stuff less.


The Scorpio lunar cycle supports taking thorough inventory of financial records then putting efficient procedures in place to optimize stability. File taxes early, create realistic budgets, automate savings contributions, pay off debts methodically.

Avoid risky speculation or get rich quick schemes right now. Patiently nurtured slow money bears greatest fruit long term. Seek savvy advisors to maximize modest consistent investments over decades rather than betting the farm on volatile unicorns.

Letting Go

Set the intention to gently release anxiety producing disorder, mess, or paper piles preventing you from feeling calmly centered and purposeful. Utilize the Scorpio new moon’s transformational energy to thoughtfully purge what energetically burdens you.

Also let go of perfectionistic fixation on minor flaws in yourself or others that limit enjoyment of life. Progress flows through compassionate improvement, not rigid demands for faultlessness. Cut yourself and loved ones some slack.


  • Citrine for clarity, intellect, and prosperity
  • Carnelian for creativity, fertility, and vitality
  • Rutilated quartz for mental focus and decision making
  • Smoky quartz for grounding and stabilization


  • Gotu kola for memory, concentration, and reducing anxiety
  • Hawthorn for focus, lowering blood pressure, and calming tension
  • Lemon balm for mood enhancement and soothing nerves
  • Milk thistle for mental clarity and liver health

Magical Workings

  • Spells for discipline, organization, and refinement
  • Employment and career enhancement rituals
  • Health and nutrition blessings
  • Helping animal familiars and pets
New moon in Scorpio transit

Libra Moon

The Scorpio new moon activates charming Libra’s urges for beauty, partnership, and harmony. You long to infuse life with grace and unite with others through merriment.

Satisfy emotional yearnings now by arranging festive group activities that spark inspiration – concerts under the stars, masquerade dinners, fireside poetry readings. But avoid compromising your authentic needs to conform to others’ agendas. Stand up for yourself when required.

Also guard against staying merely on the surface socially. While lighthearted bonds please in the moment, seek substantive friendships based on shared ethics and understanding too. Lead with integrity and insight.

Mood & Emotions

The Scorpio new moon aligns with your airy Libran cravings for social connections, artistry, and harmony. You feel emotionally satisfied when able to adorn life gracefully and relate to others on a meaningful level.

Satisfying this lunar longing, arrange uplifting group activities and one-on-one dates that spark inspiration – museum trips, stargazing, couples massages, antique browsing. But avoid ignoring your own needs or values to conform to others’ expectations. Voice your truth.

Also guard against superficiality in interactions. While conviviality brings joy, seek substance too. Allow casual encounters to blossom into authentic alignment around principles. Solid foundations sustain.

Love & Relationships

Romance and pleasure bloom under the aesthetically inclined Scorpio new moon. Slow down to admire nature’s fleeting beauty. Drink in sunsets, moonlit meadows, crashing waves. Share life’s ephemeral magic.

Avoid weighty commitments or contracts with loved ones during this emotionally intense transit, but luxuriate in romantic moments expressing the decadence of pure feeling and sensation. Sip champagne, dance cheek to cheek, and follow your passion where it leads.

Let yourself be carried away by the whimsical whispers of the universe this lunar cycle, allowing spontaneity to guide your path. This is a time to indulge in the exhilaration of the present rather than worrying about the future. Take a leap of faith.


When collaborating financially under this sky, thoroughly vet any partners or advisors and carefully structure agreements to be fair. Ensure investments are equitably designed to benefit all stakeholders.

Seek guidance before shifting major assets or taking on new debt. While others may spark ideas, enact changes cautiously once the emotionally intense new moon energy subsides. Impulsive choices often disappoint, while prudence protects.

Letting Go

This lunar cycle, release resentment over past wrongs or losses and patterns of harshly judging yourself. Also set the intention to let go of people pleasing and approval seeking that compromises your values and boundaries.

Additionally, purge any clutter or energy draining situations that disrupt your harmony. Clear space for inspiration through liberating decluttering rituals that lift your spirits and reveal buried beauty waiting to spark joy.


