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To put it simply, Lucky Girl Syndrome is convincing yourself over and over again that you already live an incredibly blessed life where everything you manifest comes right to you. By telling yourself again and again that you are such a lucky girl (or lucky man, or lucky person), you train your brain and your soul to draw better luck to you constantly.
I first learned about this on TikTok from the user ByMichelleDiaz. She describes in her video how she gives a talk about Lucky Girl Syndrome to her clients. “You just believe that you’re the luckiest girl ever. You believe amazing things are going to come into your life because that is just how you live life. You’re just a lucky girl and amazing things just happen to you,” she explains.
“My whole life I was told I would jinx things,” she continued. Any time she would try out for something, she would assume it wouldn’t work out so that she wouldn’t block her own chances by being too confident.
She later learned that this was just sabotaging her own goals, and that being “delusional” as she puts it manifests so many powerful, positive things.
It’s not delusional at all. It’s actually very real and can benefit your everyday life. If you want something bad enough, if you really truly desire something with every ounce of who you are, then go after it. Do what you can do to make it happen.
Just be open to receiving good fortune. You are a lucky person, you were born under a lucky star, and you are your own good luck charm.
Read Now -> 70 Lucky Girl Syndrome Affirmations (How To Be Delusional About How Lucky You Are)
Try this: Spell For Good Luck
How To Develop Lucky Girl Syndrome
So how do you develop this beneficial “syndrome”? You just have to work to make yourself believe you are incredibly lucky.
This is both using the law of attraction and chaos magick in your manifestations. You are shifting your paradigm to enter into the reality where your life is easy and you are extremely blessed and lucky.
If you think about it, we’ve been taught since birth that we should never take anything for granted. We shouldn’t assume our lives will always be easy. But when you start thinking like this, you begin to attract more ease into your life.
When you tell yourself you are lucky, you are training your subconscious mind to see the world through those eyes. And once you get used to seeing the world through these eyes, you’ll notice that everything seems easier.
When you feel unlucky, you are training your brain to see the world through negative lenses. Avoiding that negativity is the key to unlocking a life of ease.
Always remember: You deserve a beautiful life!
1) Believe In Yourself
The first step to developing Lucky Girl Syndrome is believing in yourself. This means believing that you deserve to be happy and that you are worthy of happiness.
Believing in yourself also means believing that you are capable of achieving any goal you set for yourself.
2) Be Open To Receive Good Fortune
Once you believe in yourself and know that you are worthy of success, you need to be open to receive good fortune.
Often we let ourselves get into a pattern where we believe we are unworthy of the things we desire. We believe the lies that we didn’t work hard enough or are bad people that don’t deserve happiness.
You need to destroy those old negative notions and open yourself up to the reality that you deserve good things.
3) Don’t Let The Past Hold You Back
One of the biggest reasons why we aren’t able to manifest the things we want is because we are holding onto the past.
We keep replaying the same stories over and over again in our heads. We keep telling ourselves that we are unlovable or undeserving.
But if you change your mindset and stop letting the past hold you back, you can create a new future.
4) Ask For Help From Others When Needed
Sometimes you may find yourself stuck on a path that isn’t working out for you. Or maybe you’re struggling to achieve some specific goal.
In either case, you need to ask for help from others.
There are plenty of people around us that can help us along the way. They can give us advice, they can share their experiences, and they can even guide us towards the right direction.
When you ask for help, remember that you are lucky and the world wants to help you!
5) Focus On What You Have And Not What You Don’t Have
This is one of the most important steps to creating an amazing life. If you focus on what you don’t have, you won’t ever experience free-flowing abundance.
Instead, focus on what you do have. Think about all the blessings that you already have in your life. And keep your eyes on the prize, the life you deserve.
Negative people radiate negativity; positive people radiate positivity.
Never forget that what you put out into the universe returns tenfold.
Put out only positive energies. Let no negative energy penetrate your aura.
When you start acting positively, you start attracting positive events into your life.
6) Know That Everything Happens For A Reason
Life has its ups and downs. There’s no denying that. But there’s also no denying that every single event that happens in our lives is happening for a reason.
If you look at each situation as a lesson, you’ll learn something valuable. You’ll grow stronger and wiser. And you’ll become a better person. Each bad situation opens you up to a much better one, a much luckier one.
