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Beautiful Witch Names: Choosing A Magical Name

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Witch names are a popular topic of debate and conversation in the witch and pagan communities.

Some see choosing a magical name as unnecessary or even silly, but I see many benefits to them. Beautiful witch names can make you feel more spiritual all the time.

Magical names are popular because many of our favorite pagan authors use them as pen names.

That makes magical names seem more common than they really are, and can convince baby occultists that they are obligated to have one too.

But it’s important to remember that words and names have power.

Knowing the true name of something or someone gives you magical power over them.

For that reason, I see magical names as something important to protect ourselves from other witches and the entities that we work with.

If you are looking for witchy names from specific cultures, I have lists of Irish witch names and Japanese witch names that you should check out, too!

(At the end of the post, I’ll list some of the best witch names for boys and best with names for girls!)

A woman laying on autumnal leaves and looking up to the sky while trying to decide what her pagan name will be
Choose witch names from famous witches in history

What Are Magical Or Witch Names?

Magical names are commonly chosen when one is initiated into the craft, when one joins a coven, or after studying witchcraft for a year and a day.

They can be chosen by yourself or by someone else (or even by a deity!).

Traditionally, magical names weren’t meant to be revealed outside of the coven and were mostly used during rituals.

Some occultists have chosen to have both a private and a public magical name.

Not all pagans, Wiccans, or witches choose to have magical names, though.

While I find that to be dangerous for those that work with the Fae or demons, magical names are not a requirement.

Choosing a magical name is a personal decision and most traditions don’t require one.

Don’t let the presence of magical names make you feel obligated to choose one.

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Pagan sculptures in dead trees of spirits or deities
Choosing witch names and meanings is important if you want a magical name

Why Should You Choose A Magical Name?

Your real name holds power. When working with some entities and beings, like the Fae or demons, you would be wise not to give them your full real name.

Doing so may give them power over you, and you could find yourself being used for their purposes instead of the other way around.

Magical names also act as spells to manifest things.

If you want to become a stronger person, a magical name that uses elements that evoke imagery of strength like oaks and steel can help you to do that.

In the same line of thinking, magical names help a witch to claim their own power.

While Christina may have a hard time harnessing their inner power, Selena Graymists may find it exceptionally easy to tap into the power of the moon.

When one goes through a spiritual rebirth, they sometimes find that they name they were given at birth no longer suits them. A magical name may help with that transition.

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Using a magical name can be an act of devotion as well, though I would caution against just using the name of a deity.

Translate an epithet for a deity or go with a variation instead.

If you have a birth name that you feel doesn’t suit your path as a witch, a magical name may help you to get past that awkwardness.

Someone named Christian may have a hard time working with demons!

Another thing is to consider security and privacy. When you go to a pagan meetup with people you have never met before, you may find that the people attending make you nervous.

Using a magical name can help to create a buffer between you and them, keeping your mundane identity hidden and yourself safe from stalkers and harassers.

Similarly, if you are in the broom closet but you want to publish books or blog posts, a magical name can help you to do that without outing yourself as a witch.

There are many reasons someone might choose a magical name. But how do you go about finding the right magical name for you?

Trees on a beautiful landscape against a gray sky
You don’t need to use a witch name generator to find the perfect female magical names

Choosing A Magical Name

The most important thing when choosing a magical name is to choose one that resonates with you spiritually.

This is how you’ll find a name that you can stick with long term.

Beautiful witch names can be found to suit anyone’s preferences!

The problem is that many choose their magical names when they’re young. As we grow mentally and spiritually, our goals and our vision of ourselves changes.

So if you are younger than 25 or so, just know that it is okay to change your name when you’re older!

Some may see changing your magical name as immature, but it really is the act of maturing that causes us to want to change it.

Don’t let anyone make you feel silly for doing that.

Whenever you are choosing your magical name, take the time to research each element that goes into it.

We often choose to include multiple words in our names, so these words should work together and create an overall image that makes sense to you.

When you find the right name, you’ll keep it for a long time because it will reveal a small part of your truest self.

Some traditions recommend choosing a magical name only after studying for a year and a day.

This can make sense, because it gives you time to develop as a witch or pagan and learn what virtues you have or want to enhance.

Don’t make the mistake of just choosing a name because it’s pretty or because you like it. Take the time to find something that really resonates with you.