  • Rose quartz for unconditional love and forgiveness
  • Emerald for open heart wisdom and prosperous partnerships
  • Celestite for divine truth and spiritual awareness
  • Aquamarine for calm, emotional insight, and throat chakra


  • Hawthorn for emotional resilience, tranquility, and mending heartache
  • Skullcap for soothing anxiety, social confidence, and restful sleep
  • Catnip for joy, playfulness, and relaxing tension
  • Chamomile for gently calming emotions and relieving stress

Magical Workings

  • Harmony and diplomacy spells
  • Strengthening romantic partnerships
  • Gatherings to cultivate community
  • Infusing art, music, or decor with magic

Scorpio Moon

The atmosphere of the Scorpio new moon aligns with your watery Scorpionic instincts for intensity, sexuality, secrecy, and truth. Your keen perception detects hidden motives and you long to unravel mysteries.

Channel this potent lunar energy into rituals of discovery – occult research, vision quests, creative endeavors allowing self-expression. But avoid manipulative or invasive relating. Insight uplifts in ethical hands.

Guard possessiveness or attempts to control others. While desiring soulful intimacy, allow loved ones autonomy on their own journeys. Travel alongside, not grasping. Spiritual revelations arise uniquely in each person.

Mood & Emotions

Intuitive Scorpio moons feel emotionally emboldened under their native sky. With your lunar ruler amplified in her natural domain, your mood grows intense, magnetic, brooding, and investigative.

This new moon marks an excellent time to explore your inner landscape through journaling, art, therapy, or dance. But avoid reactive outbursts without first reflecting inwardly. Your feelings reveal areas for self-growth if examined with compassion.

What envy, bitterness, or thirst for control can you acknowledge, then address through taking responsibility for your own happiness? Shadows projected onto others dissipate when illuminated by self-awareness. Shine your inner light.

Love & Relationships

Support soulful relating by creating an atmosphere of emotional safety and vulnerably sharing your authentic feelings. Communicate your needs clearly and respect a partner’s boundaries.

Avoid attempts to manipulate outcomes or acting overly possessive. While passions run hot under this sky, gains come through deepening bonds gradually based on mutual growth and care, not conquest. Nurture intimacy mindfully.


Shrewd Scorpio moons often keenly intuit advantageous financial investments during the new moon in their native sign. Research thoroughly and consult mentors before taking the plunge.

But beware risky gambles on get-rich-quick schemes or overinvestment in unpredictable markets. Avoid enabling others’ unsafe speculation. Stick to time tested strategies applied with discernment. Protect what you accrue.

Letting Go

This lunar cycle, shed stagnation, decay, or turbulent emotional patterns blocking your growth and inner light. Set the intention to release toxic attachments, unrestrained passions, and life-draining situations or beliefs.

What envy, bitterness, or need for control can you surrender to empower yourself? Unencumber your psyche through the purifying fire of self-acceptance. Everything purposefully released or destroyed makes space for greater authenticity to emerge.


  • Obsidian for absorbing and releasing negativity
  • Smoky quartz for detoxification and energetic protection
  • Black tourmaline for banishing self-sabotage
  • Labradorite for healing trauma and realizing potential


  • Sage for purification and peaceful vibration
  • Wormwood for psychic insight and divination
  • Lavender for calming anxiety and fully feeling emotions
  • Damiana for sensuality, confidence, and overcoming fears

Magical Workings

  • Rituals to honor ancestors and the shadow self
  • Past life regression and rebirth spells
  • Empowering the intuitive senses
  • Divination and prophetic dream incubation
  • Sex magic for intimacy and manifestation

Sagittarius Moon

The Scorpio new moon awakens your Sagittarian urges for adventure, humor, and expanding your horizons. You feel emotionally inspired by travel, learning, and visions of future growth.

Say yes to auspicious opportunities for exploration arising now – enroll in courses, book trips, host foreigners. Remain open to new cultures and perspectives. But temper ungrounded idealism with practical wisdom rooted in experience.