7) Stop Trying To Control Things
It’s very common for us to try to control everything in our lives. We think that by trying to control everything, we will make it happen.
But this just leads to frustration and stress. Instead, take a deep breath and relax. Trust that everything is going to turn out okay. The universe is conspiring to bless you, whether you work for it or not.
Reinforcing Your Lucky Girl Syndrome
Now that you’ve learned how to create an amazing life, it’s time to reinforce your belief system. Keep up the flow of your magical thinking daily and the good luck will multiply itself!
Here are just a few ways to reinforce your lucky girl syndrome:
Keep a Journal Of All The Blessings In Your Life
Write down all the things that you are grateful for. It doesn’t matter if you feel like you don’t deserve them or not. Just write them down anyway.
Think About How Many People Love You
How many people love you? Your life is filled with people that want you to succeed. They want you to be happy. They want you to live a blessed life.
You should always remind yourself of these facts.
Writing “I Am Such A Lucky Girl” 33 Times Every Day
This is my favorite manifestation technique. I wrote “I am such a lucky girl” 33 times today. I did it first thing when I woke up, before I had any coffee. Some days, I’ll do it again in the afternoon.
Reinforcing this belief again and again through thought AND motion is the best way to manifest your dreams into reality.
Affirmations are the key ingredient to creating a better life. They are the key to changing your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, habits, and actions.
If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol, improve your relationships, or achieve any goal, you’ve used affirmations. Affirmations are the magic words that help you shift your mindset to become the kind of person you want to be.
And here’s the best news.
With practice, affirmations become automatic. Once you’ve mastered them, you no longer need to think about them. Instead, they just flow effortlessly through your mind and body.
You can change your life today. You can change your destiny. All you have to do is learn how to use affirmatives effectively.
Meditating On Your Luck
Another great way to reinforce your lucky girl mindset is to meditate on it. Sit quietly and close your eyes. Imagine that you are surrounded by a bright light. This light represents all the good things in your life.
Imagine that this light is shining brighter than anything else in your life. Feel the warmth of this light. Let it fill you up.
And then imagine that this light is surrounding you from head to toe. It’s covering you completely. Now, let go of all the worries and fears that you might have.
Let go of all the negative thoughts that you may have been thinking. Let go of all the doubts that you may have been having.
Repeat, out loud or in your head, “I am a lucky girl. I am extremely blessed.” Over and over again, until you really start to believe it.
Asking For More Things
When you ask for more blessings, you’re asking for more opportunities to receive more blessings.
So, whenever you get a chance, ask for more blessings. Ask the gods to give you more money, more health, more happiness, more success, etc.
The more you ask for, the more you will receive.
Showing Gratitude When Your Manifestations Come To You
Whenever you receive something that you want, show gratitude. Say thank you. Thank the person who gave you what you wanted.
By showing gratitude, you are reinforcing the fact that you are a lucky girl and that you appreciate that blessing of luck. And you are also giving thanks to the universe for blessing you.
When Something Goes Wrong, Spin It
So something doesn’t go how you wanted. It’s your task to spin that bad situation into a possibility for an even better one. So you didn’t get the first job you applied for… but that’s because a much better one is waiting for you.
Lucky people see the positive side of their bad luck.
Lucky people take constructive steps to prevent more bad luck in the future.
You’re too lucky for anything to really go wrong for you. It’s all just the process of following the path to your luckiest and happiest life.
Key Takeaways
As you continue practicing affirmations and living your lucky girl lifestyle, you’ll find that you have greater confidence and self-esteem. You’ll also experience increased motivation and enthusiasm. Life will be easier, you will be surrounded by love, and the blessings will never stop flowing.
Soon you won’t even remember what it felt like to struggle. In fact, you’ll enjoy feeling successful and accomplished.
You may want to consider having an insider-exclusive life. Don’t let anyone and everyone walk into and out of your life, be choosy with your friends and acquaintances. The luckiest person alive will still struggle when surrounded by negative people!
You’ll soon discover that you are capable of achieving whatever you set your mind to. You’ll realize that you are deserving of success and happiness.
Through your affirmations, you’ll become the person you want to be: strong, courageous, confident, happy, and wealthy.
Once you learn how to use affirmational techniques, you will finally be able to live the life of your dreams.