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How To Choose Beautiful Witch Names

Don’t make the mistake of just choosing a name because it’s pretty or because you like it. Take the time to find something that really resonates with you.

Consider how the name sounds and looks. The beauty of your name increases its magical power. Does it roll off the tongue? Does it make you feel happy when you say it?

Don’t choose something embarrassing. Workshop the name with some close friends. If you feel silly telling your name to them, try a different one.

Use other languages that you are culturally tied to. For me, I pull from French, German, and Finnish most often.

Research the etymology of each element of your name. You may find that the original meaning of a word doesn’t sit well with you, or has a nasty past.

Research the meaning of the words you are choosing to use.

Choose parts of your name that represent part of who you are. Are you brave, kind, powerful?

Or choose words that reflect what you want to become. Do you wish to be more like a specific god? Are you looking to invoke inner strength? Your magical name is a spell that you can use to manifest things.

Look into historical witches. Their names may be more “normal”, but their stories can be thrilling and they may have characteristics you are looking to embody.

The names of plants, animals, birds, planets, constellations, and even ideas are all good places to draw your magical name from.

You can also choose to honor an ancestor that you find inspirational with your magical name.

Consulting your tarot deck can help you to find archetypes, themes, astrological terms, or characteristics that you should include when choosing elements for your magical name.

Consider numerology and try to pick a name that matches your destiny number.

When in doubt, ask the gods. Meditate and pray regularly, asking them to reveal the right name for you.

Witchy gifts on Etsy
Witchy gifts and history on Etsy

Learn More About Witchcraft

If you’re still a beginner to witchcraft, or if you’re looking for more witchy things to learn about, I have a blog post full of beginner witch research topics.

It’s a big post, and an awesome resource for new witches.

Head on over to it now for guidance on how to learn about the history of witchcraft, types of witchcraft, forms of divination, folklore and myths, and so much more.

Best Witch Names For Girls

  • Amethyst
  • Allegra
  • Aradia
  • Beatrix
  • Blaise
  • Cassandra
  • Circe
  • Cordelia
  • Evanora
  • Fiona
  • Helena
  • Luna
  • Margery
  • Marie
  • Minerva
  • Ophelia
  • Rhianon
  • Sybil
  • Theodora
  • Ursula
  • Hermione
  • Sabrina
  • Tia
  • Sybil
  • Isobel
  • Willow
  • Zelda
  • Jade
  • Ash
  • Aurora
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Best Witch Names For Boys

  • Albus
  • Ambrose
  • Salem
  • Aspen
  • Atlantes
  • Bellamy
  • Birch
  • Blaise
  • Dune
  • Eliphas
  • FabianGerald
  • Gwydion
  • Icarus
  • Linden
  • Lucius
  • Nicholas
  • Percy
  • Phoenix
  • Prospero
  • Raven
  • Robin
  • Talon
  • Zephyr

Names Related To Magical Power

When you’re searching for magical names, why not consider names that have inherent magical power? These names have connotations of strength, mysticism, and magic, drawing from various cultural and mythical references.

Witch Names for Girls

  1. Enchantress: Refers to a woman who uses magical spells, could be ideal for someone who finds power in casting spells.
  2. Seraphina: Of Hebrew origin, Seraphina means “fiery one,” a wonderful name for a witch with an intense and passionate personality.
  3. Morgana: Derived from Arthurian legend, Morgana was a sorceress and half-sister to King Arthur. This name might resonate with you if you identify with its rich, magical history.
  4. Thalia: In Greek mythology, Thalia was one of the nine muses and her domain was comedy and pastoral poetry. Her name means “blooming,” or “flourishing,” making it a fitting name for someone who wants to blossom in their magical practice.
  5. Faye: Of English origin, Faye means “fairy” or “loyalty.” This name could symbolize the user’s affinity with nature spirits and fairies.