Avoid arrogant or judgmental tendencies. Respect that everyone is on their own journey. Your positive spirit and enthusiasm inspire best through humility. Lead by listening first.

Mood & Emotions

The brooding intensity of the Scorpio new moon deepens your philosophical curiosity and yearning for freedom. You feel eager to gallop off chasing fresh horizons and new experiences.

Satisfy emotional longings now through archaeological digs, cross cultural concerts, or hikes to scenic overlooks with close companions whose perspectives broaden your own.

Yet also make time for introspection. Contemplate life’s impermanence and how you wish your days to matter. Weaving adventure with service brings lasting fulfillment. Discover what unique gifts your journey can offer the world.

Love & Relationships

Remind romantic partners your restless nature is astrological, not personal. Help them appreciate the blessings already present rather than fixating on perceived lacks.

Spontaneous dates invigorate you now – camping under starry skies, jetting off to new cultures, discussing ethics and meaning over coffee. Avoid confining routines. But include your lover in adventures. Share wonder.


The Scorpio new moon hints fortune flows through ethical entrepreneurship, teaching, travel guiding, or sales careers well suited to your gifts. Luck shines on calculated risks aligned with your values.

But beware greed compromising integrity or judgments. Chasing money often leads down empty corridors. Lasting prosperity arises through steady work building foundations of wisdom and service. Live simply and invest in what matters most.

Letting Go

Release beliefs, bureaucracies, or behaviors blocking your growth during this lunar cycle. Strip away limitations to stand naked before the universe ready for rebirth.

Also surrender tendencies towards arrogant preachiness or dismissiveness when others don’t share your views. Allow everyone space for their own becoming. Your light shines brightest through humility.


  • Carnelian for courage, vitality, and luck
  • Citrine for abundance, solar empowerment, and success
  • Amethyst for psychic awareness, wisdom, and clarity
  • Green aventurine for opportunity, prosperity, and growth


  • Peppermint for mental acuity, uplifted spirits, and focus
  • Oatstraw for nourishing wisdom, optimism, and emotional resilience
  • Ginger for determination, energy, and fiery passion
  • Clove for wisdom, inspiration, and fortune

Magical Workings

  • Spells to enhance divination skills and spirit communication
  • Rituals for prophetic visioning and lucid dreaming
  • Moon magic for intuition and imagination
  • Petitioning animal spirit guides for omens and clarity

Capricorn Moon

The atmosphere of the Scorpio new moon catalyzes your Capricorn instincts for ambition, legacy building, and material security. You feel emotionally centered through steady pragmatic effort towards tangible outcomes.

Use this lunation to thoughtfully revise five or ten year plans across all life domains – career, finances, home, health. Set robust foundations now to build upon in coming seasons. But retain flexibility when challenges require adaption of strategies to reach established goals.

Also balance worldly aspirations with caring for emotional needs in relationships. Recognize that connecting deeply with others often lays the groundwork that enables cooperative achievement of shared objectives. Aim for integrity in all endeavors.

Mood & Emotions

The Scorpio new moon’s transformative atmosphere stirs your Capricorn instincts to reassess and reinforce foundations across all areas of life – work, finances, home, body.

You feel emotionally focused on diligently strengthening stability and security through pragmatic structures supported by past successes. Use this lunation for annual reviews and revising robust long term plans.

However, also make space for Family and romantic partners. Listen to their needs with compassion. Balancing loving support and ambitious achievement together fosters outcomes of lasting value. Merge integrity with initiative.

Love & Relationships

Practical Capricorn partners express care best through useful guidance, accountability, and creating order during emotional times. Offer game plans, schedule budgets, research solutions, and impart hard won wisdom.

But also carve out time for affection, relaxing together, and acknowledging loved ones’ feelings behind any upsets. Respect differences in pacing or priorities. Blend pragmatism with sweetness and depth.


