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Halloween Bread

If you're looking for an easy way to make Halloween-themed treats or decorations at home, try making these spooky Samhain loaves!

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October Magic

Halloween is just around the corner! This spooky day is an opportunity to honor spirits and ancestors while celebrating the end of summer. But what does Halloween have to do with magic?

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Samhain Essentials

Find the right tools for Halloween! Here are just a few of them that will make great additions to any witch's toolkit.

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Halloween For Witches

Why do witches celebrate Halloween? The answer might surprise you! Here are just a few reasons why witches love Halloween so much.

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Offerings to the dead

Celebrate your ancestors on Halloween by offering them food and drink as an act of gratitude for their lives. Why do witches give gifts to spirits during All Hallows' Eve?

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Lessons for kids

Halloween is just around the corner! This year, why not teach kids some Halloween traditions and history?

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Solitary witchy tips

Here are simple steps on how to prepare yourself before celebrating Halloween as a solitary witch.

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Witchier Halloween tips

Halloween is coming up soon! Add more magic to your celebration by following these witchy Halloween tips for beginners.

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Pumpkin bread recipe

If you want to make pumpkin bread for Halloween or Samhain, then read on! This easy-to-make recipe will give you delicious results every time.

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Samhain magic intentions

Use the law of attraction for Halloween or Samhain spells by writing down what you want on paper and then burning them up while visualizing yourself having those things.

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Samhain vs Halloween

What is the difference between Halloween and Samhain? Both holidays celebrate the end of summer & honoring ancestors. But there are many differences that separate them apart.

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Are you a witch?

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