Witch Names for Boys

  1. Orion: From Greek mythology, Orion was a great hunter and the constellation named after him is one of the most recognizable in the night sky. Orion could be an excellent choice for a witch who feels a connection to the stars.
  2. Merlin: As one of the most renowned magicians in literature, the name Merlin (of Arthurian legend) carries a strong magical resonance.
  3. Phoenix: A symbol of rebirth and immortality, the Phoenix is a mythical bird that rises from its own ashes. This name could represent transformation and renewal.
  4. Rune: Derived from the Old Norse word “run,” which means “secret” or “mystery,” this could be a fitting name for someone who practices divination or uses runes in their magical practice.
  5. Grimoire: This term refers to a book of magic spells and invocations. A unique and striking name, it might suit a bookish witch or a lover of magical texts.

Names Related To The Elements

If you feel a deep connection with the natural elements, you might consider choosing a name that embodies the energy of earth, air, fire, or water. Here are some elemental witch names that you may find inspiring.

Witch Names for Girls

  1. Gaia: In Greek mythology, Gaia was the personification of the Earth and the ancestral mother of all life.
  2. Aria: This Italian name means “air,” and might be fitting for someone who feels aligned with the element of air.
  3. Serena: Serena means “calm” or “serene” in Latin, a fitting name for a witch who feels a connection with water’s calming properties.
  4. Vesta: In Roman mythology, Vesta was the goddess of the hearth, home, and family. She is often associated with the fire element.
  5. Terra: This Latin name means “earth,” and could resonate with someone who feels a strong grounding connection with the earth.
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Witch Names for Boys

  1. Flint: This English name refers to a hard type of sedimentary rock. Flint could be fitting for a witch who identifies with the stability and strength of the earth element.
  2. Elio: The Spanish form of Helios, the Greek sun god, this name is associated with the fire element.
  3. Zephyr: Of Greek origin, Zephyr means “west wind.” It might be a suitable name for someone who feels a strong connection with the element of air.
  4. Marek: This Slavic name means “of the sea” and could resonate with a witch who feels attuned to the water element.
  5. Jasper: This name has multiple origins and meanings, but in English, it refers to a variety of quartz often associated with grounding and stability, relating it to the earth element.

Names Related To Deities

Many witches and pagans choose to honor deities from various pantheons in their practice. You might consider adopting a name related to a god or goddess that resonates with you. Keep in mind that taking the direct name of a deity can be seen as disrespectful in some traditions, so it’s often best to use an epithet, a related name, or a variation of the deity’s name instead.

Witch Names for Girls

  1. Brigid: Brigid is a goddess from Irish mythology who is associated with healing, poetry, and smithcraft. You could consider a name related to her, such as “Brigid’s Flame” or “Brigid’s Well.”
  2. Ariadne: In Greek mythology, Ariadne was the daughter of King Minos and helped Theseus escape the labyrinth. An epithet for her could be “Ariadne’s Thread.”
  3. Selene: The ancient Greek Titan goddess of the moon, Selene could be honored in names such as “Selene’s Light” or “Selene’s Ray.”
  4. Freya: Freya is a goddess from Norse mythology associated with love, beauty, and fertility, as well as war and death. You might consider a name like “Freya’s Shield” or “Freya’s Love.”
  5. Ishtar: Ishtar is a goddess from Mesopotamian mythology, associated with love, beauty, sex, war, and political power. A name like “Ishtar’s Star” or “Ishtar’s Lioness” could be a powerful option.

Witch Names for Boys

  1. Odin: Odin is a chief god in Norse mythology, associated with wisdom, healing, death, and the runic alphabet. A related name could be “Odin’s Raven” or “Odin’s Whisper.”
  2. Apollo: Apollo is a god from Greek mythology, known for music, truth, prophecy, healing, the sun, and light. You might consider a name like “Apollo’s Lyre” or “Apollo’s Beam.”
  3. Cernunnos: Known as the “Horned God” in Celtic mythology, Cernunnos is associated with nature, fertility, and the underworld. A related name could be “Cernunnos’ Stag” or “Cernunnos’ Leaf.”
  4. Ra: Ra is the ancient Egyptian sun god. If you feel drawn to this deity, you could consider names such as “Ra’s Disk” or “Ra’s Radiance.”
  5. Thor: In Norse mythology, Thor is a god associated with thunder, lightning, storms, and strength. A name such as “Thor’s Hammer” or “Thor’s Thunder” could be a powerful choice.

Magick Names For Witches

Explore magical names from every culture and tradition with these blog posts. Whether you want to use witch names in your novels, or want to choose a magical name for yourself, these blog posts will help you choose the right one.

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