The potent Scorpio new moon hints well timed investments of effort may yield significant earnings through harnessing intuition and leveraging skills honed over decades of experience. Persist with faith, the crops will come.

Meanwhile build contingency savings to cover expenses if career transitions arise. Foresight and frugality provide the foundation to fund dreams or withstand setbacks. Measure progress in decades not days.

Letting Go

Surrender any stagnating situations, limiting beliefs, unhealthy patterns or needless possessions weighing you down as the Scorpio new moon energizes renewal. What requires releasing for future growth?

Also reflect on tendencies towards coldness, overcontrol or micromanagement that distance you from others. Warmth and vulnerability healthfully balance your stoic strengths. Foster intimacy.


  • Garnet for courage, energy, and manifesting visions
  • Smoky quartz for resilience, protection, and mastering fear
  • Black tourmaline for setting strong boundaries
  • Flourite for clarity of purpose and concentration


  • Hawthorn for heart centered direction and tenacity
  • Ginseng for sustained energy and reducing stress
  • Sage for mental acuity, releasing limiting beliefs
  • Carnelian for courage, vitality, and passion

Magical Workings

  • Career and leadership development rituals
  • Sigils and charms for prosperity
  • Ancestral healing and honoring elders
  • Long term planning and divination

Aquarius Moon

The Scorpio New Moon activates your Aquarian instincts for social justice, intellectual creativity, and eccentric self-expression. You feel inspired by causing positive change through community action.

Support groups aligning with your values or futuristic visions. But avoid expectation everyone share your preferred solutions. Diversity of tactics strengthens movements. Unite behind overarching goals through respecting differences in approach.

Also reflect on any tendencies towards ungrounded rebellion or emotionally detached relating. While convention frustrates, consider emotional motivations behind traditional mores. Reform requires empathic insight into what we seek to change or transcend.

Mood & Emotions

The stirring Scorpio new moon amplifies your Aquarian impulse to energize community, manifest your futuristic visions, and rebel against injustice. You crave consorting with revolutionary friends plotting radical renewal.

Satisfy emotional longings through distributing zines, arranging protests, attending gender conferences, or coordinating mutual aid. But sustain hope through incremental victories. Change unfolds gradually, through determined coalition despite occasional setbacks. Stay the course.

Guard against emotionally detaching from friends and family while crusading for abstract causes. Remind loved ones through affection you still cherish their unique personal meaning. Blend heart with mind, don’t abandon personal bonds that anchor you.

Love & Relationships

Partners may need reassurance you still care during this astrologically active transit. Surprise them with favorite meals, small gifts, massages. Then engage their minds discussing ethics, philosophy, and creative dreams together.

But allow each other autonomy in ideologies or causes. Sustain unconditional love despite gaps in worldviews. Sincere listening and curiosity reconcile differences. Doctoral degrees matter less than kindness and integrity.


Generously donate to causes aligning with your values now if within your means. But avoid overextending limited resources on utopian schemes without secure foundations. Grassroots groups build change through community accountability and pragmatic hope as much as passion.

Consider also developing your unique talents into side income streams while working towards systemic reforms. Financial freedom aids sustaining meaningful work rather than chasing short term security alone.

Letting Go

Surrender rigid adherence to dogmas or theories that close your mind to creative solutions outside established norms. The one constant is change. Open up to life’s dynamic flowing improvisation.

Also release tendencies that detach you from intimate emotional bonds that provide meaning, support, and nurture. Healing arises by moving skillfully forward together, not abdicating human responsibility.


  • Lepidolite for calm, optimism, and energetic cleansing
  • Blue lace agate for peaceful communication
  • Moonstone for intuition, cycles, and feminine power
  • Labradorite for imagination, magic, and destiny


  • Calendula for community, cheerfulness, and creativity
  • Lavender for compassion, harmony, and relieving stress
  • Catnip for joyfully overcoming fear and anxiety
  • Skullcap for soothing tension and cultivating insight

Magical Workings

  • Activism amplification and social justice rituals
  • Futurism and technology based magic
  • Freedom and liberation spells
  • Space clearing and energetic protection

Pisces Moon

Dreamy Pisces moons float blissfully along intuitive currents stirred up by the Scorpio new moon. You feel inwardly called to expand spiritual sight through creative endeavors and solitary contemplation.

