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Prayers To Hecate (Modern Pagan Prayers)

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I use prayers to Hecate and other deities throughout my day to guide, ground, and heal myself. Here are just a few of the prayers I recite often to goddess of the crossroads, Hecate.

back of woman wearing black cloak and holding a torch in the misty forest of the underworld
Hecate as Queen of the Night
back of woman wearing black cloak and holding a torch in the misty forest of the underworld
Hecate as Mistress of Mysteries

Prayer To Hecate For Knowledge

O holy Hecate, I pray you, grant me knowledge of what is hidden in the depths of the cosmos.

Grant me understanding of the secret thoughts of the heart.

Let me know what is concealed within the innermost recesses of the soul.

O holy Hecate, reveal to me the truth of the future.

Show me the way to immortality.

Guide me in the path of the divine.

Lead me into the paths of the stars.

Let me walk in the footsteps of the gods.

Let me behold the faces of the gods.

back of woman wearing black cloak and holding a torch in the misty forest of the underworld
Hecate as Protector

Prayer To Hecate For Help

O Hecate, guide, protectress of the dead,

Guardian of the shades,

You who hold the keys of death,

You who open and close the gates of hell,

You who watch over the path of the dead,

Guide of the souls of the departed,

I call upon your aid.

back of woman wearing black cloak and holding a torch in the misty forest of the underworld
Hecate as Healer

Prayer To Hecate For Protection From Ghosts

O Lady, whose head is crowned with snakes,

Mother of the deep abyss, Protector of the departed,

Queen of the shades, Mistress of the hidden places,

You who know the secrets of every heart,

Queen of necromancy, mistress of witchcraft,

Gracious mother of darkness, most beautiful lady

Protect me from all spirits and entities that seek to harm me.

Spirits must listen to you, for you are their mother,

And they must obey your commands.

I ask you now to protect me as I gaze past the veil.

back of woman wearing black cloak and holding a torch in the misty forest of the underworld
Hecate as Goddess of Magic

Prayer To Hecate For Magical Protection

O Goddess, most powerful, whose dwelling place is below the earth,

Protect me from the evil eye, which causes blindness,

From witchcraft, which causes death,

From sorcery, which destroys,

From spells, which cause sickness,

From the wiles of those who would destroy my home,

From the malice of envious persons, which leads astray,

From the craftiness of liars, which deceives,

From the envy of friends, which betrays,

From the cunning of thieves, which robs,

From all harm, bad fortune, ill health, and curses,

Grant me protection against all these evils.

back of woman wearing black cloak and holding a torch in the misty forest of the underworld
Hecate’s Healing Powers

Prayer To Hecate To Learn Herbalism

O blessed Hecate,

Teach me how herbs grow, which herbs heal, and what herbs cause death.

Teach me to know the nature of each plant, whether it grows freely in the open air, or lives within clay pots and beneath ground.

Let me learn the names of every plant, and the way to use it.

May I know the secrets of the divine powers, and may I be able to wield them myself.

All herbs are yours; you know how to use them. You are skilled in healing and in magic.

You know the secret paths to Hades and can take us there.

You know what is harmful and what is beneficial.

You know the secrets of nature and can tell us everything about the gods.

You know how to make potions and poisons.

Your spells are powerful and effective; you can command the spirits of all elements.

You are the mistress of the arts and sciences, the teacher of mankind.

You are the guardian of the gates of death and of the underworld.

You are the helper of mortals and immortals alike.

Bless me, oh mother Hecate. I call upon thee for aid.

back of woman wearing black cloak and holding a torch in the misty forest of the underworld
Hecate’s Influence over Dreams

Prayer To Hecate Before A Curse

O mistress of spells, I know that you hold the keys of death and hell,

You who are queen of the dead, and lord of the abyss,

O Queen of Hades, whose name is Hecate,

Teach me how to curse those who wish ill against my family.

back of woman wearing black cloak and holding a torch in the misty forest of the underworld
Hecate’s Aid to Wiccans

Prayer To Hecate To Learn The Source Of Harm

I call upon thee, O goddess Hecate,

To come before me now and show me what I must do.

I ask for thy help, so that I may find out who did this thing.

Show me the truth. Let me not be deceived.

Let me know the names of all involved.

Let me learn from them their true motives.

Help me to understand why they would want to harm me.

back of woman wearing black cloak and holding a torch in the misty forest of the underworld
Hecate’s Protection of Witches

Prayer For Protection Against Curses

Hecate, Goddess of magic, hear my prayer!

Protect me from those who seek to harm me.

Keep me safe from those who have done evil.

Do not let them take away my happiness.

Do not let them steal my love.

Do not let anyone bring me down.

back of woman wearing black cloak and holding a torch in the misty forest of the underworld
Hecate’s Power over Animals

Prayer to Hecate To Break Bad Habits

O Goddess, mighty queen of witches,

you who hold the keys of Hades,

You who know the secrets of the universe,

You who dwell in the depths of Tartarus,

You who possess the secret of the crossroads,

Come before me now and teach me your ways.

Give me wisdom to break bad habits.

Give me strength to overcome temptation.

Give me courage to face my demons.

Give me patience to endure pain.

Give me understanding to control myself.

Give me knowledge to guide me through life.

back of woman wearing black cloak and holding a torch in the misty forest of the underworld
Hecate’s Fertility Powers

Prayer For Protection From Evil Spirits

Goddess of the underworld, hear my prayer!

Protect me from those spirits who would do me harm.

Keep me safe and keep me pure.

Keep me strong and keep me healthy.

Keep me free from fear and free from sorrow.

Keep me happy and keep me sane.

Keep me clean and keep me holy.

Keep me protected from all evil.

Keep me safe forever. And so it is.

Prayer For Prophetic Dreams From Hecate

Queen of the Underworld, Lady of the Crossroads,

Lady of the Moon, Mistress of Magic,

Open my astral eyes to the truth,

So that I may glimpse into my future. 

Grant me prophetic dreams of the future,

So that I am forewarned of danger ahead.

Grant me these gifts, O great Hecate,

And I shall ever be grateful. And so it is. 

Prayer To Hecate For Strength

O Hecate, gird me with thine invincible might,

Be my shield, my guardian, my protector;

Make me mighty, make me brave,

Stronger than any who oppose me;

Let me fight valiantly for myself and my values,

That I may overcome all foes.

O Hecate, giver of victory,

Make me bold, make me courageous,

Give me strength to face my enemies,

To defend what I hold dear.

May I be victorious over all obstacles,

And may I triumph over all adversity.

I call upon thee, O Hecate!

Hecate, hear me now!

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