Enrich your connection to the numinous now through nature immersions, music, dance, poetry, or imaginative art allowing mystical insight to flow freely from inner wells of wisdom. Record prophetic visions or synchronicities arising.

But balance transcendent experiences with earthly obligations to maintain healthy rhythms. If you drift too far astray from human affairs, reach out to gentle companions who can anchor you back to caring community.

Mood & Emotions

The Scorpio new moon activates your longing as a Pisces moon for private sanctuary away from the intensity of the mundane hustle. With your ruling planet Neptune amplified, reality feels porous and ethereal.

This marks an excellent period to develop your relationship with spirit through mystic practices – meditating, recording prophetic dreams, listening to the messages of birdsong or windsong. Retreat inward to incubate understanding.

But beware excessive otherworldly escape that prevents you from skillfully handling obligations. Schedule interludes of revery between worldly tasks requiring your presence. Inspiration leads most beautifully to action when balanced.

Love & Relationships

Whimsical romantic energy fills the air this lunar cycle, making it an opportune time for fantasy fulfillment with partners open to magical spontaneity. Escape together into beautiful surroundings kindling your wildest dreams. Make visionary love under the stars.

But remain grounded enough between ethereal interludes to nurture the daily devotion of relationships. Handle mundane togetherness tasks smoothly even while stoking each other’s imagination. Co-create sacred space.


Generously offer financial support to causes or individuals in need if within your means this cycle. But avoid overextending limited resources by grounding idealism in practical budgeting.

Small consistent investments into your dreams yield greater returns than gambling everything on mere hope or good intentions. Have faith but also plan thoroughly. True security arises from wisely managing the material plane.

Letting Go

The Scorpio new moon energy helps facilitate releasing victim mentalities, destructive dependencies, and tunnel vision avoidance of necessary growth work.

Instead embrace courage, accountability, and commitment to your highest self-actualization. Your sensitivity is a gift when mindfully channeled. Direct compassion inward then shine your light creatively outward.

Let fall facades, distortions, and deceits clouding relationships. Clear space for authenticity and deeper intimacy by unveiling your hidden wholeness. The truth is you are already whole.


  • Moonstone for intuition, fertility, and alignment with cycles
  • Labradorite for imagination, visioning, and unveiling destiny
  • Lepidolite for spiritual attunement, psychic awareness, and energetic cleansing
  • Amethyst for etheric protection, lucid dreams, and insight


  • Mugwort for prophetic visions, dreamwork, and access to the subconscious mind
  • Catnip for soothing stress and worry
  • Lavender for serenity, release, and peaceful vibration
  • Passionflower for restful sleep and quieting mental chatter

Magical Workings

  • Psychic development and prophetic visioning
  • Connecting to spirit guides and familiars
  • Rites of passage and personal rebirth rituals
  • Past life regression and ancestral magic
  • Infusing art, music, or writing with magic

This completes the full blog post outline exploring how to align your magical practice with the Scorpio New Moon as each natal Moon sign. Please let me know if you would like me to expand or modify anything. I’m happy to keep building on this draft to meet your vision!

Read more > Moon Magic: The Ultimate List Of Lunar Magic Knowledge

Lilith Spells: Tapping Into The Dark Divine Feminine And Feminist Activism

Delve into the mystical world of "Lilith Spells: Tapping Into The Dark Divine Feminine And Feminist Activism," a powerful grimoire that will guide you on a transformative journey through the realms of Lilith, the first wife of Adam, feminist icon, and demon goddess. Unearth the secrets of this enigmatic figure, who embodies the essence of feminine power, independence, and rebellion against patriarchal oppression. Includes 35 unique spells.

New moon in Scorpio horoscope

    Dark Divine Feminine: Lilith Spells Book
